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BAMF last won the day on January 1 2020

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  1. Optimistic but realistic going into this one. A tough game on paper. So many unexpected results for many teams this year though.
  2. You think? He won't be cheap imo. I guess it's what you are thinking we will have to give up for him compared to his quality level. All Australian last year. Contracted for another 2 years.
  3. This comment from bomberblitz will resonate with a few. Umpires gave us 3 goals when the game was truly over Disgraceful evening up I have ever seen- umpire no 22 take a bow
  4. I'll reserve judgement till after the game. I'm fascinated to see how it will work out.
  5. I think Goody could have named Chandler in the ruck and you would have found a way to 100% see the logic. 😛
  6. Ballsy move. It will be interesting to see how our ruck situation plays out on game day. We haven't been making the most of Max's taps this year, but he is irreplaceable around the ground. Will we just try and read the opposition taps like many teams do to Max? Will we go more aggressive in the clearance battle than we have been to mitigate the damage? How much ruck time will Petty actually play? The ruck position is so physical and Petty has been managing so many injuries over the last few years. How can Fullarton go from emergency to not listed when Max is injured? If he isn't injured then questions need to be asked about why he was brought into the club. If we win then Goody is a genius. If Petty gets injured or if we get smashed it will be a disaster. Looking forward to seeing it play out.
  7. Webster was holding him back from leading to the contest. Heeney swung his arm back below shoulder level to break the hold. Webster had slipped down hence the high contact. No way Heeney would have known his head was there. Not a fan of the suspension. Don't care about the Brownlow. Don't care much about Heeney either.
  8. His decision making can leave me annoyed at times. I think we are on the the same page. I'm not bagging him out. I've said all teams would have him. I've been happy with his slow but steady progress, but it hasn't progressed this year and I'm worried it won't. I get the impression that others think the same but just can't articulate their point of view. I would like him to move into a full time inside midfielder and use his speed and strength to attack and accelerate away from the contest. Stop being the negator and start being the threat. Its right there for him. He has the tank now. He has the power. He has the speed. He doesn't have the elite disposal but with the other things he is more than enough. He has got inside midfield time over others in the team. I want more from him.
  9. Sparrow has always been playing the same role since he came into the team. I would doubt that people don't factor it in. A lot of people expect a player to have a 'break out' game where they magically improve by 20% and continue at that level forever. Sparrow has slowly progressed each year until this year. He hasnt got better this year, and thats fine as every team would have Sparrow on their list as that defensive 4th inside mid. I think most people see his potential and want him to progress past that role. It's right there for the taking with Oliver playing below his best and Petracca out. With his speed and power he could push to an A grade player, but he isn't. Rivers is pushing into that role as he is a smoother, smarter player. Sparrow is a foot soldier. Albeit a good one. I want more from him. I'm hoping he continues his 5% increment improvement next year and this year is just a plateau.
  10. Still another year before he is drafted right?
  11. Laurie with 10 disposals and 34 dream team points. What the hell happened? Was he off the ground for long periods?
  12. I heard a post match interview with JVR last year on the radio and he was asked about being held back in the VFL for his first year. He instantly answered that he wasn't ready aerobically for AFL level football.
  13. I've seen Happy Gilmore. Just improve the putting and you win. Pretty sure Max Gawn was in that movie.
  14. I was so gutted after the Carlton final as I knew it was our last real opportunity with the game plan and list. This year is a tweak to both and I was hoping we would be thereabouts to launch late in the year. After the Adelaide games I thought we might be in the hunt, but a few injuries have exposed or lack of depth. We still have a list to challenge next year and after. Finding some good young players to refresh us will mean we can bounce back. Things are never as good or as bad as they seem.
  15. I know this will fall on deaf ears right now, but that was a cracking game. Both teams had so many missed opportunities. We had so many young players, we were always going to fade late. Disappointed with the result but proud of the team. Lots to work on though and a few clear gaps still in the list. Vent away demonlanders!
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