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  1. How about 6 factors that made me keep the faith: 1. Communication It's clear the players love to play for him and that has been directly endorsed by Brendan McCartney. Every player that we've wanted to retain has re-signed. We've got every player we seriously chased from other clubs (except Jamie Elliott who didn't move anyway) and they've invariably said "When I met Goody I was onboard" 2. List Management He's gone after the right players in the right order to strengthen our squad - Hibberd, Melksham, Lewis, Lever, May, Langdon, Tomlinson, B.Brown. Josh Mahoney deserves a lot of credit here, his list management was superb from trading players in and out, to strengthening our draft hand at the right times. And it helps having a great talent spotter in Jason Taylor. 3. Ruthlessness He's not afraid to make the hard decisions. He traded poster boys Watts and Hogan. He made Max sole captain. He was a very good player who got the absolute most out of his talent and it's clear he's driven. Where others see boring monotone, I see steely determination. 4. Game Style The contest wins big finals and that's the bedrock he's built the team on. Since the Northey days we've been flakey in this area and it was clear we weren't ever seriously challenging for the flag because of it - when the whips were cracking we wilted - but not now. Next he's focussed on defence - the second pillar to winning flags by replacing OMac and Frost with May and Lever. 5. Maturity Our best players are now up around the 100 game mark - Petracca, Oliver, Salem, Brayshaw, Gawn and, as above, we've brought in quality experience to augment them. It can also take time for a coach to hone his craft - look at Bomber Thompson and Hardwick. 6. Reasons. We've has setbacks along the way but there were explainable reasons for them, not excuses. I've acknowledged this year he's run out of "reasons" and we have to play and win finals and it looks like we're on track. I think the adversity we've faced over the past few years will ultimately stand us in good stead and remind us that it doesn't come easy.
    17 points
  2. I've seen this line trotted out a bit and it's absolute BS in my opinion. The compensation was a pick immediately after our first pick, which is how the compensation system operates. It just so happened that our first pick was pick 2. If we had lost Chip after playing finals and the compensation was pick 12, no one would have batted an eyelid. Easy to forget that at the time, he was a 25 year-old, AA key defender and widely regarded as one of the best young key position players in the game. He was probably the equivalent of Weitering in today's terms. Absolutely he was worth band one compensation at the time, regardless of how his career progressed afterwards.
    16 points
  3. Puts our Weed problems into perspective
    15 points
  4. The AFL have for once gifted Melbourne a great mid-year break. We play Brisbane in Alice Springs on Friday 4 June. We next play on QB, 14 June against Collingwood. We have a bye the following weekend. That gives us nearly 10 day break after our NT trip. Then we do not have to roll up the following Saturday after QB. I think this is a great spread of games over the three weeks.
    14 points
  5. In 2021 women should not have to have anyone defend their honour, because nobody should be behaving like a complete nuffy to women. How about you let women go out, have fun, wear what they want, drink what they want, and not take it as an invitation to be a pervert or a dead set loser? Kthnxby.
    13 points
  6. Ok, I have five big changes that have helped our team this year on top of the key one from last year. What I'd love to know is who was responsible? Should Goody get all the credit? I'd love to say I know the answer, but I put my calculated guess at bottom of each move. Interested to hear your views on who is responsible. 1) Loyalty to senior players In the past Goody has got excited with his new toys (I remember his glee at seeing Oliver play even when Roosy was boss) and promoted players ahead of their time. He was behind the Oscar Mac ahead of Dunny move, he promoted Spargo as an 18yo and kept him in throughout the finals, he pushed Sparrow in for Rd 1 of 2019, he was all over Kossie and added Toby Bedford in at Rd 1 of 2020 for good measure. This year, however, he stuck fat with Jones and Jetta early when almost all of us had them written off, he played ANB over Chandler for Rd 1 and he stayed loyal to Harmes as a mid. In previous years Bowey would have played 5-6 games by now, but not this year. Person responsible for making Goody see the light: I reckon he listened to Yze or Chocco on this - my tip is Yze because up until this year the Hawks stuck with senior men and mature bodies. I also reckon Goody's own off-field issues may have helped him see the importance of staying loyal and giving first shot to your senior players. 2) Giving Hunt another go down back Ok, so under Roosy, Goody used to love watching Jayden chase back or provide run. Then early in 2018 he decided that Hunt and Frost weren't reliable enough kicks and wanted to follow the Hawthorn/Geelong precise ball movement way. Jordy's influence I suspect. They were banished with Jayden given the occasional lifeline as a pacy forward. You could see him trying to improve his kicking efficiency, often with a two-handed ball drop to ensure its accuracy. Gone also was any notion of a torp, which he unleashed so successfully in Darwin four years ago. This year someone decided that having Hunt down back again would mean Salem did not have to play on the opposition's quickest forward and as a result would have a fraction of a second more time to set things up. They also saw that under the new rules, Hunt could usually set off and break lines at will if allowed and that assisted our chances of catching other teams over the back. And I don't have the stats, but I reckon his efficiency is pretty high this year. We'd all like him to do a bit more, but his closing speed has helped with our manic pressure on opponents. Person responsible for making Goody see the light: I reckon it was Chocco who spotted early that Hunt's kicking may not look a thing of beauty, but is just as effective as his teammates. Chocco also used to love run and carry defenders at Port, so maybe he sat down and said, we are too slow down back, Hunt's your man and Goody listened. 