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  1. We lost Grundy, Jordan, Harmes and Dunstan as well - none of them I’d call quick Windsor and Tholstrup both quicker than any of those guys Doesn't mean we couldn’t do with a few more with genuine leg speed but I’m not sure you’re on the right track here CF
  2. Yes in the VFL he is ok - not very good , not great , not yet anyway Does this translate to be ok in the AFL - I suspect not
  3. Fair call - btw for those of us screaming for Will Verrall or Tom Fullarton to ruck in the AFL I believe Bryan had 53 HOs vs a combined 20 in that game (Verrall 15 , Fullerton 5) Made them both look way off the pace as a ruckman atm
  4. No arguments from me on Hunter who is now likely not to play AFL again imo Some of our list decisions have been very questionable with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight I watch McAdam often at Casey and struggle to see how he is ever going to play AFL regularly - he is the epitome of a talented footballer who only wants to play on “his” terms
  5. I’m on record as being quite upbeat about young Will The more Casey games I’ve watched this season the more I am starting to temper my expectations He would do no better than Fullarton at AFL level imo and it seems the opinion of the FD who get to see his progression first hand every week He doesn’t look like he has a fitness base that would allow him to play AFL atm Could he make it eventually? Well maybe but he will always be shorter than most opposition rucks and frankly isn’t a Jeff White when it comes to leap
  6. If we are not desperately holding onto our season where we can still compete in finals then by definition that’s tanking I thought we’d grown out of that folly
  7. Wait - I thought Petty was going to the Crows ? 🐦‍⬛ Stone the 🐦‍⬛ 🐦‍⬛ 🐦‍⬛ s maybe this is all just BS
  8. It’s possible Meek didn’t want to play at Casey you know - neither did Grundy after both he and Max failed as KPFs
  9. Watch some Casey games to find the truth
  10. 5 hit outs per game in the VFL tells you everything you need to know about his rucking ability His one and only chance at this level is a KP player because he isn’t big enough or strong enough to play ruck against the big boys It is that simple
  11. Hopefully not the style that finishes up at GC
  12. We don’t have a ruck other than Max Why is that so hard for some people to accept He was a bit harsh on Fullarton with his brutally honest response to a direct question but nevertheless he was 100% right
  13. If we drop Fritta for Matt Jefferson we should be investigated for tanking
  14. Probably true re Schache and the the dogs - and yet a team that has struggled for KPD happily let him go 🤔
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