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Monbon last won the day on January 9

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  1. To quote Gustave Mahler's Song of the Earth: Dunkel ist das leben.
  2. I got plenty of nuttin. Too cold for anything to happen.
  3. And now the can of worms is open: where are the rotten bananas?
  4. Twas Zig or Zag. Then again, so, probably was Jeffrey Epstein.
  5. I'm catching up with Zig and Zag and Happy Hammond and Rin Tin Tin and Swallows Juniors...
  6. Exactly. The Cameron decision was equally baffling. It seems that any tackle from behind has huge potential to cause serious damage. The problem is that the outcome is totally in the lap of the gods. Equally baffling is that when some players inflict similar damage, they are either exonerated or warned or receive light sentences. And, to ban these two tacklers for three weeks and to give a player one week for an elbow to the head as he runs past an opponent is further proof that things are getting even crooker in Tallarooker.
  7. 6: Langdon 5: McVee 4: Rivers 3: Pickett 2: Melksham 1: Windsor.
  8. Che? What about a Mauritian or an Inuit hitchhiker?
  9. What would you prefer, without getting 'political', as a comparison?
  10. Reminds me of the time my brother and I and our neighbor were kicking footy on the fringes of Selwyn Park one winter's evening. It was Thursday, payday in those days. My father and my mother did the weekly shopping, caught the train back to Albion, and slowly trudged home from the station, laden with groceries. Just before they reached Selwyn Street, I had pushed my younger brother into the ground, picked up the footy, kicked it back to our neighbor. In the meantime, my brother picked up a yonnie, as we called a rock in those days, and threw it at me. It hit my head, blood gushed and by the time my parents entered our yard, my brother and I were returning home to find a bandage. My father asked what had happened. I told him, and while my mother washed my skull and stopped the bleeding, I heard my father go to the back of the house to find the cane mattress beater. I returned to the kitchen just as my father was about to administer a full-bloodied whack on my brother's backside - he had been ordered to lie face down across a chair. My brother yelped. My father repeated the dose and as he raised his arm to deliver the final blow, I blurted out, Dad, please don't - I started it, it was my fault. My father looked at me and said, Don't worry, you're next.
  11. If that's true, I refuse to follow AFL any more: it is a stage occupied by puppet actors who simply follow orders from above, and I ain't talking about heaven. Also, WHY is the Press silent about this total distortion of Justice?????
  12. When will we know about the Suns' Appeal against the ridiculous Fine handed out to a player who pushed Maynard - poor, poor Maynard, why, it hurted him so much he fell holding his tum tum and his head, obviously total bodily disorientation. Scre Blue, he desperately needs to be protected from such major assaults and given Academy Awards, or maybe he should be in Neighbours. Is that still on any more? If not, maybe get a gig on Rin Tin Tin...
  13. So what? So The hanger' is more sacred than life??????
  14. I made a similar post after Petracca's injury. The rule as it stands is a kind of demented adoration of 'The Speccie'.
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