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    Max Gawn

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    Football, going out, swimming, exercising, socialising, drinking, dancing, eating, etc

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  1. Apart from our near-capitulation near the end. I really enjoyed this game. It was one I went to, fully expecting to lose. I thought it was just one of those “sometimes you just turn up in the rain to support your team” things. I thought we tried so hard and really had the will to win. Probably got a bit too complacent in the last quarter, but at the end of the day, we won and essendon lost. I felt the wet weather really suited us. It helped that we were in front when the rain really came down. Kozzie and melksham were pretty good (apart from that awful miss right in front.) Clarry played well after a slow start. Only sour thing I felt was we got done for throwing the ball when BOTH teams were guilty of it all night. Funny they only decided to call it when essendon were coming back. Best thing though is not only are we ahead of collingwood, we’re in the 8 and they aren’t. I got home a very happy chappy last night.
  2. I’m usually the one to say a wins a win, but that was a pretty unsatisfying game. The way we let them in the last quarter the shameful. We did virtually nothing in that quarter. Hats off to north, they were fantastic but our handballing, holding on to the ball were below standard. If north had been more accurate I have no doubt they’d run away with the points. I’m glad we won but I’m dreading Brisbane next week. I think this will be our last win for a while so I’ll enjoy it while we can
  3. Bit late here. But it was great to see us back in form. Thought we blew a few opportunities in the first and second quarter but rallied in the 3rd. Glad to see Tomlinson and McDonald play well. Petracca solid as usual. Gawn, what can I say? Absolute masterclass. Couldn’t fault him. Marked well and kicked well. Really great game after an average performance last week. I know St Kilda isn’t much, but I hope this win helps our side with confidence. Was hoping for a 50+ win but I feel they took it easy in the last few minutes. Oh well, rather see them not risk injuries. Well done boys
  4. Wow. Really enjoyed that game at the end. Thought the game was sloppy for the first half. My brother thought it would be like that the whole game, but I had a feeling someone would push past. But wow. I didn’t expect to double their score or held them to their lowest since 1965. It was a delight how they played and totally dominated them. Thinking of not going to Richmond games (along with collingwood.) Their fans are so feral. Boo EVERYTHING that doesn’t go their way. I get umpire decisions, but booing just because the other team gets a goal?! Even with that sloppy play the got us that brilliant goal, didn’t have any accountability on how bad their play was. Just boo boo boo. I never boo if the opposition scores (unless it’s from a suspicious penalty.) Richmond along with collingwood just have this “boo out the other fans” mentality. So sick of this coming into our game. Seems to soccer-like. Other than that, really enjoyed the game. Great putting tigers back in their place. Gawn back in form. Will admit I do feel for Yze as he was one of my favourite players and a really nice guy
  5. But late to this, but it was great to see us play so well. Don’t think hawks will do much this year but it’s good to start our conference early. Petracca was outstanding. Fritch and Kozzie good too. Worries about the injuries. Hope we can replace them and that they won’t be gone too long. Both are important keys to the team. Pains me to say but Gawn is looking really slow out there. I’m starting to think he’s coming towards the end of his career
  6. I haven’t been in because of my sadness for losing the sf. But after this, it really puts it all in perspective. In the end of a day it’s a football game. We lost our greatest player ever. The only demon as a player in the team of the century.it’s just sad to think that the great Ron is no more. He was a great ambassador for the sport and the Melbourne football club. Hard to believe he’s gone. Now only John Beckwith and Max Gawn are the last two living premiership captains. RIP Ron 😢
  7. Really glad with the win. Knew we were going to be forth no matter what. So happy that even though it was interstate we still tried hard and got the win. I’m glad our boys didn’t treat it as dead rubber game as many people have suggested. Great to see Fritch back and playing at the top of his game. However, I’m very worried about Melksham. I hope it’s not 2021 all over against for him. First Petty and now him. Why do all our form players go down at the worst possible times?
  8. “Everyone gets beaten once in a while, Parker!”
  9. Just got home from the game and watched the replay. Was gonna say Salem had a shocker, but he was much better than I thought. May, Melksham and Lever all solid. I think Hawks are much better than the position they’re in. They outmarked us for a lot of the game. Glad we rallied to beat them. Was great to see Gawn and Nibbler’s milestones celebrated with the win. bring on the finals.
  10. We should start a petition for unfairness that we’ve played there more times than any other club (Barr cats of course.)
  11. Hard to say how I feel. I was disappointed to think we struggled against lowly North (considering how badly we kicked their butts earlier in the season) but I am glad that even in the face of a 33 point deficit we still found the will never to give up and fight back to take the points. A wins a win and I’ll take it, so at the end of the day, I’m happy. Now and can only hope Freo beat lions. If not that a draw. Failing that, lions only win by one point 😏
  12. I watched it later on the tv. They’re way worse in real life
  13. I’m seriously starting to reconsider going to Richmond games. Yea the game was spectacular. Petty was brilliant and I think Kozzie has definitely answered all his critics. But really Tigers fans are getting worse than Pies. All day trying to boo out any cheers we had. Whinging about every decision thinking Dusty can’t do anything wrong (he overcooked his kicks several times) and the claiming the umpires for the win. I was abused by a disgusting fan (more of the tired thing about being female) and they just act feral in general. I never minded coming before they won their premiership, now they’re the worst. I hope we never become like that
  14. Just waking up and nursing a VERY severe hangover. What a game. We were outstanding in the first. Then let it go. It one 28 down that late, I was certain it was over. Credit to our boys for never giving up. Gawn, Petracca and Kozzie all solid. Good to see Brown playing better. I have no doubt Max needs to be our number one ruck from now on. We beat a too 4 side without Clarry, Fritch and Grundy. I am very satisfied we’ll be here in September. If they ever release a “greatest games” compilation again, I nominate this one.
  15. Just waiting for that. On here while I’m waiting for the ads to finish
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