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19 minutes ago, mrtwister said:

Looked like Petracca was going to kill him after the free was given when Gibson clearly ducked. He even had time to put his mouthguard back in his mouth before he chased him. It was right at the end of the 3rd.

Loved that play - Petracca looked majorly p1ssed and chased Gibson down no worries. Was hilarious.

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I don't want this thread to end.

Having just watched the replay, I'd like to suggest I'm mature and level-headed enough to understand that this was just one game and it's dangerous to read too much into one performance. But maturity and level-headed shouldn't really be integral to the make-up of a passionate football fan so stuff that.

We're going to be competing for premierships very very soon. We're going to destroy teams with our midfield. Jones and Vince deserve success at the tail end of their careers and all indications are that this young crop of budding stars will give them a taste. Viney, Tyson, Petracca, Oliver and Brayshaw are seriously going to monster other teams. The emergence of Gawn just gives us another dimension and the chemistry he already has with our younger mids is incredible. I love that our flankers and pockets continue the theme of hardness and aggression. Harmes, Vandenberg and Kent are strong at the contest and relish body contact. Even our outside cream seem to enjoy the physical side of the game. Hunt only knows one way and attacks each contest with the same venom as one of his now signature line-breaking run. Stretch should be our weakest player (given his size) but consistently puts his head over the ball. Frost and McDonald make their mistakes but they attack the body of the opposition and take the game on. They will get better and better and the mistakes will be minimized over time as they mature and play more footy together. And, of course, we boast the most intimidating young forward in the game. Hogan along with Watts, Weideman and Garlett give us such a potent and balanced attack. Maybe it's the footy coach in me, but I take equal amounts of pleasure in watching how hard our team works without the ball. So many times upon reflection, Hawthorn would reach the wing, commentators at the ready for a penetrating forward thrust and then they'd be forced to stop and move sideways. Our defensive running was first class. We're responding quickly and decisively to turn overs always getting players behind the ball through sheer will.To have developed that mindset in such a young group reflects very positively on our coaching staff and the mentality of young recruits over the past 3 years. At it also suggests that despite our tender years this is a very fit team. How many times do Hawthorn getting run over like that?

If you were to throw Salem and Hogan into that team for Bugg and Pedersen you'd be hard pressed to find a more combative and skilled Melbourne combination for many many years. With Melksham, Neil-Bullen and Kennedy providing genuine depth, the future is bright. I'm not sure we need to spend big bucks on Hurley. I think the quality is there and our challenge will be keeping them together. I can't remember a time when I was more certain about our premiership prospects.



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4 minutes ago, Goodvibes said:

I don't want this thread to end.

Having just watched the replay, I'd like to suggest I'm mature and level-headed enough to understand that this was just one game and it's dangerous to read too much into one performance. But maturity and level-headed shouldn't really be integral to the make-up of a passionate football fan so stuff that.

We're going to be competing for premierships very very soon. We're going to destroy teams with our midfield. Jones and Vince deserve success at the tail end of their careers and all indications are that this young crop of budding stars will give them a taste. Viney, Tyson, Petracca, Oliver and Brayshaw are seriously going to monster other teams. The emergence of Gawn just gives us another dimension and the chemistry he already has with our younger mids is incredible. I love that our flankers and pockets continue the theme of hardness and aggression. Harmes, Vandenberg and Kent are strong at the contest and relish body contact. Even our outside cream seem to enjoy the physical side of the game. Hunt only knows one way and attacks each contest with the same venom as one of his now signature line-breaking run. Stretch should be our weakest player (given his size) but consistently puts his head over the ball. Frost and McDonald make their mistakes but they attack the body of the opposition and take the game on. They will get better and better and the mistakes will be minimized over time as they mature and play more footy together. And, of course, we boast the most intimidating young forward in the game. Hogan along with Watts, Weideman and Garlett give us such a potent and balanced attack. Maybe it's the footy coach in me, but I take equal amounts of pleasure in watching how hard our team works without the ball. So many times upon reflection, Hawthorn would reach the wing, commentators at the ready for a penetrating forward thrust and then they'd be forced to stop and move sideways. Our defensive running was first class. We're responding quickly and decisively to turn overs always getting players behind the ball through sheer will.To have developed that mindset in such a young group reflects very positively on our coaching staff and the mentality of young recruits over the past 3 years. At it also suggests that despite our tender years this is a very fit team. How many times do Hawthorn getting run over like that?

If you were to throw Salem and Hogan into that team for Bugg and Pedersen you'd be hard pressed to find a more combative and skilled Melbourne combination for many many years. With Melksham, Neil-Bullen and Kennedy providing genuine depth, the future is bright. I'm not sure we need to spend big bucks on Hurley. I think the quality is there and our challenge will be keeping them together. I can't remember a time when I was more certain about our premiership prospects.



