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Farewell Luke Jackson

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25 minutes ago, Engorged Onion said:

What does he as an individual owe 'us'? He didn't pick himself to come to the club in the draft.

We've got a premiership due to his (and everyone elses) efforts...*throughout the entire year.

Fly free big unicorn guy...fly free.

More correctly he got a premiership due to the clubs/teams efforts

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Id be disappointed. If you listen to the media he's gone.

He either wants to go home or he doesn't. But I feel he can learn so much more from Max and even be our number 1 ruckman.

Its a bit frustrating drafting these perth boys. I know other interstate players leave to go back home but I just feel the WA boys want to go back more.

If we lost both Gus and LJ I'd be really shattered. That would feel more a kick in the guts when players were walking when we were bad. 


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If he goes, what of Rivers? I felt there was a strategy of drafting a raft of WA guys together to help with the “being comfortable in a foreign land” factor. Is Jackson the first in a row of dominoes to fall or an anomaly in the drafting plan?

Edited by DeeMee
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21 minutes ago, DeeMee said:

If he goes, what of Rivers? I felt there was a strategy of drafting a raft of WA guys together to help with the “being comfortable in a foreign land” factor. Is Jackson the first in a row of dominoes to fall or an anomaly in the drafting plan?

I get the feeling he's pretty happy in Melbourne.

Has a Melbourne gf so can't see him going.

He's also told my brother that if the money is right he will re-sign no worries at all.

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If LJ goes

1. secure Gus immediately.

2. Work out the compensation with Freo / WC.

3A. Use the draft picks to recruit a Melbourne based KPF and separately a ruck prospect. 

3B Depending on who we are dealing with get a return player. Brayshaw or Serong minimum.

4 Get one of Walker / Lobb to address immediate list needs for the next 2-3 years as the KPF will take at least 4 years to develop. 

Not the end of the world, but at what point does this start to affect team members?

Edited by CYB
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1 hour ago, Engorged Onion said:

What does he as an individual owe 'us'? He didn't pick himself to come to the club in the draft.

We've got a premiership due to his (and everyone elses) efforts...*throughout the entire year.

Fly free big unicorn guy...fly free.

I just really love this last line. 

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3 hours ago, Jaded No More said:

If true, I have lost a lot of respect for Jackson. 

IF he wants to go and nominates Freo, it is about wanting to play for them, not just homesickness and I would agree with you.

Players when they sign the draft documents, agree to play anywhere, just like sportspeople everywhere. I am sure when we met him before the draft, he said he was happy to play in Victoria. If this is about truly wanting to go home, he should say either club, but it appears that is not the case.

If he nominates Freo then we play hardball and I would start getting into the heads of some Victorian Freo Dockers we would be happy to have, as they simply won't have the picks.

We could have got Cerra last year and cleared Jacko the next if he would have told us.

Freo force Cerra, who wanted to play with us, to Carlton and now want our brightest young tall. 

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To be honest I'm really disappointed in Luke. I have tried to be ok about it and understand it, but we took a risk on him, developed him, gave him opportunities, turned him into a premiership player. And now he wants to abandon us. Grow up. Homesick is something kids get when they sleep at a friends house. He is a 21 year old, not a 12 year old. He should sign for 2 years, then he can go. 

Its all that plus, there is no way in hell we are going to get a fair deal for him. Freo are in the box seat. they will offer first rounder and future first or first rounder and a fringe player. That pick as we know will be mid  teens. We should be asking for a Tabener on return. and a first rounder as a minimum

He wont go to West Coast.. and we wont march him to the pre season draft... so the club had better be prepared to play the hard long game on this. 

Really annoys me.

Edited by Demon3
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2 hours ago, The heart beats true said:

Disagree. We won that game by 80 odd points. He was in the mix of our players but had he not been there it’s very hard to argue we still wouldn’t have won.

My view is that Luke got a Premiership from our system and experience, certainly not the other way around.

