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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. waste of time, od, you and i will be gone before tassie completed
  2. i'll wager it is completed before the tassie stadium
  3. try "community centre" or "multi-function sporting centre" or just "afl umpiring training centre (incorporating mfc)" or go all out suck on "the peter dutton elite sports centre"
  4. lukosius is a strange one he went from a precocious talent to an atrocious one
  5. really? ... a "triumvirate"? .... journos! 🤔
  6. maybe in one of those end of season night premierships for those teams who missed the real finals?
  7. grandsons play junior cricket at blackburn north. dorks gave all the kids free memberships. I wonder how many other junior clubs they do that for?
  8. nonna has already received 43 bouquets of flowers
  9. you'd never make a filth back pocket player, then
  10. i didn't know you were worried a certain poster might pay you a visit 😮 it looks just like one i keep handy 😎 great minds think alike
  11. lifetime ban? they would have reintroduced capital punishment for cozzie
  13. and dingley is hardly hawks homeland (but then tassie or arctic park hardly was, either)
  14. you're sounding more like dnegative today 😮 life is a compromise 😁
  15. when i was a young we were happy to train in a pot hole and when it rained we just moved to a shoe box but you try telling that to the young people nowadays
  16. could someone please buy clarry a comb, ffs
  17. is that a bog on a log? asking for a friend
  18. definitely. can you mentally transport the guys back to 2021?
  19. all we need to do now is hire a good hypnotist and astrologer 😎
  20. best larynx he's ever seen just couldn't help himself
  21. looks inevitable 3 first rounders they pay all salary seems only fair
  22. or he could audition for cold chisel
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