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  1. Things are still very raw and I thought about waiting a bit but there's no time like the present. When you truly love something, you need to love it when things are at their worst as well. Demonland means a lot to me and I wanted to express my gratitude to all of you for providing the best place in town for all talk regarding our beloved Demons. I'd firstly like to give a shoutout to Andy and the moderators for keeping Demonland running smoothly as usual and taking the podcast to yet another level with a great format and tons of great content, quick shoutout to @george_on_the_outer and @binman too for their efforts throughout the year. This became the only Melb and Footy pod I listened to this year and the analysis went to a new level. Looking forward to seeing what's in store next year guys! To @WalkingCivilWar for providing a weekly update on the making of the banner. Something I've never been exposed to before and it was amazing to see how much time and effort goes into these things. Also thanks for giving us amazing insight to how much the Demon Army accomplishes based on the little resources they have to play with. Again, a realm I'd had very little exposure to and I'll be taking out a DA membership next year no doubt. @kev martin Your training reports just like last year were amazing. This was another reason why I tuned out to the main footy media so much this year because I was getting so much info from these reports alone! You do all this work off your own bat and I can assure you it is much, much appreciated on DL. @Lucifers Hero Your workings of the contract details and number crunching is info that is not readily available in a short space of time on the interwebs. You pull this all together into one concise format and it is an amazing resource. Thanks also for the 'what they are saying' threads. There's so much respect for you here and deservedly so. To @joeboy the 3 word reviews are like an exclamation point on a game just played. I still don't know how you front up each week and do it knowing what might be coming back in response but you do and I'm looking forward to seeing many, many more. Thanks also to anyone who is able to share contents of an article behind a paywall. You guys are the lords of the dance! If I've missed anyone I apologise, feel free to fill in some blanks. And finally there's you, the Demonland poster. Thank you. There's those of you I get along very well with and think alike with, those that have slightly different views that really make you think and those that I may rarely agree with but the bottom line is that I've learned that 95% of the people who frequent this site (That have been here longer than a day) seem to have a mutual respect for one another. Disagreements and conflict are admittedly not my forte, I used to be someone who never ever wanted to rock the boat or put noses out of joint but I really appreciate those of you that express your different view but don't make it personal or hold grudges. It's a great skill to be able to disagree with someone but then put that out of your mind when you move on to the next point which might actually be something that the same two people agree on. I'd even go as far as to say I've learned a lot from those of you who are like this so thank you. Anyone who frequents Demonland is usually highly invested and regardless of agreement or disagreement I have respect. It's a cruddy feeling going out in straight sets two years in a row, it will burn, I will not want to watch anymore footy this year but probably will. However this is our club, we live by the sword and die by the sword. I'll never lose the passion and I doubt any of you will too. Enjoy the Grand Final if you watch it and have a great/safe Xmas and New Year period. I'm looking forward to chatting about the hot topics with all of you again in 2024. 2023 the year of the Dee rhymed so we won't have that but I'm sure we'll be in the thick of it. GO DEES!!!
    27 points
  2. The Grundy issue is totally on us. We thought we could magic him into Luke Jackson 2.0 and it didn’t work.
    17 points
  3. G’day Daniel, the fact that you have spoken up now is not only courageous but also, an important act for other young people who don’t have a voice and who might be spared your experience in the future. If I can speak on their behalf, all I can say is “thank you” and though I can’t speak for the AFL, I can say “sorry” from the bottom of my heart for what you went through.
    17 points
  4. At the start I was all in for Reid. I've now changed my tune and think if we are able to accumulate some first round picks we then hit the draft and top up with fresh talent. Our list profile is now starting to get on and we've gotta be willing to not only up with talent but also remain in contention Let's be honest, we're not a getting a established key forward in the trade period so might as well just focus on get some elite young talent through while we can.
