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Farewell Luke Jackson

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5 hours ago, CYB said:

Freo won’t want to lose out. The scumbags made a commitment to LJ and are really dragging him through the mud.

Hopefully his manager realises the magnitude of his f up and advises LJ to consider discussing options with WC. Also they should flag publically that he’d be happy to extend with MFC if a deal cannot be reached as opposed to the PSD.

This should have been the play from day 1.

If we believe that Luke doesn’t want Melbourne screwed over (which I take at face value) the idea that there is growing, published opinion that Freo’s offer isn’t good enough only helps our cause because you just know Freo will be in his ear telling him Melbourne are being unreasonable.  Hopefully this has some effect on opening his mind to the idea of West Coast.

Edit. It would be an amazing outcome for us if he toured Wet Toast facilities / that’d really freak out the Freo fans and at least put some heat back on Bell

Edited by The Jackson FIX
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8 hours ago, JimmyGadson said:

Disagree entirely. 

Next year's top 10 are much more highly rated and the top 5 especially. 

Aside from Ashcroft this year, there are no clear standouts. 

One example, happy to provide more! 

Do you know if there’s greater depth next year as well as better top end talent? 

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6 hours ago, mmwd6 said:

All the reports have said that freo haven't budged on their initial offer, and are refusing to put NM F2 on the table. They're not going to bend over backwards to satsify us.

He either goes to fremantle for 13 and F1, or goes to west coast in the PSD. Those are our two options at this point until WC actually make us an offer. Talks of a four way trade that would net them 8 and 12. Maybe we'll finally see an offer from them after that trade has been done. 

Fremantle won't trade Lobb (or Meek) until Jackson is locked away. Talks of 13, 13, 20, and 29 is wishful thinking. Talks of WC offering their future first is also wishful thinking. We're probably looking at 13, F1 from freo or 8, F2 from west coast at this point. 

We will end up with more than 13 & Freo F1 imo

Edited by Matt
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6 hours ago, Travy14 said:

Not what they were saying all day on trade radio today.  

They were saying they have offered it and we have knocked it back.  It Has also been reported all be it by Garry Lyon that he won't go to the PSD because he does want the best for Melb.  How much truth there is to that I dunno.

Freo will trade Lobb,  they are just trying to drive the price up, no way do they keep him, he is the type of person that will walk away for 12 months.

Alot of stand off's happening atm and some has to budge soon.  I hope its not us

Yeah I don't listen to trade radio. Articles from the west that are usually well connected to freo have said that they aren't offering that pick. Every article for the last couple days has said we are after that pick. If it has been offered we would have taken it 

Lobb will get traded, but not before they get Jackson, and definitely not before dunkley gets traded. 

Edited by mmwd6
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how this plays our depends on Jackson and his relationship with the club. if he does not want to see us screwed then Freo needs to come to the party if they want him. If not then he either stays, or goes to WC. If he goes then i would be prefer he goes to the eagles, no point giving freo another good player, and Jackson can really standout player with the eagles, which will  [censored] freo off even more about what they missed.

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9 hours ago, Sir Why You Little said:

Pure speculation at this point in time…

Recruiters and draft experts like Cal Twomey have been following these kids long enough to be able to tell if one crop is stronger than another, especially in the first round or so. 

Are you living under a rock? 

To say that next year's group are considered to be stronger gives insight into the amount of top players that are playing high level footy at an underage level. 

It's the opposite of speculation. Experts forming their view based on evidence in the form of thousands of hours of vision. 



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7 hours ago, mmwd6 said:

All the reports have said that freo haven't budged on their initial offer, and are refusing to put NM F2 on the table. They're not going to bend over backwards to satsify us.

He either goes to fremantle for 13 and F1, or goes to west coast in the PSD. Those are our two options at this point until WC actually make us an offer. Talks of a four way trade that would net them 8 and 12. Maybe we'll finally see an offer from them after that trade has been done. 