Great summary GV. Totally agree with your last para. We have the players and we need to keep them together.

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13 minutes ago, Goodvibes said:

I don't want this thread to end.

Having just watched the replay, I'd like to suggest I'm mature and level-headed enough to understand that this was just one game and it's dangerous to read too much into one performance. But maturity and level-headed shouldn't really be integral to the make-up of a passionate football fan so stuff that.

We're going to be competing for premierships very very soon. We're going to destroy teams with our midfield. Jones and Vince deserve success at the tail end of their careers and all indications are that this young crop of budding stars will give them a taste. Viney, Tyson, Petracca, Oliver and Brayshaw are seriously going to monster other teams. The emergence of Gawn just gives us another dimension and the chemistry he already has with our younger mids is incredible. I love that our flankers and pockets continue the theme of hardness and aggression. Harmes, Vandenberg and Kent are strong at the contest and relish body contact. Even our outside cream seem to enjoy the physical side of the game. Hunt only knows one way and attacks each contest with the same venom as one of his now signature line-breaking run. Stretch should be our weakest player (given his size) but consistently puts his head over the ball. Frost and McDonald make their mistakes but they attack the body of the opposition and take the game on. They will get better and better and the mistakes will be minimized over time as they mature and play more footy together. And, of course, we boast the most intimidating young forward in the game. Hogan along with Watts, Weideman and Garlett give us such a potent and balanced attack. Maybe it's the footy coach in me, but I take equal amounts of pleasure in watching how hard our team works without the ball. So many times upon reflection, Hawthorn would reach the wing, commentators at the ready for a penetrating forward thrust and then they'd be forced to stop and move sideways. Our defensive running was first class. We're responding quickly and decisively to turn overs always getting players behind the ball through sheer will.To have developed that mindset in such a young group reflects very positively on our coaching staff and the mentality of young recruits over the past 3 years. At it also suggests that despite our tender years this is a very fit team. How many times do Hawthorn getting run over like that?

If you were to throw Salem and Hogan into that team for Bugg and Pedersen you'd be hard pressed to find a more combative and skilled Melbourne combination for many many years. With Melksham, Neil-Bullen and Kennedy providing genuine depth, the future is bright. I'm not sure we need to spend big bucks on Hurley. I think the quality is there and our challenge will be keeping them together. I can't remember a time when I was more certain about our premiership prospects.



Have to agree with most of that and I'm a bit reticent to go along with the group and hope we get Hibberd, we are probably better off developing our own talent.

I'm a bit of a fan of both Pedo and Bugg and I think Bugg adds to the balance of the team, Pedo is a very handy back up Forward/Back/Ruck and I hope they keep him on for some back up.  We've given some of the younger kids a break when needed and it doesn't hurt to have players like Pedo and Trenners and Jones there for insurance.


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I believe we have enough players now anything more would be to cover specific weaknesses

Would rather resign T Mac now and worry about Hogan next year. I think T Mac has improved over this season,sttill frustrating yeah but consistently better. I fail to see any better 23 year old who would have his upside

Infact i think we all on here should not commment on Hogans' future until next year when we may have more or better options available and our playing group has melded with good preseason and some importantearly wins

Discussing Hogan now is counter productive IMO

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It's rather difficult to add much to the discussion after 34 Pages and having been at the game and watched the replay it's almost impossible to not feel elation.

Yet this group is still very raw in AFL terms and it will come back to earth with a bit of a thud from time to time. But give Brayshaw, Petracca, Oliver et al another 20 to 30 games and I believe they are capable of almost anything. In Petracca , Viney and Oliver especially we have three real tough lippy bastards who will not be intimidated and will not let others in the team be intimidated either. ( I know there are others but they spring to mind immediately).

And as well, how great to see young Weiderman's debut and to see the Weiderman family at the ground in support.                       It was so nice I almost forgave grandad Murray for 1958 ( I said "almost")!

Anyway, next, maybe the debut of Liam Hullett to look forward to.

The replay was interesting for the inane, immature commentary. They kept expecting Melbourne to capitulate some time during the third quarter, but we didn't did we Derwayne!!!!!!


Edited by Dee Dee
Additional thought
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Most have outlined the reasons for excitement that came out of the game.  

One thing I haven't noticed mentioned which was apparent to me was that when we hit the lead in the last quarter, the players seemed to actually lift another notch.

We scored 5 goals but bar a couple of minor skill errors we would have had a few more.  Kent missed Petracca 30m in the clear when he went long to Garlett and VDB's handball in the middle missed I think Brayshaw,  who would have run inside 50 and had a shot.

