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Neil Crompton

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  1. Nice to see Jeffo as the main man up forward, and not crowded out by the likes of Schache and BBB. Hope he has a good day.
  2. If we had a camera operator of the year award……. well let’s just say it would be an honour to even be considered for nomination, as well she might.
  3. You are not clutching my pearls D.
  4. I see you finally found the zoom button WCW. Well done. (Haha we were all hoping you’d have found it weeks ago).
  5. As long as she sings “ menu log” I’d be happy
  6. Which DH “ journalist” initiated the BS that a trade will only get done if we give up 2 first rounders? I’m sure no one at Port said this.
  7. Hey @WalkingCivilWar, you said the following: “Had awesome chats with Clarrie. And with a few others and it was the best session I’ve ever been to as a result of what I was told.” Then you left us high and dry. What were you told that was so good? (Haha Typical you - focusing on the negative and not the positive!)
  8. I’ll also join the chorus against paying overseas artists for our GF. My choice would be Crowded House.
  9. Beelz, you know as well as I do that we are not going to know specifically what she’s done without asking her for her timesheets - and I’ll let you ask her for them. Superficially, what we know is that she was in charge when we got out of what could have been a second rate facility at Goshes. We also know that she was in charge when we got into the Caulfield project. Like you, I’d like to know more about the current situation. But without knowing the facts, you cannot say that she has done sfa - and again, superficially, the change from Goshes to Caulfield would appear to be an excellent move, which will hopefully come off.
  10. Leave me alone mum, I’ve done it already! And I’ve made my bed.
  11. Where you are correct Beelz is that we should, as members, be getting more updates - even if vague in nature. But that wasn’t your initial statement /argument was it. You said Roffey has “done sfa” - which I still say is a bit unfair.
  12. I think that’s bit unfair beelz. All of us have no idea really what progress is going on - which I’m sure is due to non- disclosure agreements. And just because you and I are not being kept in the loop, doesn’t mean she is not, as best she can, progressing this option - which as we know is under the control of other organisations. If Caulfield turns out to be a bust then maybe your comment will have merit, but not yet.
  13. What substance? Just because dickweed states it 2 weeks in a row isn’t substance.
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