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tiers last won the day on October 29 2021

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  1. He has the slightly hunched running style reminiscent of the greatest ever, Robbie. He is fast and direct and makes good decisions. If only he could bounce the ball with his left hand. That would be too much to ask of the footy gods.
  2. His engine just keeps on running. I noticed many times how he was on the last line next to May in defence, then deep in the forward line to at least have two shots and some score assists and then attend multiple ball ups all over the ground. Much of our success in 2021 was due to the constant 2-way running of Langdon. Caleb does the same and with his sublime handling and disposal, we have gained a beauty. Let's look after him and not burn him out.
  3. I was there that day when RDB and Melbourne were cheated out of a flag. I was standing on the Punt Rd side at HFF directly opposite the contest and clearly saw RDB trying to punch the ball down and miss Dean's head. It was the "stage" of a lifetime but in those days the VFL and the tribunal were ning nongs and couldn't cope with the furore. I have lived for 60 years with this memory and hope Clarry's puncher getting minimum 2 weeks for a dog act will help assuage my misery over RDB.
  4. In Yiddish, to be known as a "mensch" is the highest praise possible - it covers integrity, compassion, decency and many other virtues. Applying it to Clarry in this instance is appropriate. He deserved it.
  5. Does anyone else believe that the hit on Clarry was a dog act? Approached from behind and completely unaware. It's not a case of two players facing each other but a coward punch from behind. Should get at least 2 weeks for the offence.
  6. If they review every goal, then do they review goals that go through the high-diddle-diddle at the height of the top of the posts? Maybe a seagull touched it. And, by the way, how did the more senior goal umpires from earlier times in their white coats and hats manage to get is so right without the benefit of modern technology. It must have been good eyesight and good positioning as well as cooperation with the field umpires. Who would have guessed?
  7. Robbie was the incomparable package - grace, style, speed, lightness, skill and every other attribute that can be bestowed on the greatest ever. But, and this was only for a fleeting moment, the way Windsor stood and held his arms after a play, reminded me of Robbie. Just that sweet memory, even if never repeated, was enough to bring me joy. Let's give him time to develop in his own way and not expect too much too soon or make comparisons with the incomparable.
  8. There are now four boundary umpires at each game and it seems to me that there are more than four different throw in styles. Throw ins are too high, too slow, too short, too low, too (pick a word). In other words they are hopelessly inconsistent and the ruckmen can very rarely set up in a position where there is a fair contest. How often is it a speed contest to reach a short ball at hip level while at the same time grappling and wrestling in a manner that would be penalised in a marking contest. A blot on our great game. Surely the AFL can coach and then select boundary umpires who are consistent with their throw ins and can produce a fair contest. GO MAXIE
  9. In 2021 Ed had the luxury of being the only hard running winger and at times played both wings to advantage. With Hunter (who could only play left wing) and now Windsor, Ed seems to be restricted in his territory. It might be time to rethink his role and let him roam over a wider area.
  10. As I recall, Neale had instructed the rucks to Not punch the ball clear. Schwartz ignored Neale's instruction and won us the game.
  11. One of my most abiding memories of Jack was how he was seemingly ignored and wasted when leading from the forward line. Jack was able to read the play and position himself to best advantage but time and again he was ignored. Whether this was deliberate team plan or just plain lack of awareness by his team mates is unclear but it definitely wasted his enormous talent. As for field kicking, Trapper was better. Trapper had that rare and unique ability to draw players to the ball in an advantageous position like no other.
  12. In 22 and 23 we started big and stayed big until finals when we ran out of puff or playing skills. Let's try staring small and slow for a change and build to the peak in September. Who knows? GO DEES
  13. tiers


    I hold my head high when I proclaim my devotion to the dees. It's been like that for over 60 years. For my taste, there are far too many "Monday morning armchair" strategists and tacticians on this site whose comments are neither helpful nor encouraging for true supporters. We have picked a coach and coaching panel and let them get on with the job. GO GOODY GO DEES
  14. It seems to me that no matter which way we attack, we get plenty of opportunities to score. It's just that we don't convert opportunities to goals often enough. Let's not overthink these strategies. What we really need is an on field mentor to guide our kicks at goal. I nominate ANB to fill this role as he already speaks to the players. GO DEES
  15. In 2021 Langdon played both wings (although not at the same time) and could pick and choose which side was most effective. I recall that there were times when he stayed on the same wing all game. Hunter plays left wing only, out wide, so that he never has to play through the middle. Langdon gets stuck on the right wing all the time and with all our kicks ins and forward entries going to the left side, the FD needs to work out a better strategy to keep Langdon more engaged in the game. His up and down running is too valuable to lose.
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