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beelzebub last won the day on May 1 2019

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About beelzebub

  • Birthday 28/06/1959

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    R Flower, R Barassi , R Grinter, Weird Al Jacovich, J Stynes, Sean Wight, Maxxy Max, Clarry !!

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    Hopefully not just the pursuit of happiness but catching it :)

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  1. Can't help but feel Max's inclusion is well meant but foolhardy desperation. Hope this doesn't exasperate his injury. Go Dees ... keep well Max.
  2. Yes, the classically called '8 point' games will start exacting their toll from here on. As well there is little point falling in over the line into the eight if you've spent all the 'reserves' at hand. Not the time of year to be running on fumes or buggered legs. These teams are quickly put to the sword. Id rather we we're starting on 25 now than trying to prove anything else in 24. Not put cue in rack... just adjust the focus. I think we have to a degree...with some encouraging results. We need to keep going down this path.
  3. Footy for mine is a lot about being in the right spot, getting to the right spot, denying others the right spot and a thorough understanding of where a ball is going and where it is. ( kinda like the old game in the Sun.... for those that remember ) Some are gifted...just know and understand. Some have the building blocks but need practice and mentoring. Some should take up macrame....
  4. Correct me... happy for you to. What has SHE done ?.. not what have others done and she's watched. What has SHE done specifically ? Curious...
  5. Nup,sorry. Don't buy this. And why ?. She effectively came in on the very notion of NOT being 'one of the boyz' .. of being the one to get it done ( it being the new home ) Where are we now.. Well lots of talk,lots of might be ,could be's . Throw in ...it's in development etc. Effectively...at this very moment what do we have... clinically... nothing. Or as suggested SFA N.C. This isn't Moscow .. ( hmm.. maybe Melb ..city...is ) those in positions ARE accountable. We SHOULD be kept up to date. But the club continues to be a secretive boyz club. Meanwhile other clubs get new digs, get mega$M upgrades. I actually think Caulfield is a great opportunity and my gut suggests will eventuate. But wht the secret squirrel approach. Yes there are commercial confidences but i can't imagine anything that should preclude meaningful updates. MFC ..sponsored by Crickets !! almost ironically appropriate
  6. Ol Squiggle can actually vary a bit depending upon its own algorithms. I often do it 3/5 times and take the 'mean' As such...
  7. Interesting context.. In my view , in that analogy, is we traded to keep the business solvent but in doing so in that manner have contributed nothing to developing it. At best we tread water....whilst others improve. Imho...exactly what has occurred.
  8. Perception we've underachieved ??? No.... the REALITY is we have underachieved. That's from where the angst arises and rightly so. In case it's escaped anyone's notice....we are trending DOWN . You suggest right calls at season's end. What are those and how would they so dramatically reverse our fortunes ? Genuinely interested.
  9. Again.. why is Roffey there ?? Done sfa !!!
  10. You think the trades have gone well ??
  11. But it DOES entail Trades. Given they are current players they afford the most potential for list improvements. By any metric we're failing badly. Ergo he deserves to be Lambasted. Mark his card 'done' imo.
  12. Im not sure about your opening gambit but much of the rest reads with merit.
  13. The merit of this is totally dependent , for me, on where he's played.
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