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The Jackson FIX

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  1. a bit from column A, a bit from column B
  2. Agreed it will happen. Ticks boxes for the league on the ratings front and integrity/tanking front but as a regular nba-watcher the play-in tournament is a bit of a fizzer…. A weekend of games is better than a weekend of nothing though I suppose
  3. He’s definitely got a disproportionately bad haircut
  4. Perhaps we lean over the fence at his next SANFL match and wave $10 notes at him so he knows we have Deep pockets?
  5. Someone said the other day he has East Timorese heritage I think
  6. The irony of Goody giving a vote to a tagger. I really liked Windsor’s game yesterday.
  7. The admission about Gus’ role at the club not working out was news to me. Very sad, really feel for him.
  8. Wow, never knew that. Surely when he debuts he’ll be one of the first (if not the first) people from East Timor to play at the elite level of a major sport?
  9. Is AMW indigenous? I thought he was but then there was more than one reference during Sir Doug rounds about “the three indigenous players on Melbourne’s list (Koz/May/McA)” without any reference to AMW?
  10. Remove the father sons and it looks a Barry Crocker of a draft
  11. I’m hearing we’re now considering Sammy Van Rooyen in the mid-season draft to ease Jacob’s homesickness AND concusion symptoms. The kid can do anything.
  12. Maybe Hawthorn and Norf could merge to become the North Dingley Kangapoos?
  13. I nearly choked on my lukewarm chips and gravy! How are we back talking about drafting SVR again?!
  14. You need to find cover from the zephyr, Zephyr
  15. I saw this one at Coles Yarraville on clearance for $8.50 yesterday. It isn’t plastic but not sure if it is as big as 30cm
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