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3183 Dee

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3183 Dee last won the day on August 14 2014

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    May, Petracca, Oliver, Gawn, Jackson, Pickett

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  1. I just don’t see the point in picking up guys like Fullerton and Schache, if they’re not going to play. I get that list spots need to be filled, but surely you would look at proven performers coming to the end of their careers, who could be on call to jump in if needed and, in the meantime, teach the young kids at Casey. To me, it seems that Schache and Fullarton are not likely to make the first team, so why persist with them? I would rather have a Brayden Preuss type, who at least shows a little appetite for the contest.
  2. Yes - it was pretty unequivocal wasn’t it? Whack!
  3. A beautiful little doco. How many of us would love to have the same feeling of family and community that Kozzy has? Also, a great idea to take Clarry along - somebody at the club knows what they are doing.
  4. You could tell at the game that he wasn’t right during the 3Q - he couldn’t follow up any contest and couldn’t run generally.
  5. It’s infectious isn’t it? Disco Turner is the same: loves the contest and loves kicking a goal.
  6. BUMP! I thought he was very good yesterday and has been much more consistent this year - last year, he ran out of steam by this stage. He seems to be Nibbler-esque in his team first mentality and a couple of the younger guys have mentioned him as a role model. His contested marking is excellent for his size: there was one that he took at full stretch on the Shane Warne wing, where he beat a much taller opponent. The highlight, though, was in the final couple of minutes, when he sat Harley Reid down in a crunching marking contest (I’d love to see a replay of that!). Well done Chin - keep it up son.
  7. Top tier Ponsford and Shane Warne Stand closed.
  8. Yes, I think he comes straight back in - no point in delaying it.
  9. This is true, although there did seem to be a tangible shift in the way he played (attitude, commitment) at some point last year. I wonder if it was after the Entrecôte brouhaha ?
  10. I have nothing but respect and admiration for Jake Melksham. Two years ago, I thought he was done and glad he hit the 💯 for the Dee’s. Then, when he did the ACL, he could have legitimately retired. Instead, he doubles down and gets back ahead of schedule. He is what our forward line is desperately missing: not just his kicking (although he’s a super kick), not just his contest (although he can lock down any key defender) but it will be his smarts and leadership which will help steady and form our young and rudderless forward line.
  11. That was worse staging than May - imagine what Robbo and Buckley are going to say about this…
  12. Yes - I don’t think they’re bickering. They just hate conceding and so dissect each goal with a robust discussion. The Lever-May relationship seems built on respect and honest feedback!
  13. Absolutely! Great player: love his attitude - not fazed at all, just gets in there, with a grin. We’re crying out for these types, especially with Gus and Hibbo out of the picture now. As soon as he gets the confidence and knowledge to give himself that extra yard to get a shot away, he’s going to be elite.
  14. Very encouraging signs last night from AMW, Kolt, Taj and Disco. What I liked the most is that they all seem to be ‘up and about’ types: love the contest, like a bit of chat, seem to really enjoy playing football together.
  15. A really solid debut - exceeded expectations, I would say. He looked very poised for a first gamer and looks to have a bright future.
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