3) Going back to ANB ANB was another one of Goody's love childs six years ago when he identified that he was better as a hard-working high half-forward than as a midfield bull (partly because he isn't actually a bull). ANB has always been our No.1 trainer, he works his butt off, but eventually, like most Demonlanders, Goody lost sight of the hard yards he does in games and started counting his turnovers. The result was he was dropped after being one of our best three against Carlton in Rd 2 last year and when he eventually came back in and was over-exuberant in a tackle, the club left him high and dry to cop a four-week dangerous tackle penalty with no appeal. This year Goody decided to reward his training excellence again and, apart from the Roos game, Nibbler has rewarded everyone with his persistence, his tackle pressure and with a rise in confidence his clever vision plays have mounted (he's not a Robbie Gray and probably never will be, but he's definitely best 22 material) and even the most niggardly of DL'ers now can see why he's been kept on and not delisted. Person responsible for making Goody see the light: I reckon this one might have actually been Goody himself. He did love ANB when he was a youngster and Goody himself wasn't a beautiful player, but he was a hard-worker and got better and more reliable as he aged. 4) Returning Harmesy to the middle There was some logic in trying him down back. In 2020 the club could see Trac had to play more in the middle and with Viney and Oliver, not to mention Angus, in the mix, Goody decided that Harmesy was expendable in the core and might be able to provide run and tightness down back. Harmesy has always been one of our vibrant players - he bumps, he blocks, he has little digs at opponents and he gets caught with the ball (a lot). But he also gets out of trouble (a lot) and he also is almost always the first on the scene of any scrum-style formation and we already know from 2018 that he loves tagging and is not scared of big names. His game against Freo (half of it with a broken hand) was mega courageous and his game and intensity against Sydney was exceptional. He's our Liam Picken - he's quick, he can mark pretty well for his size and he works his butt off. In one sense, Viney's injury is a blessing as it's allowed the move back in the guts to happen without mucking up rotations. He's not a matchwinner, but he's probably our most important role player. Person responsible for making Goody see the light: I am sure Harmesy was keen to head back into the middle and I reckon Yze may have made Goody more aware of how other sides hate playing against him and what he bring to the table with his ability to get quickly to contests. 5) Playing three talls up forward and down back This one is still a bit of a work in progress, but I reckon Goody stopped toying with alternate formats (remember how Goody went five smalls up forward against WC in Rd 1 last year) and decided three bigs up front and down back was the go. He was forced to modify this a bit because of injury and classified Fritter as a tall for the first six weeks, but now has a more even mix. Jacko's mobility has helped negate the groundball issues that three talls can create anyway. And May's kicking skills mean he has a tall defender that can break lines as well, so we can get away with what appears a top-heavy set up. Person responsible for making Goody see the light: Once again I am not sure if it was Chocco or Yze's knowledge of other programs that forced him to see the light on this. But we can all see it's working down back with Lever and May backed by a regenerated Tomlinson (until injury) and hopefully Petty grows in confidence (he was exceptional pre-season) on the resting rucks the more he plays. Finally I'd just like to add that the biggest and most crucial change occured last year and it clearly has helped our entire group feel more worthy and at home. 6) Making Gawny captain You have to remember that Goody annointed Viney and that Jack was the son of a great and was everything you could (normally) want in a leader with his desperation and courage and fearless hard work at training and in games legendary. But Jack, for all that, is a bit of an individual. He's smart, he's got a good life with a very supportive family. But he couldn't unify the guys and he didn't have the whole side's ear. Gawny may have been a knockabout but he's jungle smart and way more approachable on any number of issues. The umps love him and his banter (so he has their ear as well) and and I think we all underestimate how courageous the big bloke is, partly because he's a big bloke and you expect it. He loves all the old blokes (not just the smart ones) and it is that ability to make everyone at ease that has made him a super leader on and off the field. And if you watch his games, he steps up even more when he's needed. Closely tied into this is that he has advocated the word of Goody that the players have to be more selfless and work for the team, not as individuals. Person responsible for making Goody see the light: This happened last year and I think the players actually finally got a say and Goody felt under pressure from the media and partners after such a poor 2019 that he had to make the change.