Spot on 

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I’m going to stick my neck out and say that I believe that all the hype around Jacko - the incredible potential, the generational player - is just noise that at this stage in his career is simply baseless. He may become a reasonable player - but no way will he be “generational”. He rarely holds a mark around the ground - and certainly not one grab - he doesn’t win many hit outs at stoppages, and stats wise, there has been only minor improvement from last year - not the progress you’d expect from a “generational” player. While I’d prefer him to stay - as I think he will continue to be a good back up to Gawny - but if he wants to go, I’d prefer it be now rather than in 2 years time, as I believe we’ll get more for him now than in 2 years time. In 2 years time, the hype will be considerably muted, as his improvement, I believe, will not warrant such hype any more. The old adage of buy low and sell high definitely applies to this. I don’t think his trading stocks will get any higher than this year. Good luck to the kid, no hard feelings if you want to go, but I’m now more looking forward to the talent we can obtain from the trade.

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My main issue with all of this - and also the Gus contract to a lesser extent - is that it starts to become a distraction that gets louder, questions at every presser etc. I know the official line is that the noise doesn’t bother the club, but ultimately it will. It’s an annoyance that we could probably do without.

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Would you look at Treacy and Cox as part of a deal, together with maybe picks.

Treacy is a big, tough, Victorian 19 year old key forward and Cox a 23 year old SA key defender.

Freo have other key forwards and Amiss a local to come.

Cox could play forward or allow Petty to.

They could be a good starting point of any deal.

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24 minutes ago, Neil Crompton said:

I’m going to stick my neck out and say that I believe that all the hype around Jacko - the incredible potential, the generational player - is just noise that at this stage in his career is simply baseless. He may become a reasonable player - but no way will he be “generational”. He rarely holds a mark around the ground - and certainly not one grab - he doesn’t win many hit outs at stoppages, and stats wise, there has been only minor improvement from last year - not the progress you’d expect from a “generational” player. While I’d prefer him to stay - as I think he will continue to be a good back up to Gawny - but if he wants to go, I’d prefer it be now rather than in 2 years time, as I believe we’ll get more for him now than in 2 years time. In 2 years time, the hype will be considerably muted, as his improvement, I believe, will not warrant such hype any more. The old adage of buy low and sell high definitely applies to this. I don’t think his trading stocks will get any higher than this year. Good luck to the kid, no hard feelings if you want to go, but I’m now more looking forward to the talent we can obtain from the trade.

Luke Jackson

Born:29-Sep-2001 (Debut:18y 258d Last:20y 267d)

Height:198 cm Weight:84 kg


By totals 

  • By averages 
  • Abbreviations key#=Jumper
    GM=Games played
    DA=Disposal average
    HO=Hit outs
    RB=Rebound 50s
    IF=Inside 50s
    FF=Free kicks for
    FA=Free kicks against
    BR=Brownlow votes
    CP=Contested possessions
    UP=Uncontested possessions
    CM=Contested marks
    MI=Marks inside 50
    1%=One percenters
    GA=Goal assist
    %P=Percentage of game played
    SU=Sub (On/Off)
    ↑=subbed on
    ↓=subbed off
Year   Team   #   GM   W-D-L   KI   MK   HB   DI   GL   BH   HO   TK   RB   IF   CL   CG   FF   FA   BR   CP   UP   CM   MI   1%   BO   GA  
Totals 43 33-1-9 202 125 356 558 27 18 416 102 14 63 73 83 52 26 3 289 287 45 31 70   19
Averages 14.33 77.91% 4.70 2.91 8.28 12.98 0.63 0.42 9.67 2.37 0.33 1.47 1.70 1.93 1.21 0.60 0.08 6.72 6.67 1.05 0.72 1.63   0.44
2020 Melbourne 6 6 4-0-2 19 9 33 52 3 2 29 8   6 6 8 7 3   28 26 5 2 7   4
2021 Melbourne 6 24 19-1-4 107 72 201 308 16 9 255 48 8 30 35 42 24 11 3 157 158 24 21 37   8
2022 Melbourne 6 13 10-0-3 76 44 122 198 8 7 132 46 6 27 32 33 21 12   104 103 16 8 26   7
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31 minutes ago, Neil Crompton said:

