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Farewell Sam Weideman


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It would be extremely difficult to be a forward when the opposition is flooding the forward line. If they were asking Weid to block that is not his go, it's Tmacs.

Weid is always more productive when on the move and one on one. Most players are. I have seen him work much better as the link man. I would have liked to have seen him play in the backline at Casey. The back up Jacko role would suit him best as mentioned above. Whilst we are pontificating on Weid, I am concerned that he may have some vision/spacial awareness problems that may be impacting him. I am sure that the club would be all over this.

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3 minutes ago, defuture15 said:

It would be extremely difficult to be a forward when the opposition is flooding the forward line. If they were asking Weid to block that is not his go, it's Tmacs.

Weid is always more productive when on the move and one on one. Most players are. I have seen him work much better as the link man. I would have liked to have seen him play in the backline at Casey. The back up Jacko role would suit him best as mentioned above. Whilst we are pontificating on Weid, I am concerned that he may have some vision/spacial awareness problems that may be impacting him. I am sure that the club would be all over this.

One on one is actually his biggest "fail" and TMacs body blocking is better mostly because he makes the effort when neccesary .

But you are correct in that it would be difficult to be a forward when the inside 50' s are often an avalanche. 

Edited by IRW
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4 minutes ago, IRW said:

One on one is actually his biggest "fail" and TMacs body blocking is better mostly because he makes the effort when neccesary .

But you are correct in that it would be difficult to be a forward when the inside 50' s are often an avalanche. 

Sorry I should have said marking contests not standing under the ball. He's not Tmac

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33 minutes ago, Roost it far said:


VR isn’t even close to ready

It's absurd the amount of people think that JVR should be getting a run. Every single game he's played with either; Weideman, B.Brown, T.Mac or M.Brown, all of which would receive the No.1 oppo defender and are all experienced forwards. JVR is receiving the No.2 defender, which is a very different concept than receiving the No.2 defender in the AFL side (compared to VFL). 

You think, anyone who plays us is receiving A.Tomlinson as the No.1 defender and then J.Smith/D.Turner as the No.2 defender, bit different to getting S.May as the No.1 defender and then J.Lever/H.Petty as the No.2. 

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The painful thing is you can't even leave Weid in the side to see if he will build confidence because he just seems to get outmarked entirely too often. 

I rate Weid on talent but he's just not doing enough at AFL level at this stage, i suspect by the end of the season Rooey could have overtaken him as well. 

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2 hours ago, Cranky Franky said:

Yep agree totally with this.

Half the side played poorly & only about 4 players earnt their pay.

Max & Jackson got pantsed, Lever turned it over repeatedly, Rivers was terrible, Brown was useless & ANB had a shocker, Dunstan was a wasted space but hey lets make it all about Weid.



If you've read most of the topic you'd know most of the comments don't relate to just this game 

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6 minutes ago, Lord Nev said:

Yet nearly a quarter of the pages since 2020 have been since the Freo game...

Final straw 

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 9  Melbourne  
 Sam Weideman
10    Carlton            Harry McKay
11    Adelaide    Wayne Milera
12    Carlton            Charlie Curnow


Edited by Kent
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6 minutes ago, Kent said:

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The inside of Weid's mind as the ball comes toward him.

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51 minutes ago, Kent said:
 9  Melbourne  
 Sam Weideman
10    Carlton            Harry McKay
11    Adelaide    Wayne Milera
12    Carlton            Charlie Curnow

JT can't get every pick right.

In that 2015 draft:

  • #2 Josh Schache  - Key forward.  Played 68 games.  Not tin regular 22.  Trade to WB
  • #6 Aaron Francis - Key forward.  Played 54 games.  Not in regular 22.

In the 2014 draft:

  • #1 Paddy McCartin - Key forward.  Played 45 games.  At Sydney

 And neither does everyone else.

Overall JT has done a fantastic job!!

Edited by Lucifers Hero
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1 hour ago, Lucifers Hero said:

JT can't get every pick right.

In that 2015 draft:

  • #2 Josh Schache  - Key forward.  Played 68 games.  Not tin regular 22.  Trade to WB
  • #6 Aaron Francis - Key forward.  Played 54 games.  Not in regular 22.

In the 2014 draft:

  • #1 Paddy McCartin - Key forward.  Played 45 games.  At Sydney

 And neither does everyone else.

Overall JT has done a fantastic job!!

Its not about the draft pick number. Its about ability, development and progress.

I'd like to see Sam as desperate as Bedford when he gets a chance to show his wares. Sadly he has rarely shown that desperation or any attribute that the club can utilise in any consistent way. 


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2 hours ago, Kent said:
 9  Melbourne  
 Sam Weideman
10    Carlton            Harry McKay
11    Adelaide    Wayne Milera
12    Carlton            Charlie Curnow



If we picked up either McKay or Curnow the other 17 clubs would need priority picks to stop us winning the next 5 flags. 

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5 hours ago, jnrmac said:

Its not about the draft pick number. Its about ability, development and progress.

I'd like to see Sam as desperate as Bedford when he gets a chance to show his wares. Sadly he has rarely shown that desperation or any attribute that the club can utilise in any consistent way. 


Not many players are as desperate as Bedford. It’s what makes him so good. Watch VFL and Bedford is clearly pushing his case every single week.

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On 5/31/2022 at 6:24 AM, rpfc said:

He is the only back up ruck contracted for next year tho.

Just saying…

Majak?  Mitch Brown?

11 hours ago, Cranky Franky said:

Yep agree totally with this.

Half the side played poorly & only about 4 players earnt their pay.

Max & Jackson got pantsed, Lever turned it over repeatedly, Rivers was terrible, Brown was useless & ANB had a shocker, Dunstan was a wasted space but hey lets make it all about Weid.



This is a Weed thread. 

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5 hours ago, jnrmac said:

Its not about the draft pick number. Its about ability, development and progress.

I'd like to see Sam as desperate as Bedford when he gets a chance to show his wares. Sadly he has rarely shown that desperation or any attribute that the club can utilise in any consistent way. 


I 100% understand it is not about draft pick number.

Have another look at the post I was responding to.  Kent'was implying JT messed up by picking Weideman and not McKay or Curnow.

Drating is a bit of a lottery as my examples showed.  Draftees don't always work out as the club or fans would like.

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