In the past we wouldn't have pushed on once a couple of goals ahead.  

There was a hunger for more goals. 

So exciting.

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21 minutes ago, Dee Dee said:

It's rather difficult to add much to the discussion after 34 Pages and having been at the game and watched the replay it's almost impossible to not feel elation.

Yet this group is still very raw in AFL terms and it will come back to earth with a bit of a thud from time to time. But give Brayshaw, Petracca, Oliver et al another 20 to 30 games and I believe they are capable of almost anything. In Petracca , Viney and Oliver especially we have three real tough lippy bastards who will not be intimidated and will not let others in the team be intimidated either. ( I know there are others but they spring to mind immediately).

And as well, how great to see young Weiderman's debut and to see the Weiderman family at the ground in support.                       It was so nice I almost forgave grandad Murray for 1958 ( I said "almost")!

Anyway, next, maybe the debut of Liam Hullett to look forward to.

The replay was interesting for the inane, immature commentary. They kept expecting Melbourne to capitulate some time during the third quarter, but we didn't did we Derwayne!!!!!!


Me too

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The last of my random thoughts on this match (time to mentally prepare for the port game! by the by i am one behind in my tipping comp and looking for a game where i might get a sneaky tip - i'm thinking of tipping the dees but not sure if that's because i'm still high from the win - my heart says win, and my mind is also thinking a win as put simply we have been in better form)

Three interesting points for me from this game.

One was that over the journey some (DL posters and footy media people) have been ambivalent or even critical of roosy's tactical ability and match day nous - some even suggesting Goodwin should take the reins. I reckon the way he tactically prepared for this match was spot on and a big factor in this win as was his match day coaching. As django noted ( i think it was him, apologies if not) he has tweaked something and we are not giving away those easy goals over the back whilst still getting some of our own. And Watts into the ruck has been an inspired move and Harmes to HB has been effective

The second point is related to the first and goes to my point about the use and usefulness of statistics. Roos said in his post match presser that the stats indicated the hawks were not strong in contested ball (which is by design by all accounts), but we are and they had a focus of exploiting this disparity. Similarly they clearly looked to minimise the Hawks DE by putting pressure on the ball carrier and forcing the lefties onto their wrong foot. 

The final point is that roos and the other coaches had the courage of their convictions to bring in really young backmen with Hunt, Wagner, OMac and recently Harmes. Further they backed omac in (and again lately harmes) and resisted any temptation to go back to Dunn or Garland. They reaped the rewards on Saturday. Great coaching.

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I was in a remote area of the Snowy Mts. on the weekend.  Watched the match on Fox with only myself for company, made enough noise to be heard back in the 'burbs, joined the boys in an off-key rendition of the Grand Old Flag, then re-watched the game, glass in hand, through sometimes teary eyes.  Brilliant day ..... a turning point and a window into the future of our great Club(?)

Sunday morning was a 36 km drive to the nearest town for 'phone / internet coverage, logged into Demonland, and confirmed that it wasn't a dream.  The sheer joy expressed in this thread was palpable.  

Returned home yesterday to find the thread had more than doubled in size.  Thanks for sharing the joy Demonlanders!   We've earned this, and as we all know, there's lots more to come.

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11 minutes ago, Deeoldfart said:

I was in a remote area of the Snowy Mts. on the weekend.  Watched the match on Fox with only myself for company, made enough noise to be heard back in the 'burbs, joined the boys in an off-key rendition of the Grand Old Flag, then re-watched the game, glass in hand, through sometimes teary eyes.  Brilliant day ..... a turning point and a window into the future of our great Club(?)

Sunday morning was a 36 km drive to the nearest town for 'phone / internet coverage, logged into Demonland, and confirmed that it wasn't a dream.  The sheer joy expressed in this thread was palpable.  

Returned home yesterday to find the thread had more than doubled in size.  Thanks for sharing the joy Demonlanders!   We've earned this, and as we all know, there's lots more to come.

I pray you are correct Deeoldfart

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1 hour ago, Dee Dee said:

It's rather difficult to add much to the discussion after 34 Pages and having been at the game and watched the replay it's almost impossible to not feel elation.

Yet this group is still very raw in AFL terms and it will come back to earth with a bit of a thud from time to time. But give Brayshaw, Petracca, Oliver et al another 20 to 30 games and I believe they are capable of almost anything. In Petracca , Viney and Oliver especially we have three real tough lippy bastards who will not be intimidated and will not let others in the team be intimidated either. ( I know there are others but they spring to mind immediately).

And as well, how great to see young Weiderman's debut and to see the Weiderman family at the ground in support.                       It was so nice I almost forgave grandad Murray for 1958 ( I said "almost")!