    14 points
  5. I just wanna say thank yous all for the msg my name is Daniel Hayes this story is about me please be careful what yous write please I really don't know where to start but I'm 35 5 kids live in East Gippsland MARK HEANEY RAPE ME on 5 on September at he's house when I was playing for EASTERN RANGES footy when I played bottom age in the TAC football everyone keeps saying did I speak to anybody [censored] I WISH I DID plays in my head everyday I was Scared and emotional and embarrassed to say something And not being with my mum and my family they live 4 hours away 😥 all I wanted is to play AFL that was my dream and when my dream came true when I got drafted to Melbourne in 07 rookie best moment of my life you would think 🤔 has anybody reach out ????? To answer your question is NO NOT EVEN A MSG OR PHONE CALL OR EMAIL FROM MELBOURNE FOOTY CLUB OR AFL makes me think y am I doing this my mental health is at its worst atm
    12 points
  6. He was a friend of our family. Too young to see him play, but met him many times over the years. Always humble and nice, but no time for fools. I would have liked him a lot without knowing his background. I've mentioned here before that Hassa Mann is my uncle, so talking to football royalty was pretty 'meh' growing up (don't all kids have champion footballers in their family?), but no matter how many times I talked to Ron I was always a bit (lot) in awe of him. The man had a list of honours and a gravitas about him that made Uncle Hass seem just another bloke that played football. His influence on the MFC, and every other club he touched, plus the game as a whole cannot ever be calculated. Love and thoughts to RDB's family and friends. "Don't cry because it is over. Smile because it happened"
    12 points
  7. Let’s see Pies flag - nightmare hell on earth Blue flag - see above Brisbane flag - Zorko gets a medal It’s an obvious choice. Go the orange.
    12 points
  8. The reason that me and many Irish people barrack for the Demons is because of Ron Barassi. The "Irish Experiment" brought Jim Stynes (RIP), Sean Wight (RIP), and others, to Melbourne. Thanks, RDB.
    11 points
  9. He has a fourth interview this Tuesday. Sounds as though it’s merely a formality. This came from his niece.
    10 points
  10. Really nice to read everyone's anecdotes and tales of the great man. The one that sticks in my mind isn't related to football all; it was the night Ron came to the defence of a woman who was being assaulted by a gang of thugs at a restaurant in Fiztroy street. Already well into his 70's, Ron put himself in harm's way to protect a stranger. When he got involved and chased the group away, they ultimately turned on him, punching and kicking him while he lay on the ground. In his own words: "I just hoped I'd survive." The woman later credited him with saving her life. "I'd like to thank Mr Barassi for daring to help. He's a very brave man. A good man. There's not many of them around any more."
    10 points
  11. Very sorry to hear about your circumstances and horrified and disgusted by what you went through. I work with young people everyday and have for many years and sadly your story is not unique. Good on you for having the courage to share your story and by doing so helping others.
    10 points
  12. Thanks whispering_jack 1. Justice 2 .he needs to be in jail for the rest of he's life 3. Be a Voice for everyone I don't want anybody to go thro what I did yeah I know I'm going to STOP it from happening but somehow help in anyway so when it does happen again to some1 else the AFL CAN ACT FAST
    10 points
  13. Can't help but be super impressed with the way they go about it. Putting Port to the sword and they genuinely look like a premiership contender in my opinion. They should absolutely dare to dream because they play a brand that is well equipped on the big stage. I mean watching Jesse Hogan in itself makes me depressed but I'm bloody happy for him and hope he gets success. Toby Green, Josh Kelly and Lachie Whitfield are genuine stars of the competition They're my go to team for the finals.