Fremantle won't trade Lobb (or Meek) until Jackson is locked away. Talks of 13, 13, 20, and 29 is wishful thinking. Talks of WC offering their future first is also wishful thinking. We're probably looking at 13, F1 from freo or 8, F2 from west coast at this point. 

Whoa there. You're making way too much sense for this thread.

WC 8 + F2 will make Freo sweeten their offer and WC will put it on the table just to stretch Freo if nothing else.


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1 hour ago, The Jackson FIX said:

If we believe that Luke doesn’t want Melbourne screwed over (which I take at face value) the idea that there is growing, published opinion that Freo’s offer isn’t good enough only helps our cause because you just know Freo will be in his ear telling him Melbourne are being unreasonable.  Hopefully this has some effect on opening his mind to the idea of West Coast.

Edit. It would be an amazing outcome for us if he toured Wet Toast facilities / that’d really freak out the Freo fans and at least put some heat back on Bell

I think this is what I would be asking of Jackson as a way of upping the ante to Freo. Say to him we are wanting to get him to his preferred destination but Freo are the ones undervaluing him. If he really wants to ensure we are getting fair compensation for him the least he can do is tour WC facilities and have a sit down with them to make Freo actually move towards a fairer deal. All he needs to do it is for show, and who knows by doing it WC could actually make something happen with their pitch. 

I really don’t want there to be bad blood with him on this departure but if he doesn’t want that he should be willing to play the game. Otherwise he will forever have soured his time at the club. Don’t get me wrong, his third qtr in the Grand Final will go down in MFC folklore but people have short memories and how you leave a club can trump those happy memories. 

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4 minutes ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

Jackson wants to get to Fremantle, as if he cares what we get for him in return. People are so gullible. 

To be honest, I'm not sure if Jackson could locate Freo on a map, he just wants to play footy and knows it's close to home.

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1 hour ago, mmwd6 said:

Yeah I don't listen to trade radio. Articles from the west that are usually well connected to freo have said that they aren't offering that pick. Every article for the last couple days has said we are after that pick. If it has been offered we would have taken it 

Lobb will get traded, but not before they get Jackson, and definitely not before dunkley gets traded. 

Agree about the Dunkley trade,  but don't recon they are waiting on Jackson.  I think they know that pick will be part of the trade somehow.  

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42 minutes ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

Jackson wants to get to Fremantle, as if he cares what we get for him in return. People are so gullible. 

I think he’s hoping to leave the club on good terms, if he doesn’t want to help us as well I’d say to him we let him walk and he can take his chances with potentially going to North. Maybe even start a rumour that North will take him in the PSD. 

Freo have put so much work into him that not getting him will be an embarrassment to them. 

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48 minutes ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

Jackson wants to get to Fremantle, as if he cares what we get for him in return. People are so gullible. 

Agree. From his new perspective (he's Freo now) he'd rather Freo keep their picks and use on improving his new team

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6 minutes ago, Pates said:

I think he’s hoping to leave the club on good terms, if he doesn’t want to help us as well I’d say to him we let him walk and he can take his chances with potentially going to North. Maybe even start a rumour that North will take him in the PSD. 

Freo have put so much work into him that not getting him will be an embarrassment to them. 

I don’t quite understand the leaving on good terms thing in this situation. He wants to go to Fremantle, and it’s up to the club what we accept for him. 

Edited by Ethan Tremblay
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6 minutes ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

I don’t quite understand the leaving on good terms thing in this situation. He wants to go to Fremantle, and it’s up to the club what we accept for him. 

Parting ways with an employer that has treated you with respect with a big F U would say a lot about him. I do wonder if it would effect his standing with the players. 

