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About Travy14

  • Birthday 03/04/1987

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    Cameron Bruce, Liam Jurrah, Angus Brayshaw, Jack Viney

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    Whyalla, South Australia

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  1. FB: McVee May Hore HB: Lever TMac AMW C: Windsor Viney Langdon HF: Fritsch Petty Chandler FF: Kossie JVR Melk MID: Gawn Oliver Rivers Bench: ANB Bowey Billings Brown Woewodin (Sub) In: Gawn, Hore, Brown, Woewodin (Sub) Out: Kolt (inj), Salem (inj), Turner Turner unlucky but I think we are too tall and slow up forward if he plays with Max back I like the idea of hore in the side to play the old Hibbard role, think we really need that ball reading ability. If wet maybe Howes instead Pup earned a track as did Billings from their games on the weekend
  2. I don't think they recruited him as a ruck, more a fwd/ruck and and hopefully a back up. I have a feeling he hasn't developed the way they would have hoped, his handful of games for Bris he looked OK without setting the world on fire. Could be on our development or his work ethic, who knows
  3. He is 12th on the VFL list for hitouts and only 3 above him aren't on an AFL list or ex AFL players. He would have provided a contest in the ruck. Petty did not.
  4. I do, and Verral would be able to do a good enough job to not allow easy easy hit outs. Its hois craft and he knows positioning etc, Petty tries to jump over the top and it works a couple of times but Darcy figured it out pretty quick and blocked his path so that he has to reach to far. Fullarton i agree is no where near it. but there was a role to play for Verral. Instead we are playing a guy who has had two foot issues inn the ruck. I'm sure the medicos ticked it off but still.
  5. Yes we do, And they are better options than Petty, they didn't need to win the taps, but just not allow easy taps like what happened all game. It was different in the wet last week when they just had to put on OK pressure and it force fumbles. but this week in the dry, we were shown up. Im not saying hang goody, but it was a wrong call. We move on.
  6. Coach needs to take some responsibility, not taking a ruck was a mistake. But its also not the be all and end all, not the sole reason we lost.
  7. They played a lot like we do at our best, have one out the back and the others push forward and back their bulls to win it and move it fwd, which is why they were flowing forward with such pace, they won the hard ball and got it out. I think they just beat us at everything, was not a good display from the players.
  8. Good to have you back gents. Whilst good shoukd be commended for the ruck decision against the bombers in the wet. He also needs to be condemned for 0 rucks against Jackson and Darcy in WA in perfect conditions. The ball was dry this week so they could use the hit out advantage. Last week being wet we Gould put a body on or pressure and it would cause a fumble. Two players I like to know where you think they are at in this stage of their career as the worrie me: Bowey and Sparrow, Bowie in particular has been very average, missing targets, pulling out of contests and looking lost defensively at times. What do you guys think?
  9. Good signing, spewing we didn't do a 5 year deal as I recon he would have signed for a lot less than 12 months ago. Ge will be part of our back due with Lever once May hangs them up
  10. Man up of the back of stoppages, they are clearly going backwards to a runner
  11. Whilst Oliver has been down on his AFL ELITE standards. he is still ave or above ave in the key statistics. He has clearly gone to a defensive mid role this year as he doesn't have his usual tank. He wont be going anywhere unless he wants a change. Which going on his rel with goody i can't see that happening. I'm sure Kane wouldn't have said the same about Peter Burgoyne in 2000 when he was in off field strife.
  12. JVR yup. Rest no, Lobb easily makes it in front of Petty and Turner as a fwd. And would go into the ruck allowing JVR to play full time forward. I hope Jefferson takes that spot too, but atm he isn't
  13. Exactly, I hate Lobb as well but he 100% walks into our forward line. Peatling is better than Sparrow, im hoping Sparrow turns it around. But has been very average this year with a down Oliver and Petracca out
  14. Smith - anyone. Would be perfect for our midfield mix Sheil/Parker/Peatling - Sparrow Lobb - Any of our key fwds besides JVR Cumming - AMW
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