    9 points
  14. It was a warm evening ,the 28th Dec 1964. Dusk had come and gone as passengers disembarked the FairSea at Port Melb.. Many families made their way to the special liveried Dog box Swing Door Train that awaited us 10 pounders. We were picked up by distant rellos. This 5 year old wee lad had no idea that evening about Footy, who Melbourne were or who "Barassi" was. That was all to change the first day of school the following year. I won't bore you with the full story of that as has been told a few times. Suffice I became a Dee and started my footy journey in that schoolyard. My first bit of kit was a Melbourne jumper... my mum knitted that. That was done in those days. I needed boots. A rather.."quirky" Sports/ Hardware ( opposite Malvern station) was visited. I became the proud recipient of a pair of "Ron Barassi" leather boots .. not the 'plastic things'... yes they did exist. These were Black leather with wooden stops. A far cry from the soft slippers worn today. I floated on air and beamed widely.. I had Barassi Boots... what could be better. Later , much later,indeed this century, i was asked to attend and participate in a number of MFC think tanks. We were divided into small groups...each with a mentor/ facilitator. I drew the man himself. They were interesting times and the great Barrasi regaled his times at the club and offered his understanding of the malaise that then beleaguered our club. They were interesting sessions. He genuinely seemed to take on board many of our thoughts. Subsequently i believe some fruit was borne of those talks but for me the greatest takeaway was to get an insight, if brief, as to what made him tick. Barassi, for mine, shares a distinct quality with that which adorns our Coat of Arms. Neither a Roo nor an Emu can take a backward step. Ron didn't either. He struck me as not only someone who attacked things with passion and gusto but not affraid to make mistakes. Life to lived... don't go wondering. Ron, I only got to meet and speak with you but a number of times but always felt I came away better for them. Im not convinced you'll "rest" wher'ere you are as I'm sure you'd much rather get a game happening. And I'm absolutely positive you'd be wearing a Red and Blue guernsey... 31 on the back. You're a Champion. All Demons should play like you, fearless and determined. Ronald Dale Barassi. Legend RIP
    9 points
  15. I’m all for GWS knocking the pies out in a prelim.
    9 points
  16. Such sad, devastating news. As a teenager I grew up watching the great Ron Barassi marvelling at his fierce, never say die attitude and skills. What a legend . He was the prime reason why I followed the mighty Demons. The greatest Melbourne player to have pulled a Melbourne jumper and as an old man, I have seen many great players but not quite up the standard of this mighty man. He could fly in the packs with the big boys and moments later he was grappling on the ground with the smaller faster players.Tackling? Those long arms would lock in an opponent and stop them in their tracks.You knew when you were gone with a Barassi tackle. So hard to believe that his big heart lies still. RIP dear Ron and my deepest symphony goes out to his immediate family and friends.Thank you RDB for the joy you put into my life.
    9 points
  17. At last years BnF - he was having a laugh with my old man memories ❤️
    9 points
  18. I rarely get to go to games, being stuck up here in Sydney, and whenever I do, part of me imagines that the other Demons around are also somewhere on this site. Sitting way up in the back for the game against Sydney a few weeks ago, my wife and I were set up behind a row of people who had a real atmosphere of sophisticated knowledge of the game combined with maximum commitment to being smart-[bleep]s. A real country football vibe that was so refreshing compared to having to listen to channel 7. Also, seen that day; a HUGE DUDE who could probably crush a cat's skull with one hand - looked a bit like if Liev Schreiber got real and hardened up. But then, he was being a proper gentleman all game, and as the crowd was filing out my wife was getting into a full adorable asian-girl dance mode for the second (third?) playing of the club song and this giant dude just started joining as he went past. I love my club, I love its community, and Demonland punches well above it's weight for building that community. As I said, thanks to Demonland, even from a distance every Demon in the crowd feels like they might be in on the same jokes.
    8 points
  19. Had the pleasure of meeting Barassi at the Bentleigh Club when the 1964 Premiers celebrated the 50th anniversary. This photo with him looking hale and hearty, is in my 'special mfc photo frame' (which includes many of the 2021 Cup) It was a great day to meet him and so many others of that era. I also obtained the autographs of the 1964 premiers in the second photo. A bit of trivia, Barassi had stopped using #31 with his signature. In the top left corner of this photo you can see 17410 meaning he participated in 17 GF as coach or player and won 10 of them - a record that is unlikely to be bettered. It is very sad that he is gone but he had a wonderful life, impacted so many for the good and has left a legacy that is unlikely to ever be surpassed.