I’m going to stick my neck out and say that I believe that all the hype around Jacko - the incredible potential, the generational player - is just noise that at this stage in his career is simply baseless. He may become a reasonable player - but no way will he be “generational”. He rarely holds a mark around the ground - and certainly not one grab - he doesn’t win many hit outs at stoppages, and stats wise, there has been only minor improvement from last year - not the progress you’d expect from a “generational” player. While I’d prefer him to stay - as I think he will continue to be a good back up to Gawny - but if he wants to go, I’d prefer it be now rather than in 2 years time, as I believe we’ll get more for him now than in 2 years time. In 2 years time, the hype will be considerably muted, as his improvement, I believe, will not warrant such hype any more. The old adage of buy low and sell high definitely applies to this. I don’t think his trading stocks will get any higher than this year. Good luck to the kid, no hard feelings if you want to go, but I’m now more looking forward to the talent we can obtain from the trade.

The glass half-full argument is that we scored a no 3 pick when we dipped for one year... if he is the AFL.com.au trade talk special of the month we should use his currency to straighten up our woeful forward line.

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Not sure what all the excitement is about here, there is every chance Luke Jackson will re-sign with Melbourne.  The journalists always make stuff like this up to generate clicks and the only people that would have any idea would be Jackson, his Manager, and the clubs based on discussions with Jackson/his Manager.

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45 minutes ago, Neil Crompton said:

I’m going to stick my neck out and say that I believe that all the hype around Jacko - the incredible potential, the generational player - is just noise that at this stage in his career is simply baseless. He may become a reasonable player - but no way will he be “generational”. He rarely holds a mark around the ground - and certainly not one grab - he doesn’t win many hit outs at stoppages, and stats wise, there has been only minor improvement from last year - not the progress you’d expect from a “generational” player. While I’d prefer him to stay - as I think he will continue to be a good back up to Gawny - but if he wants to go, I’d prefer it be now rather than in 2 years time, as I believe we’ll get more for him now than in 2 years time. In 2 years time, the hype will be considerably muted, as his improvement, I believe, will not warrant such hype any more. The old adage of buy low and sell high definitely applies to this. I don’t think his trading stocks will get any higher than this year. Good luck to the kid, no hard feelings if you want to go, but I’m now more looking forward to the talent we can obtain from the trade.

Mirrored my thoughts exactly here, he's not strong in the ruck, doesn't take a lot of marks, his point of difference is his mobility for his height. He'll obviously have a solid career but somewhat agree with Jake Nial he's been a bit over hyped.

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On 7/3/2022 at 9:25 PM, Lord Travis said:

Brayshaw won’t be part of a trade for Jackson.

Hypothetically if he was though, it’d be Brayshaw for Jackson… and a first rounder. Brayshaw is a proven elite midfielder oozing leadership. He currently sits second in the league behind Clarry in the coaches votes. He’s 22 years old.
Jackson is a tall with serious potential at 21 years old. But he’s still mostly potential at this stage.

Proven "elite" midfielder playing half back flank, hnmm. Piont is wht didnt Goody change things around when we were getting smashed in clearances eg

GUS  in midfield, Kossy to rotate, Bedford of, Hunt on, Petty as key Forward,???? 

I could go on ...but if nothing changes, nothing will!

Edited by picket fence
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9 minutes ago, chookrat said:

Not sure what all the excitement is about here, there is every chance Luke Jackson will re-sign with Melbourne.  The journalists always make stuff like this up to generate clicks and the only people that would have any idea would be Jackson, his Manager, and the clubs based on discussions with Jackson/his Manager.

