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Will Nathan Jones get a farewell game?


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I would love to see Nathan Jones get the chance (if he earns it) to be the medical sub if we are fortunate enough to make the Grand Final.

However, now that he has reached 300 games (which I am very glad he did!) we cannot risk playing someone just for sentimental reasons. Yes, I realise I have changed my tune, but trying to win a Premiership needs to be the main focus! the team is bigger than any individual!

Let's say we DO hypothetically make the AFL Grand Final, and we win, I doubt they will get Ron Barassi over to present the Premiership cup due to COVID-19 restrictions.

That leaves the options of Jeff Farmer (if he is in WA?), Shane Woewodin or Nathan Jones (if he travels over with the MFC team squad) to present the Premiership cup.


Hypothetically, if the Melbourne Demons are lucky enough to win there will be a lot of crying tears of joy. Especially from me!

Anyway, no point getting too ahead of ourselves. We need to take it one game at at a time! We also need to win at least 3 more games and finals are completely different in intensity and toughness compared to regular home and away matches.

The match against the Brisbane Lions this week will be a huge challenge and that needs to be the priority for the time being!

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His wife is expecting twins mid Sept.  It would be a tough call to stay in Perth while she gives birth and cares for their two young kids.  I truly doubt he would do that being a real family man.  If he comes back for the birth there may not be enough time to return to Perth and do his quarantine.

And would his mind be solely focused on footy if his wife and kids are back in Melbourne?

He is a true professional and pretty tough physically and psychologically but his readiness on both fronts may be too much of a risk.

Sadly, there is some chance Nathan may not even be in Perth for the GF if we make it.

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Would love to see him have one last crack at it but alas cant see him getting the chance.Being the great club man that he is i am sure he has already accepted that.But also sure he is ready to go if needed.Total champ

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16 hours ago, Colin B. Flaubert said:

Even with that being the case, I'm not sure why a bloke who is renowned for playing his cards so close to his chest in press conferences chooses to be indicative on a topic this sensitive.

And if he has told Nate behind the scenes that he is a long shot at best or finished at worst, why do this? To play mind games with the opposition?

How about because it's the truth? Jones, Melksham, Hibberd and VDB are in the frame for selection

Goodwin is publicly recognising Jones for his continuing dedication to the cause.

Players in the 23 know and are reminded there is genuine selection pressure on them to continue to perform.

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Sorry to hijack the thread for a minute but it had me thinking, will Vanders get another contract?

This thread just a reminder that 3 of the players fighting for the medi-sub (Jones/Hibs/Vanders)  have contracts running out at the end of the year.


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It's a nice thought but I hope for the team's sake and best chance of getting through to a grand final that Jones isn't in the side. I'm sure everyone at the club realises this including Jones. He is a compeditor and I'm sure pushing at training to try and get in the side but unless there are injuries to utility types like Harmes, Sparrow or JJ I don't think we'll be seeing Jones in the red and blue this year. Love that he's playing a part behind the scenes though.

I've had day dreams of a Bob Murphy type moment where we win a the flag and Jones is invited on stage to hold the cup. Bring a tear just thinking about it. 

I know this is getting ahead oneself. It's just a nice day dream to get me through the day.

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1 hour ago, Lucifer's Hero said:

His wife is expecting twins mid Sept.  It would be a tough call to stay in Perth while she gives birth and cares for their two young kids.  I truly doubt he would do that being a real family man.  If he comes back for the birth there may not be enough time to return to Perth and do his quarantine.

And would his mind be solely focused on footy if his wife and kids are back in Melbourne?

He is a true professional and pretty tough physically and psychologically but his readiness on both fronts may be too much of a risk.

Sadly, there is some chance Nathan may not even be in Perth for the GF if we make it.

I always held on to hope that he could be the medical sub should we make the GF - but I thought his form would have dropped off so that it couldn't be justified.

But his form has been ok - certainly good enough to be in contention.

Sadly the fact that his wife is expecting twins in Sep while the finals after week 1 look to be played in WA, seems like he's going to miss out.   I'm hoping the stars can somehow align though.

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I feel if we win the flag and jonsey missed out I feel it will be our Robert Murphey moment. Yes I know he did his knee Murph  but the sentimental side of me knows Jones deserves to go out with a flag. Nothing against them but he deserves to be more of a premiership player than sparrow or bowey in the sense that he has given everything to this club and stayed around during the crap times. 

But yeah think the sub is the only way. But at least he'd be experienced. 