    8 points
  20. And save at least $1.2M if not more next year and Grundy's $650k going forward. Then with 5, 11 and with 13 and later picks to trade with, we could get 3 picks inside top 11 and really add some talent. This is a real once in a blue moon chance, to get multiple high end players.
    8 points
  21. Death riding freos pick. That was great fun. Schadenfreude is very satisfying so a big thank you to freo for that enjoyment
    8 points
  22. The last time we had 2 picks inside 15, we took Kozzie and Jackson which helped win us a flag. Let’s do it again. The players will be burning in 2024, bring it on!
    8 points
  23. When I was a kid, all the big boys at primary school wore number 31. It’s the main reason I’m a Demons supporter to this day. Our hearts broke when he left for Carlton in 1965. Still, he gave us something to cheer about when the Demons were in the doldrums, with his success coaching Carlton, and later North Melbourne. We were over the moon when he eventually returned to MFC in 1981. I was at The Western Oval in round 3 of that year for his first win coaching his old club. Melbourne kicked 6 goals in the final quarter to get up by one point. I think Robbie kicked a goal after the siren. I jumped the fence and made a beeline for the coaches’ box as Melbourne fans invaded the oval. Halfway across I saw Barassi charging through the crowd in the opposite direction. Unfortunately, a little girl crossed his path and the legend tripped. It occurs to me that that little girl succeeded where many fierce opponents had failed; she brought down the great man! In round 14, later that year, Melbourne played St Kilda at Moorabbin. I used to sneak into the clubrooms whenever the opportunity arose by nonchalantly acting as though I belonged. On that day I found myself in the inner sanctum, hot pie in hand, while the Reserves were playing the curtain-raiser. Hoping to avoid detection, I stood by a whiteboard which listed the team positions for the match. I was surprised to see Robbie named at half-back! I heard a familiar voice behind me, “Excuse me mate, who are you?” It was Ron... “I’m just a supporter”, I offered. “Jesus... Who let this guy in?” Ron yelled in the direction of the doorman. I was swiftly escorted to the exit by a red-faced attendant. Many years passed before my next face to face encounter with Ronald Dale. He released his Biography in 2010 and I attended the book launch. He was charming and obliging. I mentioned that I had been a follower since those early days at primary school. I also took a few photos. It was wonderful that Ron was with us to hold the Premiership Cup again after Melbourne’s triumph in 2021. He always added 17410 to his signature; 17 grand finals, four clubs, 10 premierships. For me it now reads 18411. RIP, Ronald Dale.
    8 points
  24. Wasted season? Let's be realistic and acknowledge that many clubs spend consecutive years at or near the top and in fact need to do so to win the title. That's what we are doing. Face it: we went into this finals series up against it missing key forwards and in both games (from the five minute mark of the Woods game) our in form midfielder. We lost both by a combined eight points. So we are a contender. I don't think it was wasted since (a) we put a year into JvR, (b) we learned last night that Smith, who played his best game, has a future as a marking target, (c) we saw Sparrow go to another level and Spargo was strong (again after appearing lost), and (d) we found McVee who was found out a little in the finals but will only improve. TMac will (should) retire. We played two men short (TMac Brayshaw) in the Woods game and one man short last night with TMac in the side. But we can build a forward line out of Petty, JvR, Smith and a fit Fritter who I reckon was seriously underdone for the finals. The backs were mighty these last few weeks and show no sign of slowing up. We lost due to some panic, some lack of composure up forward, poor skills (Max it's time you could be relied on in front of goal FCS), missing personnel, rotten luck and, in the final quarter last night some of the worst umpiring ever seen. Was it an AFL conspiracy to get the favoured Blue boys up? Sure looked like it although I'll reserve final judgement until I can face the replay. But for all that we have continued to lay groundwork And on the bright side we have a strong draft hand, ridiculously so for a team that finished as high as we did. Emphasis: players who can kick with precision.
