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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Its gonna RAIN, cats and dogs! Hnmm what does that actually mean??
  2. Just tell me again SO ITS NAILED into my Brain we picked Weideman over CURNOW and MC KAY!!? have I got this right??
  3. Just because it is his 200th is NO Guarantee of a spot and nor should it be! He would want to tear it up at Casey First. Not that thats any factor, just look at Pettys elevation on no form!
  4. Yeah good luck with that, but if it happens???
  5. Well WCW I haven''t quite exited yet but have have a few things on the go at moment! I'm confident of completing a P.F Special in the not to distant future and if the planets align, should be at Casey Saturday for the 11.35 Clash!😎
  6. WTF does Kynan Brown have to do to get a game.. A FRIGGEN DEESGRACE Bailey Laurie is NOT up to it!! BROWN DOG better than Woewodin as well but he's got a few credits. I WILL be interesting at Casey this weekend
  7. JUSTIN LEPPITSCH DEAN GIANSERACUSA STEVEN KING AND one right out of left field who is extremely analytical and knowledgeable......... JOEY MONTANA
  8. Carryst if we are bemoaning Spargo's non avalability we really are in deep sheeit!
  9. U are kidding! Plenty of coaches in waiting!
  10. You are either a Maths teacher with no Idea or just a person that uses words that only a Phd in [censored] can understand! Such verbose implausability of grandiose design meaning .... Inconsequential and limited cerebral capacity!!
  11. And if Goody is overated, Bevo is in another Universe! ANGRY, arrogant and obstinate !
  12. Yes I should have provided more info, yes Joel Smith!??
  13. Overated for these reasons 1 No plan b or c if things go astray on match day 2 Traded Grundy 3 Some players are untouchable at selection 4 Has anyone heard him take responsibility for Ruck error last week? Swarta is on the money with this 5 In my belief he has run his race and our premiership window has ended
  14. MADNESS JEFFO WILL play game 1 2025 bank on it!
  15. Ok Im saying this now, If Clarry is out, Im out, no more memberships, no more training reports and probably better for some no more P.F I know little of his background BUT I do know footy clubs and cricket clubs at ANY level have their fair share of hipsters, jive bunnies, try hards, alternatives, party animals, wacky terbaccy imbibers clowns, nutters, mad men ( and women) eccentrics,musicians, drunks you name it I have seen them all then some more!!.You embrace em and support and encourage whatever the scenario. AND LOOK AFTER THEM! NOT SAYING CLARRY IS ANY OF THAT, BUT ...Clarry needs us as we need him!
  16. Yep absolutely stupid, brainless and absurd, and so Melbourne, watch this space, Adelaide or Puddy Tatts hnm interesting!!
  17. Positional settups are GARBAGE This grappling hold thing does my head in, lets try something different?? I know... what about backing the comps NO1 Ruck to win a clearance and have set plays and positioning that doesn't require GRAPPLING! This is Sheeeeeit!
  18. Oh God NOOOOOOO ! I want Jeffo to get a gig or two this year but NOT with Fritta at Half back!
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