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About Pates

  • Birthday 24/02/1987

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    No one, when I name my favourite players bad things happen to them!

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    Melbourne Football Club, Melbourne City FC, Liverpool FC, Cricket

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  1. That we couldn't manage a single point which could ultimately have given us the draw to get us in a better position drives me so nuts.
  2. You're far more confident than I am Lucifer, which is great. I think we're a young team, I feel like we will lose 3 games with us possibly missing out on percentage. I just want us to end the season well to set us up for 2025.
  3. The way I see it because Draper essentially initiated the contact it's not a free kick against Disco, Turner did everything reasonable in his power to avoid the contact in a similar way to players lowering their legs to get taken high don't get the high tackle free kick.
  4. I feel like we're getting the mix right, before when we were running with the usual suspects of Billings, Hunter & co it just seemed that our older players were going through the motions. With youth and excitement, certain older players are getting the spark back. Petracca getting injured, while obviously not good for the severity and because he's an amazing player, could be one of the things that propels RIvers into being a top line midfielder. JVR also looks to be stepping out from being the number 2 in the forward line (though Gawn's absence is halting that for a bit).
  5. I find it incredible that after years as a defender Disco is not only proving to be a valuable forward, but a super reliable kick! He hits the ball so sweetly, if he's got it I feel so comfortable. As a side note, I saw a potential later in the season for him to be a super sub if we find ourselves a little too unsure about how to run with him, JVR, Petty, and Melk. I would say he's cemented his spot but if players start becoming available, he might be the one to make way.
  6. Like almost every rule in the AFL it's all about how it's applied. It's not wrong to deter players sliding in hard to try to win the ball in a dangerous way, but in this case I did feel that Draper did it in a way to win the ball as the first player to the contest and didn't leave DIsco open for serious injury. Play on would've been the correct call as Draper left himself prone for head high contact. But that's just my opinion.
  7. I was definitely one that had raised eyebrows at no recognised ruckman being picked, but it was definitely the right call given the weather. What I do want to know is where the club is going from here with the ruck situation into the future. We can't run JVR in the ruck on a regular basis, it robs us of his forward abilities. We don't need to get the worlds greatest ruckman next trade period but we need someone who is a solid body and can at least compete. Ideally would be in the 22-24 range. I was glad that Goody switched it up to have JVR do primary rucking duties over Petty. Gotta feel sorry for Harry, he's a top level defender being forced to play forward, then play ruck. He is so much better than what we're getting from him.
  8. Very enjoyable seeing him flat on his face, though I voted for Kozzie.
  9. Definitely got some X-factor about him. Has a little bit of mongrel about him too.
  10. Seeing him out there in 45, honestly I felt like I was seeing a reincarnation of Matty Whelan. Really like what I see from him.
  11. Well I've been wanting to see Fullarton in for a while, guess it's happening then.
  12. I bloody hope not, sadly there is no senior coach in the AFL worse at utilising the sub. Smith was the only time it ever looked like we might have an idea of how to use it, and giving Brown a total of 14min of match time across two matches is disgraceful. (Triggered me big time with that!)
  13. I would be totally ok with us playing him this week potentially as a sub. I guess it depends on how they want to manage his return. If it's more valuable to get minutes into him under less pressure then he goes to Casey. But if he's put the body of work in and he's ready for it we all know we could use a forward target! Either way all the best to him!
  14. Dumb question, what sort of a position would we expect AMW to take?
  15. Jefferson and AMW any chance of getting debuts?
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