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Jaded No More

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Jaded No More last won the day on July 24

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About Jaded No More

  • Birthday 01/09/1986

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  1. Ken lives on. Good times for everyone who enjoys Port forever doing nothing when it matters.
  2. Carlton off a 5 day break. Port off a 7 day break. What a joke. Lucky I hate Carlton. Shame I also hate Port.
  3. One of the best shows ever made. Highly recommend. Roy Kent is the best character too. His emotional development in this show is brilliant.
  4. Sam Frost gets a game with us today does he? I will call May and tell him he can retire now because FROSTBALL is back.
  5. The world throws enough challenges at us all, without us also having to develop resilience to deal with personal mindless attacks by faceless strangers on the internet. I am happy to post about what a terrible employee you are and what a letdown you are to your company. Do I know you? No. Do I have a right to say that? Also no. Enjoy your resilience.
  6. Yeah yeah but he needs to sign for at least 10 more years because I reckon Peter Bell is already living in his bins rent free.
  7. Exactly the same thing was said about Rivers, McVee and Roo when they originally extended. We obviously don’t think we will delist him in the next 4 years and believe it’s better to sign him now on less coin, than what he potentially might be worth in 2 years time. You always have the upper hand when a player is in contract when it comes to trading as well. It is a savvy list management move that allows us to assess our cap longer term as we try to lure bigger name players from other clubs. What has Laurie’s contract extension stopped us from doing? He isn’t taking up a significant chunk of cap, nor would we have delisted him by now.
  8. McQualter mentioned infection, so I presume some type of RSV. Just a wild guess tho. It can linger on for ages.
  9. Both are signed until 2027, as they both extended last year. I dare say it was a good move to re-sign Rivers before he explodes as a midfielder.
  10. And that useless Simon Goodwin who players love to play under.
  11. It also doesn't matter how much you earn, nobody deserves to be personally attacked for doing their job. You never ever know what anyone is going through in their personal lives, or how what is said about them by faceless individuals online may impact them. I have been around this forum for 2 decades. I still remember fans calling Trac fat, lazy, useless, and wanting him traded as a waste of pick 2. A lot of morons around with an over inflated sense of entitlement and intelligence online.
  12. Love this. Well done Kolt. I think next up is Judd McVee on a 10 to 15 year contract extension please. Thanks Tim.
  13. Big difference between getting stuck into a player based on their form, or something they did badly in a game. Totally different story to call players useless, weak, gutless, a cultural cancer etc etc We all are guilty of getting emotional about the club, myself included, and I am no saint, but some of the utter [censored] that gets written about our players not just here but everywhere online, is downright embarrassing. Just look at the post Melbourne made about Petty's re-signing. Some of the comments made about him were awful. I always try to think to myself if this player was my child, or my husband, would I be ok to read what I write about them?
  14. I meant left field in terms of I never expected him to get dropped. Certainly after our garbage performance in the midfield last week, something had to give and Sparrow has been in average form for a while now. No issues for me. More concerned that Laurie is not going to give us more. Hope I’m wrong.
  15. Sparrow out is left field but fair given our midfield was horrible last week. Not sure Laurie will do better tho. God help us with the rumours about May and Lever are true. Disco will certainly have to go back to cover May and Howes will replace Lever? Surely they’d have Tomlinson as emergency if May was in doubt.
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