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Salems Lot

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Salems Lot last won the day on October 13 2020

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About Salems Lot

  • Birthday 04/06/1963

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    The Christians!

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  1. A friend of mine does! They would be about the same age I reckon! Must have been the Jayden of its day namewise
  2. He was rucking at the first game I attended in 1970.
  3. From memory he had an injury plagued season in his draft year but had been tracking for an early pick before that.
  4. Hugely frustrated I believe. Kept getting close to full speed and then would suffer a recurrance. Not all journeys are a straight line
  5. With AMW making his debut this week, we will have AMW, JVR, Knuckles McVee, Caleb, Jake Bowey, Blake Howes, Riv, Kolt, Taj, Doggie, Disco either playing or very close. 11 players 22y.o. and under and Matt Jefferson and Will Verrall yet to debut makes for a very youthful team profile. No guarantee that they will all become stars but to see them coming through in this way is heartening. I have not included #16 because he does not seem to be cutting the mustard. Healthy signs for the future and a possible reason we seem to not be running out games the way we were last year.
  6. encountered a magpie on the fence during our morning dog walk. Took one look at us and scarpered. Fly! you black and white talisman of all things wrong in the world!!! Fly!!!!
  7. see my post below. the ball was barely on his wing
  8. The ball barely got near Leb. The bulk of the game was played on Hunter's wing. It was interesting to see how disciplined he was keeping his shape on his wing
  9. No Blake Howes? Apologies if I missed the reason.
  10. Our very own "Thornbury Terrier" The best girl and a ball getter too!
  11. I learnt a valuable lesson at the Gather Round. I saw three games including ours on the Thursday night. By the end of the second game I was getting a bit bored. Footy is ace but the Dees are acer!!! Totally with you about the overlap, as long as I can see my team, who cares about the rest (unless it is the Bluebaggers getting spanked by 60 points!) mmmm, that's nice!!
  12. What are they saying over at Princes Park?
  13. I reckon he was a high 90s atar student too making for a high I.q. and a high footy I.q. to boot!
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