    11 points
  7. My recommendation to Goody . . . listen to King on Monday and do the exact opposite on Saturday.
    11 points
  8. 30 years ago I was weaving my way through a crowded nightclub making my way back from the ladies’ room when I was hit in the head with a jug of beer. It wasn’t deliberate, one big drunk guy was passing the beer to his mate, but it was reckless. My then-boyfriend was furious and asked me to point the guy out, which I did. What happened next? Nothing, that’s what. Turns out the big drunk guy was Darren Millane and the then-bf was a diehard Magpies fan. Needless to say, that relationship didn’t exactly flourish.
    11 points
  9. Who has suggested our turn around is mainly thanks to Goody? I never venture into the is goodwin the right coach thread anymore, but the prevailing thinking in other threads on DL seems to be that Yze and Choco should be getting most of the credit for our 'turn around'. Goody seems to get precious little credit. And Richardson none I agree JG that it is a team effort and all current, and previous assistants etc, for that matter deserves credit for where we are at. Impossible, not to mention futile, to assign percentage to their contribution, including that of goody. That said I am more than happy to say Goodwin deserves the lions share of the credit of where are we at. All of it? Of course not. As you say that would be silly. But it is equally silly to suggest our coach since 2017 (who had key responsibilities as an assistant coach for the two previous years) is not the key architect of where we now sit as a club. He would certainly take the lion's share of the criticism and blame if we were going poorly, as was the case in 2019 and 2020 with many here on Demonland. Speaking of silly, i reckon there are more than a few silly posts in the is goodwin the right coach thread. When we win a flag, I will enjoy revisiting it for some light entertainment.
    10 points
  10. Yep, fair slice of backhanded compliment in the phrase: Person responsible for making Goody see the light If that is the starting point not much room to credit goody for anything.
    8 points
  11. Short answer: all things considered it reasonably likely we will drop off at some point, but if we do lets hope it is not at finals time. Long answer: As is always the case for any contender, much will depend on injury. And luck (eg who gets injured, when they get injured, opposition issues) We have had an ok run with injuries thus far (though that should not be overstated - we have lost thommo, our two first pick forwards were unavailable until recently, our small defender back up has been out, we lost a very handy defensive back up in Hore for the season, Viney is out for a bit). But we can expect some more. Our game plan has pressure as its absolute foundation. It is a very taxing style to play for a full season. Physically and mentally. It is likely intensity will drop in some games and we will lose a handful of them. So I think we will definitely dip a bit. Which is no bad thing. Gone are the days of teams going through seasons undefeated (how insane does that sound in reference to a discussion about the dees!) The key is to replicate what the Tigers have been so brilliant at: banking enough wins to make top 4, not being overly fussed if they are scratchy wins and peaking at finals time. As Hardwick and Goody have noted (perhaps taking a cue from the NFL) there are two seasons: Home and Away. And Finals. Get through the first in good shape and with a strong ladder position. Peak in the second Our system and game plan is robust and I am super confident it will stand up in finals. And our list is in the perfect stage of its development. Make no mistake we are legitimate contenders for the flag this year, as evidenced by the fact we are currently EQUAL FAVOURITES (with the Dogs, Tigers and Port - all $5.50) for the flag with the bookies. I hope they go all chips in in the next two games (was four games when i made this comment previously, so we have the first two pieces of the puzzle) and do all they can to win the them both. That includes picking the very best side they can. And not resting players unless really necessary. If we go 10 zip we are a top four lock as 15 win gets us top four, meaning we 'only' need to win half of our remaining games. Do that and we can plan around the bye to rest players. So rest players between rounds 11 and say 15. That includes possibly not having our best team against the dogs, port and/or lions. All three games are not as important at they might have been without our brilliant start to the season. If we happen to lose any, those clubs will know we were not at full strength. And dees fans we will be the ones who can smugly say premierships are not won in July. Give Gawn a chop out, manage Tracc and Oliver for a game or two, perhaps Jackson, Rivers and Jordan too (but not not kozzie - he would hate it too much!). Get some experienced players like Jones and maybe Jetts in for the tough mid winter games. And give the Bowey, Swallows, Chandlers and Bedfords, maybe even Rosman and of course Weed their shots. Fresh, motivated players will bring an energy just when we need it. And actually might help us win some games we might otherwise lose. Our flying start has created this opportunity. But we need to win to next two to get get full value from it.
    7 points
  12. Even after being 9-0 in 2016 North were not considered a premiership contender, they were still about 10-1 to win the flag and about 4th favorite. Most predicted a drop off and weren't surprised when it came. Our aim is to finish top 4. So we have to beat the teams around us. Having wins against Richmond, Geelong and Swans are important. Last Saturday nights win was super important. If Swans won its 28 points to us and 24 points to them and they can replace us in the top 4 at some stage. Having won and now being 12 points ahead of the Swans gives us a chance to hold them off in the run home. A problem for us though is our inability to get an easy win. A kill. Most good teams of the last 20 years had the ability to kill off the contest quickly and then could cruise through a few games. All our games the opposition were well in the game and in many cases ahead. It's good that we found a way to win but we looked cooked in the 4th quarter on Saturday night. The next part of our maturity as a football side is learning how to dominate. If we can't start putting games to bed earlier, we will almost certainly tire and drop off.
