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About Dee*ceiving

  • Birthday 16/05/1981

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  1. Definitely. Ultimately in the event Clarrie is courted and he firmly believes the grass is greener it will be up to his manager and the clubs to find a deal that benefits all parties, else Clarrie's tied to us for another 5+ years.
  2. 100% The club has stated for years they will only trade players in or out if it has the potential to make our team better or the player cannot be placated to stay.
  3. I think that's plausible dazzle but I can't imagine this would eventuate if the only benefit to the club would be second round draft pick and cash dump. It would need to be mutually beneficial else you remain wedded and it's in the best interest of the club and Clarrie to find a way to fit and for Clarrie to get back to his best.
  4. Good news, smart to hang on to the talls we have particulary with a few the wrong side of 30. Only 24 years old, Harry's played 77 games for the Dees, I'd suggest we've been more pleased than displeased with his performances in those 77 games. Definitely battled this year as a forward/ruck off limited preseason and with some injury struggles but I'd suggest his last 4 games has been his best block of form and was possibly our best player vs Fremantle. Will/would return to the backline if/when feasible. Would need someone else to pick up CHF (maybe Jeffo in time) and probably for TMac to make way. The time will come... We shouldn't disregard the selflessness in the role Harry has played this year. Team player!
  5. The club has stated for years they will only trade players in or out if it has the potential to make our team better or the player cannot be placated to stay. Ridiculous of the media to think that Clarrie can't get back to his best form, of course he can, and they know that. But they also know controversy creates cash. IMV, they only way Clarrie isn't at the Dees next year is Clarrie asks/demands to be traded, and/or; Moving Clarrie allows us to obtain another player or 2 to (potentially) make us better. No way he get's traded as a cash dump.
  6. if they're smart they'd throw him right back
  7. Kynan Brown, 24 tackles, take a bow young man!
  8. Not sure about that. At times sides in 7th or 8th can be limping into finals due to form, injury or both and a team in 9th or 10th would actually be more competitive in finals v the top 6. I quite like the idea.
  9. I actually don't mind changing the rule but why not future date it? If there are potential draftees in the program and clubs have invested time and money into the program, why not at least let it reach maturity. Announce the rull change now to take effect after the 2026 or 2027 National Draft? Changing rules on the fly has hairs on it.
  10. Absolutely disgraceful how long SIA investigations take in this country, though I suspect i was similar in the US which lead the big leagues to seperate themselves from USADA. The AFL really should do the same and have fixed/bracketed punishments for positive tests for illicit drug use. Narcotics first offence = 2 weeks (for example). Second offence would be more, with it getting really lengthy after 3 and maybe contracts torn up at 4? Major League Baseball https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_League_Baseball_drug_policy
  11. What a legend. Incredible athelete and a top bloke. I loved Wide World of Sports with he and Ken Sutcliffe on Saturday afternoons in the 90s!
  12. LOL...because in the first instance it gifted Essendon a goal and in the second instance it may have gifted Melbourne a goal...DUH!
  13. This. Amazing job on The String. Loved Juddys interview on 7 too. Humble, grateful and clearly loves the club and his team mates
  14. 6. JVR just massive 5. ANB 4. Langdon 3. Mcvee 2. Rivers 1. May But lots of honourable mentions... Oliver, Pickett, Turner, McDonald, lever, Windsor, Melksham...
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