    7 points
  25. Bowey - consistent and reliable Brayshaw - important midfield addition Brown - ruined by injury Chandler - failed with inconsistency Dunstan - couldn’t impress selectors Fritsch - needed more impact Gawn -our outstanding leader Grundy - a major disappointment Harmes - something went wrong Hibberd - gave his all Hunter - a welcome addition Jordon - limited, probably gone Langdon - an inconsistent year Laurie - didn’t take chance Lever - strong and composed May - powerful and consistent McDonald - had nothing left McVee - first year revelation Melksham - turned back clock Neal-Bullen - consistent, not outstanding Oliver - great until injury Petracca - a consistent dynamo Petty - cause for optimism Pickett - disappointingly limited output Rivers - exciting times ahead Salem - a poor season Schache - had limited opportunities Smith - versatile and involved Spargo - probably went backwards Sparrow - tough and uncompromising Tomlinson - had his moments Turner - certainly looks promising van Rooyen - more strength required Viney - great until finals Woewodin - deserved more opportunities
    7 points
  26. Well , since this a rare be nice thread , ... I'd like you all to know that everything is going along swimmingly at The Manor and my domestic staff are bending over backwards to keep me in a euphoric state
    7 points
  27. Big shout out to @WheeloRatings as well. That data is absolute gold and in most cases none of us can access normally even if we wanted to pay for it.
    7 points
  28. Good points. I'll give an example of how we are, in fact, the best supporters. I went to the game on Friday night with my son. We sat in the MCC members, surrounded by mostly by Melbourne supporters (for a change). We were near the goals where the Carton cheer squad were sitting and to which Carlton were kicking. A Carlton player marked , but his shot on goal missed. 'Hear that?' I said to my son. 'No, what?' he replied. 'Exactly, I said. Nothing. Wait until Melbourne has a shot and misses, and tell me what you hear.' Needless to say, we didn't have to wait long. The boos started loudly when one of our players had the audacity to take a mark in our forward line. Of course he missed, and the cheering was deafening. He looked at me and smiled and said 'I see what you mean'. 'And that, my son, is why we barrack for the team we do, and not them or any other rabble'.
    7 points
  29. People still think footy clubs are amateur. It's a professional work place. Players have KPIs. Teams have KPIs. Coaches have KPIs. Exit interviews are holistic views over the year. Anyone that works corporate would know what an end of year review is. You go in, talk about what you've done well, how you think you went, what you think you can improve on. Then management tells you how you went next to your KPIs and what your goals might be next year. Anyone with a brain going into these interviews knows exactly how they're going to go. They're not defined by one moment/game/week/month. Leaders like Gawn will have different metrics than someone like JVR.
    7 points
  30. Ross Lyon in an interview spoke about exit interviews last week. He said players get so much consistent feedback that none of them would ever be in doubt about what they need to work on, and the expectations of them. He said these days exit interviews are more about finding out from the players how they are feeling and think their year went, checking off procedural and governance things, and then confirming with those you suspect are out the door that they in fact are.
    7 points
  31. Don't have to sit though Kiss on GF day.
    7 points
  32. The learning for me is that good ball users like spargo should play because we don’t have enough good ball users
    7 points
  33. Hunt did not want to leave - he was asked to consider other options by the MFC and was devastated to go. Ironically you're the one rewriting history on that point! Bedford wanted to leave because he wasn't getting any chances - a big loss for us but fair enough for him, given it was back before the tactical sub so all Bedford really got to do was sit on the bench in 2022.
    7 points
  34. Reminder: Bedford wanted to leave, Hunt wanted to head to WC to get more opportunities. We all feel bad about the season, but lets not write history wrongly to suit a narrative point.
