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forever demons

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    Breathing and mfc

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Redleg (4/10)



  1. Jack of all this [censored],wish someone from the MFC would tell the truth and nothing but the truth about Oliver
  2. Why not get the hick from Deliverence to play his banjo and his father his mums brother to dance
  3. I just wont a peter hudson to turn up at training the greatest forward ever to play
  4. I just drink a lot it helps no end
  5. AH HA deep throat is at it again
  6. Thank god I have break dancing training to get me away from all this tracc stuff.We bond afterwards ripping the tops off of a few fluffyducks (long necks on a hot day).Correct me if I am wrong but a certain bloke from Romsey was seen at training in his pink lycra jumpsuit,would be a great pickup for the team especially with the nationals in November held on top of ayersrock (book early)
  7. Oh my god not the booze BBO maybe give up sleeping with your neighbours wife but the grog its so reassuring
  8. I am jack of all this kiddy stuff ,I want to go home because I miss my mummy and kids i went to school with,hey if someone said to me i will pay you a mill $ to work for me I would be on the next plane out to anywhere,stuff the family.Players today are to precious and spoilt bloody prima donnas
  9. Tracc you are contracted to play for us for 5 more years we are loyal to you pay your medicals for you and help and support you while you get better.Now you kick us the teeth
  10. Dont think he owns any big boy pants yet Ethan
  11. I am 72 and I know for sure maturity is not gauged by age I didnt grow up until i was 45 think Tracc might be in my boat
  12. Iam jack of all this [censored],come on CLUB give us the truth
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