Anyway, next, maybe the debut of Liam Hullett to look forward to.

The replay was interesting for the inane, immature commentary. They kept expecting Melbourne to capitulate some time during the third quarter, but we didn't did we Derwayne!!!!!!


It's interesting to hear the commentators that have torn us apart for the last 10 years, all of a sudden sound like they are rusted on supporters, they do it without a trace of embarrassment, especially when they praise players that they questioned when we recruited them.

It's almost like, "we've always had faith in you" when we all know they hadn't.

Never mind, it just shows their lack of homework and knowledge in their profession.


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1 hour ago, Deeoldfart said:

I was in a remote area of the Snowy Mts. on the weekend.  Watched the match on Fox with only myself for company, made enough noise to be heard back in the 'burbs, joined the boys in an off-key rendition of the Grand Old Flag, then re-watched the game, glass in hand, through sometimes teary eyes.  Brilliant day ..... a turning point and a window into the future of our great Club(?)

Sunday morning was a 36 km drive to the nearest town for 'phone / internet coverage, logged into Demonland, and confirmed that it wasn't a dream.  The sheer joy expressed in this thread was palpable.  

Returned home yesterday to find the thread had more than doubled in size.  Thanks for sharing the joy Demonlanders!   We've earned this, and as we all know, there's lots more to come.

Please tell me you were skiing. And that the glass in hand was some sort of expensive vintage. Contrary to the media coverage, there just aren't enough stereotypical Dees supporters to go round these days.

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3 minutes ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

Please tell me you were skiing. And that the glass in hand was some sort of expensive vintage. Contrary to the media coverage, there just aren't enough stereotypical Dees supporters to go round these days.

Sorry mate, not a skier.  Just doing some renovations on a fly fishing cabin we have up there.  It was however, a very nice bottle of red that I shared with myself on Saturday night .......... mind you, a rough 'cleanskin' would have tasted like nectar after that win!

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On viewing all the goals, the striking thing to me is how few of the 17 weren't the result of major blunders by Hawks (1), or frees (2).  The only ones that came from poor deliveries were Bug's and Stretch's in Q4, though both were to advantage. 

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29 minutes ago, sue said:

On viewing all the goals, the striking thing to me is how few of the 17 weren't the result of major blunders by Hawks (1), or frees (2).  The only ones that came from poor deliveries were Bug's and Stretch's in Q4, though both were to advantage. 

Dureyea's stuff up for Tracc was very welcome........

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18 hours ago, doc roet said:

Every time I watch that hit on Clarrie I get mad, Just a dog of an act,should have be rubbed out.To go and try to hurt someone like that,no remorse,just a dirty dog.

He'll wait,I bet clarrie will not forget.Next year,bigger,stronger,

In the last qtr there was a moment when Oliver saw Rioli near the boy and went after him (I need to find the time) it was only a fraction of a second in the corner of the screen but you could see Olivers eye light up when he thought he had a chance. Rioli will need to be a little careful next time, I'm tipping Oliver keeps score.

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1 minute ago, DaisyDeeciple said:

In the last qtr there was a moment when Oliver saw Rioli near the boy and went after him (I need to find the time) it was only a fraction of a second in the corner of the screen but you could see Olivers eye light up when he thought he had a chance. Rioli will need to be a little careful next time, I'm tipping Oliver keeps score.

Yes, Ollie gave him a forearm into his back.

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2 minutes ago, DaisyDeeciple said:

In the last qtr there was a moment when Oliver saw Rioli near the boy and went after him (I need to find the time) it was only a fraction of a second in the corner of the screen but you could see Olivers eye light up when he thought he had a chance. Rioli will need to be a little careful next time, I'm tipping Oliver keeps score.

It was after Rioli pile drived Weid into the turf.

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9 minutes ago, DemonOX said:

I've watched the replay 3 times and the last quarter 5 times and I still am excited by the end of the game. 

Hope it continues this week against Port. 

Just about to watch the last quarter again with a spiced rum and some nacho's.

If we lose on Saturday I think we'll all spontaneously combust.

Edited by Ethan Tremblay
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21 minutes ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

Just about to watch the last quarter again with a spiced rum and some nacho's.

If we lose on Saturday I think we'll all spontaneously combust.

Mate I like what u drink and eat.

I agree if we lose this sat I think I will bring my rum up from last Saturday. 

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I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned this, but I'm just getting around to watching some of the MFC website video content from last week's game and came across the post match interview with Jonesy. It genuinely sounds like he trying to fight back tears. Fascinating interview and proves how much the guy has ridden the ridicule we've all suffered (except amplified for him) as people connected with the MFC for the past decade and it's as if finally the shackles have been released.


It's just not me, but he is fighting back tears, right?

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