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WalkingCivilWar last won the day on July 26

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About WalkingCivilWar

  • Birthday March 8

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    Hunt, Brayshaw, Viney, Petracca, Salem, Fritsch, oh hells, all of them! Yes, even Melksham.

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    North Western suburbs of Melbz
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    The Team of the Red and the Blue.

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  1. Wow. Carlton fans are frothing at the mouth. Score review guy might wanna slip out the backdoor now.
  2. Yeah then he was injured (ACL?) and out for all of last season and I guess we forgot all about him.
  3. Followed quickly by that great Georgiades goal. 👊🏼
  4. Huge apologies, these are pretty substandard. At times I was filming when I thought I wasn’t and wasn’t when I thought I was. The sun was in my eyes the entire time and I had a couple of my teenage girls, aka my “footy daughters” talking all the while. Hashtag Kev, come back asap!!! https://streamable.com/ny6hod https://streamable.com/4sxzhb https://streamable.com/0j3knk https://streamable.com/szfawg https://streamable.com/gc3t90 https://streamable.com/76ap7j https://streamable.com/c02yyb https://streamable.com/grilvg https://streamable.com/enph42 LOL Max calls George Jorge 😂… https://streamable.com/gfpv7h And Tmac is really turning back the hands of time… 😂 edit: probs not a lot of Maxy footage so please take my word for it: he trained exactly as he always does… no problems whatsoever.
  5. So, there’s simply NO TRUTH WHATSOEVER to the rumours about Clarrie. I talked to Chocco then Selwyn (they were there a while before the players came out) starting each convo with, “I understand if you can’t talk about this…” but they each said they had no problem talking about it because there’s no substance to any of it. And you reckon we go to town on these so-called journos? Chocco in particular had some choice words for them. 😁 Then I saw Clarrie coming over from AAMI. I met him halfway and we walked arm in arm to the tent coz ranga mum n son type dealio. 😄 I said “Claz I’m not gonna ask you where you’ll be next year, I just wanna tell you how very much we all love you, regardless. Honestly, us fans just want you to be happy, and healthy, mentally as well as physically.” He simply said, “I’m not going anywhere.” Just like that. I said, “I didn’t ask you that but now that you’ve said it unprompted I’m thinking it must be true.” He said, “It is true. I’m staying with Melbourne… if they’ll have me.” I said.”That’s good because all that cr@p I said before about us loving you regardless… I was lying. If you leave Melbourne, you’re dead to us.” 🤪 Anyways then I talked to Perty and he was even more emphatic about it than the others. He said there’s not much for “these people” to write about currently so they’re running with a “non-story.” Long convo but that’s it in a nutshell. After the session when most everyone had gone Clarrie was sitting in the tent changing shoes. I told him I had asked Perty if Melbourne still want him and he laughed and wanted to know what Perty said. I told him “Perty said ‘That lazy [censored]-er? We’re trying to get rid of him’.” 😂 Good times
  6. You left out my personal favourite…spud. 🙄
  7. You’d have to ask him. He’s the one who misheard it. I do talk fast and a lot so maybe that’s why. 🤷‍♀️
  8. You can tell a kid til you’re blue in the face to not read certain stuff online and it’s futile.
  9. He trained very well. Moved beautifully. No sign of any lingering issue with his foot/shin. Was in incredibly high spirits, as was everyone, well, nearly everyone. I made sure to film lots of Max action and will post the vids when I’m back home and my phone will have more than 12% 😭
  10. If it was just reading that they’re playing poorly I’m sure they wouldn’t be so affected. It’s the straight up bagging. This isn’t me lecturing people on it, this is directly from someone who is offended. These are kids ffs.
  11. Goody wasn’t there. He’s quite unwell but improving.
  12. Vids to come. Had awesome chats with Clarrie. And with a few others and it was the best session I’ve ever been to as a result of what I was told. But the last interaction I had has left me rattled tbh. It was a conversation with one of our seconds players. Not gonna mention his name because it really doesn’t matter since what he said goes for ‘a few of the boys’ to use his words. The convo: Me: Hey _______! Him: Hey WCW! (hugs) Me: You’re goin’ great guns! Him: Says you. You’re my biggest fan (laughs) Me: Nah, not just me. Him: OK, besides you, who else? Certainly not Melbourne fans. Me: Of course Melbourne fans…everyone in the Demon Army for starters Him: (scowls) Ugh, the Demon Army, what would they know? Me: (shocked) Why do you say that? Him: Wait, did you say “the Demon Army”? Me: (sad) Yes Him: Oh nah, I love you guys, you guys are effing awesome, we all love the Demon Army…. Him: I thought you said Demonland. 😳 Me: You read Demonland? Him: Yeah a few of us boys do. I shouldn’t though, they talk a lot of sch!t about me. Some of the stuff we’ve read (shakes his head) Anyways, the conversation continued mainly with me telling him not to pay any mind to the people who bag him since they’re likely the minority and he’s got the love and support of the majority of Dees fans, etc. So yeah, now we know for sure that some of our boys read our posts. Not oppo boys, OUR BOYS.
  13. I filmed the seconds coming out and the first part of their training. I’ll post it soon.
  14. The usual: I’m here, I’ll take vids, I hope other DL-ers are here, my hands are numb, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera 😃
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