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Freo will be acutely aware that if we don't accept their offer, they won't be getting Jackson.  Probably ever.  The mooted big contract will be null & void

He'd end up back with us or at West Coast or the long shot, North

From our point of view, we might be prepared to accept a similar or lesser offer from West Coast bearing in mind that Jackson being at Freo strengthens a current rival (think a future PF at Freo with Jackson in their side as opposed to not being in their side)

Losing a small amount of currency is not worth sweating over from an overall point of view.  The only way we completely lose out is if he ends up in the pre-season draft (unlikely)

Caving sets a precedent but not caving sets a precedent as well

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Seems to me there is a lot of conjecture over a player who is on the market with only potential as his sale point.Had a great 3rd qtr in the gf,since then not much to crow about.Who ever gets him is backing a long shot,big risk in my view

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1 hour ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

Jackson wants to get to Fremantle, as if he cares what we get for him in return. People are so gullible. 

There's definiteley some element of him wanting to leave on good terms, but at the end of the day, if a deal breaks down between clubs, he's choosing himself over his ex employer. 

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29 minutes ago, BDA said:

Agree. From his new perspective (he's Freo now) he'd rather Freo keep their picks and use on improving his new team

besides he pays a manager to worry about all that stuff. why/how would he get involved personally. he's still just a kid.

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2 hours ago, JimmyGadson said:

Recruiters and draft experts like Cal Twomey have been following these kids long enough to be able to tell if one crop is stronger than another, especially in the first round or so. 

Are you living under a rock? 

To say that next year's group are considered to be stronger gives insight into the amount of top players that are playing high level footy at an underage level. 

It's the opposite of speculation. Experts forming their view based on evidence in the form of thousands of hours of vision. 



All I can say is from a WA perspective the 2005 to 2007 born boys have great depth, with next years crop just starting to stand out in local ranks

Cohen Livingston is getting better every time he plays, Koen Sanchez and Mitch Edwards also all going to be sought after.With Edwards the one who will really step forward next season If WA is anything to go by I expect the draft to go deep.

The one to watch who is developing nicely is Aiden O’Driscolll, great pace, exceptionally clean with his hands, poise in congestion and impacts the scoreboard. He’s the younger brother of Nathan from Fremantle. Luka Kentfield is another who if he gets a good fitness base could start catching a few recruiters eyes. Forward ruck who has very good disposal for his size

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14 hours ago, xman97 said:

If West Coast get picks 8 and 12. And Freo can't get a top 10 pick. Here's the 2 scenario's IMO. Which one is better??

WC - Jackson.

Melb - 8 + 20 + 26 + 2023 WC Round 2.

(I've added in 3 x WC 2nd rounders as I don't think we should accept only 1 x 1st rounder with only 2 x 2nd rounders. This way WC keep pick 12 and get Jackson).


Freo - Jackson.

Melb - 13 + 2023 Freo Round 1 + 2023 Nth Melb R2.

I would probably take the West Coast deal out of those two hypothetical scenarios.

Having pick #20 is usually quite an advantage as was shown in last year's draft as many clubs would be tempted to do a "live trade" to get that pick at the start of the 2nd round of the draft to pick up a player that has slipped down the order.

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30 minutes ago, Pennant St Dee said:

All I can say is from a WA perspective the 2005 to 2007 born boys have great depth, with next years crop just starting to stand out in local ranks

Cohen Livingston is getting better every time he plays, Koen Sanchez and Mitch Edwards also all going to be sought after.With Edwards the one who will really step forward next season If WA is anything to go by I expect the draft to go deep.

The one to watch who is developing nicely is Aiden O’Driscolll, great pace, exceptionally clean with his hands, poise in congestion and impacts the scoreboard. He’s the younger brother of Nathan from Fremantle. Luka Kentfield is another who if he gets a good fitness base could start catching a few recruiters eyes. Forward ruck who has very good disposal for his size

The Vic crop with Reid, Duursma & Archer standing out as bottom agers this year, looks strong.

Ashton Moir from SA looks incredibly gifted. Next year isn’t purely speculative, on performance some of those kids would be very high up the order this year if eligible.

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51 minutes ago, mmwd6 said:

Wonder how much Grundy would be impacting this trade getting done. We'd want to get Grundy done before hand because otherwise Collingwood will want whatever we get from LJ. 

That's not happening.

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