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Timothy Reddan-A'Blew

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Timothy Reddan-A'Blew last won the day on December 27 2022

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    All The Boys. All The Girls. All The Other Boys. And, now, all the other girls.

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    SW Gippy
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    Words (who'dathought?!) Musicking (who'daknown?...)

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Redleg (4/10)



  1. In the general spirit of this thread... Which bits would the elephant eat?
  2. Your fertile brain, @Demonstone? Regardless, thank you for the multichuckle! I'm curious as to why you chose to reveal this week's opponent's card. Do you feel we are in particular need of straws to clutch?
  3. I copied this to post on one of the other Simon Goodwin 'discussion' threads. Thanks for giving it its own, D Team 👍
  4. Kids, 'bl**dy' is a big person's word for special occasions...
  5. The Mousepack is steadily signing up for roughly the remaining careers of Gawn, Petracca, Oliver, Viney, May, Lever, etc., etc. - I reckon recognising how valuable that will be to them, both in the moment and for their futures. And then, hopefully, they will become the group their successors want to sign on to continue to play with!
  6. Jack, I think you listed the WA Supercoach rankings in this one?
  7. 'Yes, Tom Morris was telling the truth; Harrison Petty has signed on for two more years!' #WILTY
  8. ...and, 20 hours later, ditto. 'Tom Morris; are you telling the truth, or is it a lie?'
  9. Very interesting thoughts and reasonings herein, both for and against. I hadn't thought of many of them (though I'm in the mildly enthusiastic camp). Thanks all. As to its likelihood, today's Age report of the CEO mutual cuddle in Perth notes that, 'To the surprise of many, there was enthusiasm for...(it)...'. Curiously it reports the 'spectre' of 19 teams '...enthuse(d)...' the CEOs about the prospect, and '...the shot in the arm it would give the game in the final rounds.' Notably, the article also references '...possibilities...including...re-seeding teams for the last five or six rounds.'
  10. At least with the recent performances of our growing 'Mouse Pack' it's becoming a little bit easier to face the various realist and MFCSS-ist 'Life after...' scenarios ahead of us - Max, Jack, Steven, Clayton, Christian, Harrison, etc. Well, maybe not Max...
  11. Here's a couple for you, Jimmy! Oh, sorry, I misread your heading 🤦‍♂️
  12. ...but there is quite a bit of it!
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