I agree at this stage there is little but speculation and the media love this sort of thing particularly it seems if there is any way to destabilase the MFC

I watched him closely last night and his performance was not great (not the only one mind you) 

I said this a few weeks ago but this and Gus's contract status will continue to be an unhelpful distraction - if he wants out say that and lets all move on 

It's time to p!ss or get off the pot 

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8 minutes ago, loges said:

Mirrored my thoughts exactly here, he's not strong in the ruck, doesn't take a lot of marks, his point of difference is his mobility for his height. He'll obviously have a solid career but somewhat agree with Jake Nial he's been a bit over hyped.

And for this so called skill, how often has it worked?

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Fact is if he is going to Freo yiu wonthear about it till end of year, coz if he announced it during the season and he goes, I would not play him again this year, period!

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1 minute ago, chookrat said:

Not sure what all the excitement is about here, there is every chance Luke Jackson will re-sign with Melbourne.  The journalists always make stuff like this up to generate clicks and the only people that would have any idea would be Jackson, his Manager, and the clubs based on discussions with Jackson/his Manager.

Think there is enough smoke to be concerned about a fire right now. Particularly with "in the know" posters suggesting as such.

While we shouldn't give up on re-signing him, I think the club would also be canvassing all there options in the event he does leave for WA. West Coast would obviously be the preferable option as Freo have very little trade capital as it sits. They've traded out their 2nd and 3rd round picks this year so only have pick 15 and a pick in the 70s currently. Maybe they will acquire something for Lobb but as it stands, freos first offer would probably be something like 15 and Sturt or Meek.

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6 minutes ago, picket fence said:

Proven "elite" midfielder playing half back flank, hnmm. Piont is wht didnt Goody change things around when we were getting smashed in clearances eg

GUS  in midfield, Kossy to rotate, Bedford of, Hunt on, Petty as key Forward,???? 

I could go on ...but if nothing changes, nothing will!

Think you may have misunderstood my post Picket Fence or missed the context of the discussion at that point in time. It was referring to Freo's Andrew Brayshaw not being part of a trade for Jackson if he requests a trade, not our Angus Brayshaw being somehow involved. 

I agree with @Neil Crompton's assessment in that jackson's value will never be higher than it is now. If he doesn't develop as hyped over the next two years, his value drops. If he does develop as hyped, his value remains the same as what's being bandied about ($1 million a year). If he does want to leave, we're better cashing in now to extract highest value rather than later.

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3 hours ago, dazzledavey36 said:

I get the frustrating with some with him leaving. 

He played a factor in our drought winning premiership and I'll always thank him for giving me that premiership joy.

It's disappointing that he'll potentially leave, but the way I look at this I think this could be a huge advantage for our playing list moving forward.

I'm a huge believer that if we are to continue to challenge in September consistently you have to find ways to regenerate your list with fresh talent.

1. Starting point is two 1st round picks. At least a top 10 pick in this year's draft as a starting point. No later then top 12. Great opportunity to grab an elite midfielder that may slide. Elite talent like Hewett, Sheezel, Tsatas would genuinely give our midfield mix a whole different dynamic. If we're wanting to go tall then there is Jedd Busslinger from WA who's an elite defender at 197cm or Aaron Cardman who's an elite key forward. I feel like these are much bigger needs for our list moving forward. Jason Taylor has a rich history of nailing first round picks and the thought or him having his hands on this year's talent excites me.

2. Frees up salary space. Simple as that. If we need to target an experienced key position player then like we did with May then we'll have the space for it.

Look, I agree. Clarry and Trac are the A+ers. Having them signed up for life means we can build the team around them with certainty. 

But... if LJ leaves for Freo that could win them a premiership. I think we're much better around stoppage without Gawn and LJs ability at ground level is freakish, even for a mid.

I don't want to lose him and I'm sure the club will do everything in its power to ensure he stays and if not, I'm confident we will maximise the situation to our own benefit.

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