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BDA last won the day on May 18

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  1. Giants are as schizo and inconsistent as we are. Genuine 50/50 game Very poor last week so I expect us to rebound with a good performance. hopefully its enough to win Go dees.
  2. didn't watch the second half. I thought Carlton were will on track for victory. surprised they lost. 5-day breaks are a crock of [censored]. I don't understand why they are needed at all. Could be wrong but I would its possible to schedule 6 day or more breaks only
  3. hindsight is a wonderful thing. you can never be wrong
  4. seeing as carlton are going to win this anyways i hope they absolutely pump these pretenders. taking a chunk off their percentage would help us.
  5. port rubbish this quarter
  6. soft free curnow. looked 50/50 contest to me
  7. shocking miss. just needed to run it into an open goal. dumb af
  8. he's been putting himself about tonight but he's not far off being totally cooked
  9. you'll need to take a long shower with plenty of detergent
  10. ratugolea has started well. taken some strong marks and slotted that setshot nicely
  11. Why is half time entertainment necessary. Isn’t it just another imported Americanism. The footy should be entertainment enough
  12. Right call on sparrow. He can have no complaints
  13. not sure why posters get so triggered by this. its typical fare in the world of AFL media. reality is there's been noise around Clarry for the last few years. And the club did put him on notice last year. it's inevitable that there will be stories about him again. That said, I'd be very surprised if he is traded. makes no sense when his value is at its lowest. lets see how he goes next year after a proper preseason. If he can't get back to his best then i think the considerations will be different.
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