On the family situation with him, I'm more worried about Gawn's wife having her baby early. 

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2 hours ago, Pollyanna said:

How about because it's the truth? Jones, Melksham, Hibberd and VDB are in the frame for selection

Goodwin is publicly recognising Jones for his continuing dedication to the cause.

Players in the 23 know and are reminded there is genuine selection pressure on them to continue to perform.

Let's explore that and let's work on your premise being correct: that Goodwin's statements publicly and privately match up.

Your theory would work in round 14 odd with a wide spread of oppositions and a bevy of matches left.

However, we have at minimum 2 games left and at maximum 4. We have a player who will definitely retire at the end of the year and clearly has limitations. In situations like this, and definitely with aging midfielders, you find a role in which they can use what's left of their skill set since they have lost a step.

Ooze, at the end, became a goal kicking flanker. Garry Junior became a crumbing forward as did Leigh Matthews. Libba became the mother of all taggers and run with players (though he played that role beforehand but he put it on steroids from '97 onwards).

What I wonder is: what can Nate do in the last 2 to 4 games which can  fill in that role? 

Melk and Hibbo are probably one year away from retirement themselves. However, I know what they can do should they be brought in: Hibbo can sit on explosive and creative playmakers and goalkickers and Melk's field kicking from half forward is outstanding. Vanders is there to put hits on, but realistically he probably can't do that anymore.

Without being disparaging and recognizing his contribution to the club, what can Nate do now in the very short window he has left? 

His stats coming out of practice matches seem to indicate that he is a ball magnet at the lower levels. This is totally understandable, as it is a level beneath. But he ain't getting into our first choice midfield as it stands. If he were to be a tagger, Choppers Harmes and Jack Viney can play that role perfectly.

He could play the role of the bloke who gives the last kick inside fifty. But is his delivery by foot commensurate to what is required? Also, is he now quick enough and have the tank to keep the pressure on that is required for a Melbourne forward?Backline perhaps?  

The truth is that he's going to need a very defined role to get back into the team considering his aging body and limitations. And that position will need to mesh with the type of opposition we are playing. Hence, the discussion we are having with potentially bringing in Hibbo for Brisbane to sit on Cameron. And he has very little time to establish or get used to said position.

Who knows what is being said behind the scenes? If it's the same as what is happening in front of the camera, then things don't add up. And with a servant of the club having a team dangled in front of him with the potential of winning the flag, if public and private sentiments match up, then they are unintentionally leading him down a garden path for the sake of a talking point.


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55 minutes ago, Colin B. Flaubert said:

Let's explore that and let's work on your premise being correct: that Goodwin's statements publicly and privately match up.

Your theory would work in round 14 odd with a wide spread of oppositions and a bevy of matches left.

However, we have at minimum 2 games left and at maximum 4. We have a player who will definitely retire at the end of the year and clearly has limitations. In situations like this, and definitely with aging midfielders, you find a role in which they can use what's left of their skill set since they have lost a step.

Ooze, at the end, became a goal kicking flanker. Garry Junior became a crumbing forward as did Leigh Matthews. Libba became the mother of all taggers and run with players (though he played that role beforehand but he put it on steroids from '97 onwards).

What I wonder is: what can Nate do in the last 2 to 4 games which can  fill in that role? 

Melk and Hibbo are probably one year away from retirement themselves. However, I know what they can do should they be brought in: Hibbo can sit on explosive and creative playmakers and goalkickers and Melk's field kicking from half forward is outstanding. Vanders is there to put hits on, but realistically he probably can't do that anymore.

Without being disparaging and recognizing his contribution to the club, what can Nate do now in the very short window he has left? 

His stats coming out of practice matches seem to indicate that he is a ball magnet at the lower levels. This is totally understandable, as it is a level beneath. But he ain't getting into our first choice midfield as it stands. If he were to be a tagger, Choppers Harmes and Jack Viney can play that role perfectly.

He could play the role of the bloke who gives the last kick inside fifty. But is his delivery by foot commensurate to what is required? Also, is he now quick enough and have the tank to keep the pressure on that is required for a Melbourne forward?Backline perhaps?  

The truth is that he's going to need a very defined role to get back into the team considering his aging body and limitations. And that position will need to mesh with the type of opposition we are playing. Hence, the discussion we are having with potentially bringing in Hibbo for Brisbane to sit on Cameron. And he has very little time to establish or get used to said position.

