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forever demons

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    Breathing and mfc

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Redleg (4/10)



  1. Thats ok Chad would love the double.I believe he is a poster on here
  2. I will tell you .It wouldnt,are you happy now
  3. Utter legend back in the day.You just shot your age down Chooky
  4. of course, he paid good money for them
  5. Im withe Chooky on this Chad was a legend " The sheik of scrubby creek" Played all all the rodeos and had a couple of great albums.Would be much better than Katty
  6. One door closes another will slam you firmly in the face
  7. He didnt miss all the preseason,Dont get the idea I am bagging him far from it,just tired of lame excuses
  8. Wish people would forget the lack of preseason [censored] if he aint match fit by now he never will be
  9. I was a jive bunny I guess i still am ,once a jive bunny always a jive bunny
  10. Dont think too many of our blokes raised a sweat either.Looking at you Fritta
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