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Rab D Nesbitt

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Rab D Nesbitt last won the day on May 7 2022

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    Ally McCoist, Brian Laudrup, Mark Hately, Andy Goram

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  1. We pretty much knew that Jacko and Biff were going to dominate in the air but our lack of intensity and spread from the contest was really disappointing. Leb and Knuckle were good I thought. The commentary team were gushing about Freo for much of the game but when it really matters they are as flakey as any side.
  2. There was a guy called Paul Mynott at my high school, who lived in Rowville and supported St Kilda. Just googled him and Trent is his son. His dad was a successful coach for Rowville apparently.
  3. Couldn't be any more than 5,000 people at the ground to watch Andrew Demetriou's plastic implants today.
  4. Fair point. Perhaps it's all in the marketing / wording of the concept then Dee*. For example it could be said that the final series is actually being reduced to six teams to enhance their credibility. Teams that then end the season in places 7-10 can play a lightning repechage game (or two) for two of them to join the top six. Something like that anyway.
  5. Richmond, North and WC are now effectively "playing" for pick 1 in the draft. Or pick 2 if you're North.
  6. He lives in Fitzroy JJR. I've seen him ride past the Pullman whilst having a beer in there one game day.
  7. Nope. It awards mediocrity and cheapens the achievement of making the finals. If they want to shoehorn in an extra week of football make it an entire home & away round.
  8. For what it's worth Max has actually floated that thought a couple of times in his twice weekly slot on the Marty Sheargold radio show.
  9. Since we played Brisbane I've decided to just enjoy each game in isolation without worrying about their greater implications and have to say it's made going to the football more enjoyable.
  10. I wonder how long the media are going to run with this "orange tsunami" bØllocks.
  11. By the end of next week we could be 3rd or 13th. Mad.
  12. Credit where it's due. One of them did actually write could've instead of could of.
  13. Hey Layz. I was walking through our local shopping centre today when a guy in an Oxfam bib walked up to me. Not to ask for money but to ask if I was from Glasgow as he saw the Rangers jacket I was wearing. He was from Belfast. We spoke about the usual stuff. Where back home we were from, how we ended up here, where can you get a decent pint of the black stuff etc. Another guy must have overheard us and came over to join the craic. He is from Longford on the other side of the border. It was all going well until one of them asked, "have you been watching the euros?". Almost simultaneously we all groaned and said how unbearable back home it would be for everyone if England actually won the thing. They will always think they are the centre of the universe.
  14. Only just got home. Just wow. It was a pleasure to be at the ground to watch us tonight. Even giving up a few goals towards the end when I think Rick was off the ground doesn't take the shine off how well we played as a collective unit.
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