    7 points
  35. I thought the 2006 Comm Games got it right when they had him walk on water across the yarra with the torch at the opening ceremony. Agree with the calls to name the premiership cup after him. There’s a nice synergy with the Norm Smith medal
    7 points
  36. Bugger Reid, we need to acquire as many first round picks as possible
    7 points
  37. We all know flags are incredibly hard to win. We were the hardest team to beat all year, evidenced by our losses all being 10 points or less (bar 1). Agree with posters sentiments about our more daring ball movement in 2021 compared to now. The fact is we had proper forward targets in 21 that we don't have now. TMac and Brown were serious footballers, but it was their last hurrah. We also mustn't underestimate the loss of Jackson. His size, speed and agility was the perfect foil for Max. He was a tall target all around the ground, competitive in the ruck and effective at ground level. He also gave Max plenty of rest time during the game so when he snagged a shot at goal he wasn't completely nackered. Goody tightened up ball movement to keep games close knowing we were unlikely to kick 15+ goals against the better teams. But while that kept us safe at times it also leave the door ajar for teams when we are inaccurate.
    7 points
  38. I felt better watching the girls yesterday as well. It was a nice antidote. It's a purer experience. It's all about the footy. No hype, corporate speak or bloviating pundits. I hope the ALFW manages to keep the lower key vibe. I want the crowds to grow but keep playing at suburban grounds. Anyways, I'm really looking forward to the next few weeks watching this team try to go back-to-back. I know most Dees supporters have turned their minds to draft/trade or switched off for the year, but the footy season has a long way to go for me. Go Dees.
    7 points
  39. Vale the greatest name the sport has known
    7 points
  40. RIP RDB. I like to think he is upstairs with my dad and grandpa, chewing the fat and talking football with two of his greatest fans. I never met you but grew up listening to stories about you from my Demon mad family. Condolences to his family, friends and the MFC. We have lost a great man ❤️💙
    7 points
  41. His return is not so recent. I was working part time hours in Acland Street Cellars in early 2006. In walks the mighty Mister Barassi. He brings a bottiglie to the counter, I confess my allegiance, my adoration of the way he played, the number of times I had the privilege to watch him play, asked how he fancied our chances in 2006 - the same question I had asked David Neitz the week before - and as he left the shop, he turned to me and smiled and yelled, Go Dees.
    7 points
  42. R.I.P to a wonderful man. His willingness to engage with the fans, and the time he gave our club will be greatly missed. I was extremly luck in my life to have a couple of interactions with the great man, and his patience for a rabid melbourne supporter was wonderful... He bought a few footy books from my dads bookshop, (another rabid supporter) and we were both there to chew his ear off and shake his hand. also had the privilege of meeting him at he Melbourne supporters forum thing we did under Jim Stynes..., we were put on the same little group to come up with ideas, and he nominated me leader and even called me Captain... as an 19 year old it was the most wonderful thing in the world!!!!!!.. Cheers! Captain 😢🍺🍺♥️♥️♥️
    7 points
  43. My dad barracked for Carlton and my older brothers barracked for Essendon and Fitzroy. I chose the Demons all those years ago for one reason. The great RDB !!!! RIP Ron.
    7 points
  44. And speaking of records, Kate Hore is now the outright leading goal kicker in the history of the comp with 61. Her two goals against the Dogs put her two clear of.......Tayla Harris. 😁
    6 points
  45. Probably bit ritch on a Melbourne thread !!!
    6 points
  46. Watching the girls the last two weekends has really helped my sanity. They really play for each other. Great running and ball movement. I even loved the commentary. No blokes yelling at me through the TV. Just a couple of women calling the game fairly completely without raising their voices too much. Sat at the back of the couch with the feet up enjoying footy like we should. Loving the way this team plays.
    6 points
  47. I’m glad he lasted long enough to know we are again a respectable successful club. A true gent.
    6 points
  48. There will always be changes of course, that’s the nature of footy. But we were/are obviously so close it’s crazy. Kick straighter, we win, it’s that simple and that close. I don’t understand how people can’t see this. That’s what makes it so frustrating. And yes, @rpfc, our back half turnover and transition to score has been elite all season. Statistically. It’s not really an opinion.
    6 points
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