Who knows what is being said behind the scenes? If it's the same as what is happening in front of the camera, then things don't add up. And with a servant of the club having a team dangled in front of him with the potential of winning the flag, if public and private sentiments match up, then they are unintentionally leading him down a garden path for the sake of a talking point.


You're over thinking it.

Jones will be in if some of the fringe selections have a poor week or we get some injuries in roles he can fill.

Edited by Pollyanna
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7 hours ago, forever demons said:

Would love to see him have one last crack at it but alas cant see him getting the chance.Being the great club man that he is i am sure he has already accepted that.But also sure he is ready to go if needed.Total champ

What about Jetta, does he get a gig too. I don't think we can afford to be so sentimental. There are a lot of players who'll miss out. Jones got to 300, that's enough. He is gr8 at a lower level where the pace is slower, if he plays it will cost us.

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Nathan's wife just posted a video showing Nathan leaving to go into the finals hub. 

So he must at least be in strong contention to play, because realistically he is leaving behind two kids and a heavily pregnant wife carrying twins. I doubt the club would make him do that if  they didn't plan on playing him, even as just the sub come grand final day.

Goodwin and co don't strike me as the type of coaches to string a player along or at the very least give them a really strong understanding of where they're at.

Edited by Jaded
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5 minutes ago, Jaded said:

Goodwin and co don't strike me as the type of coaches to string a player along or at the very least give them a really strong understanding of where they're at.

He's currently in the best 26 fit players based on the team for this week. Hunt being back may change that a little. 
Necessary back up to have (especially in a hub situation) in the event of injuries/suspensions. 



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17 minutes ago, Jaded said:

Nathan's wife just posted a video showing Nathan leaving to go into the finals hub. 

So he must at least be in strong contention to play, because realistically he is leaving behind two kids and a heavily pregnant wife carrying twins. I doubt the club would make him do that if  they didn't plan on playing him, even as just the sub come grand final day.

Goodwin and co don't strike me as the type of coaches to string a player along or at the very least give them a really strong understanding of where they're at.

Was hard watching that.. 

Honestly think Jonesy could be the sub tonight.

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I have always wondered why we talk of Premiership players instead of premiership team which would include all of those who contributed to the end result. I have no doubt everyone would wish it for him but in the end we have to pick the best team for any final  play. Whatever happens he is a legend of the club and I hope his is there in some capacity when ever we finally lift the cup (when ever that may be in the future, not to get ahead of ourselves).

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19 hours ago, cantstandyasam said:

What about Jetta, does he get a gig too. I don't think we can afford to be so sentimental. There are a lot of players who'll miss out. Jones got to 300, that's enough. He is gr8 at a lower level where the pace is slower, if he plays it will cost us.

Totally different situation with Nev and jones

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I'm in the older bracket, and tradition means a lot to me, but it's time to acknowledge anyone who contributed to a premiership throughout that season, a la NBA.  It would raise retrospective arguments sure, but I see no reason why a team member who has represented the club in their premiership year shouldn't receive the title "premiership player". A premiership isn't a one day one game event. For someone like Marlion Pickett to be a premiership player and life member after one game is a kick in the guts to players such as Nate Jones.  This isn't bagging Pickett,  but right place right time , at the moment trumps years of service,  blood, sweat, and tears. And I think this regardless of whether it's Nate Jones,  or Adam Tomlinson, or another clubs player.  It's time. 

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34 minutes ago, dazzledavey36 said:

Was hard watching that.. 

Honestly think Jonesy could be the sub tonight.

They will take a squad to Adelaide, on the assumption that they will go straight to Perth. 

Every player that goes to Adelaide will be a chance to get a gig.

I've been thinking about the chance of Jonesy being a medi sub in finals.

 In terms of selection, Goody is a funny mix of pragmatism, sticking with winning teams and left field selections.

Who can forget the decision to bring Smith in for fritter in the 2018 prelim. And that was after bringing in vanders late in the season, which was made more curious because viney had come into the team late in the season too and so there was a risk with two players returning from injury.

Goody can be hard nosed, as Fritter and now Jordon know all too well, but he loves loyalty too, and has a dash of romanticism about him. 

So I could see goody making Jones a medi sub in this game and/or the prelim. Would bring his energy and spirit into the group, and a heart and soul intangible.

And in many ways he would be the perfect sub to come into a high pressure finals game. He is obviously very experienced. I assume has played in more finals than any other dees player.

Coming in fresh, say in the last quarter, he can impact with his strength and physicality. and can play in multiple positions, including as a defensive forward on Rich (though he might be a touch slow for that job). 

When do they announce the med i sub?

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