    7 points
  13. If there are tools harassing your partner, report it to security. If they do nothing about it, they obviously don’t want to look after their patrons, so leave. It’s really, really easy to avoid getting in to fights. Attitudes like picket’s belong in the 1970s. Defending women’s honour - please. I’m sure Bolton’s girlfriend is stoked he’s got a broken wrist, which he depends on for his livelihood, and a broken reputation now, all in the name of her “honour”.
    7 points
  14. Last time I had a guy crack on to my wife I felt sorry for the poor bustard.
    7 points
  15. Not sure about defending girlfriends or women's honour with biffo. Better to get out of there, avoid at all costs. Too much male on male violence. Stop the macho, these guys like to fight or pick up women. All should keep away from them. If the establishment encourages them in, don't go to the place. Why would anyone fight in this day and age, far too much risk. Creates anxiety, PTSD, rumination and injury, and is uncomfortable for all who witness it. Be a man and not a [censored], get out of the situation without violence. The night should be safe for everyone, reclaim it.
    7 points
  16. I nearly spat out my coffee. Kangas played finals in 2015 and 2016 and finished 9th in 2018. FFS. Dees underperformed for years with a few wins scrapped together plus had to absorb the Suns and Giants introductions sucking in 9 of the top 15 picks across 2010 and 2011. Let the Kangas draft and trade their way out of the dungeon imv.
    6 points
  17. 8-0 8 Rounds played….. 8 wins….. 32 points in the premiership bank. Hate to think how many times in the last 20 years that we have not managed to accumulate this many points in a whole season. Firstly, let me just address the umpiring, not just in our game but the whole season. Opinion on the umpiring is split. Some people think that the umpires are dumb, blind maggots. The rest think they are bias bunch of numb nuts. I am undecided between the two. Both could be correct. What is the collective noun for AFL umpires? A confusion of umpires? A blunder of umpires? An omnishambles of umpires? Personally, I think I will go with a Magoo of umpires. I think if you gave a troop of monkeys a shrill of whistles each and let them loose at a game they would make as many correct decisions as the Magoo of umps that were ‘in charge’ of our game last week. If you are too young to know about Mr. Magoo, google it. I was casting around in my mind trying to find a way of describing the Sydney game. Bear with me here. When I was a kid, I used to love going to the show and the best part for me was side show alley and the best bit of side show alley was the Jimmy Sharman’s Boxing troupe. 8 or 9 hard men lined up on the gallery, one pounding a big drum and Jimmy up there spruiking for challengers. I would sneak in and watch the show. A majority of the bouts were the local brawlers taking on one of the troupe and coming up short. These bouts seemed to always go the same way. The tent boxer would take half a round to assess the local, the next round or so to put on a show and then he would put him down. A bob or two to the nose, a couple of slowing shots under the ribs and then the stopping shot. Usually a hard one in the solar plexus. These bouts were always fun to watch but the ones I really liked were when the unexpected happened. A local would step in and as soon as the opening bell went you understood that he knew what he was doing. He had the discipline and defence to keep with the trouper, took his shots and landed a few. It was not a slug fest and in the end the tent boxer won on points. The challenger was still standing and at the final bell he slipped the boxer a grin and a wink as if to say… “See you next time….” The boxer commits him to memory and vows to keep an eye on him. That about wraps up my feeling over last week. Sydney can handle themselves. And so, to the Round 9 encounter with the Carlton at the MCG on Sunday. Carlton, a great place for an Italian meal or a cup of coffee but an ordinary footy team these days. They have won a lot of flags in the past but come the 21st century, they have more wooden spoons than anyone else. I like that. Let me remind you that this was the club that had John Elliot as president. Just go back and remind yourselves of the wonderful impact that cheating [censored] had on the club and footy in general. I do not care if they languish in the basement of the AFL ladder for a couple more generations. They deserve it. You do understand that I have very little love for them, don’t you? The facts: We are coming off a tight win over the 4th placed Swans, - Advantage us Nobody likes them – Advantage us They were run over in the last by the fast-finishing Dogs – Advantage Us Not sure I can find any advantages they have…. A very good defensive key position player in Weitering? – minor advantage them. We have one day extra rest and will need it – Advantage us? Problem areas of the game for us. Coming up against Carlton this week we will need to ensure that we have the right approach to the game. No matter what the opposition, we cannot afford to drop the pressure on the ball. Defence Was not too bad last week. Petty will improve week on week the more games he plays. With The rest of the defence around him he will learn where to be and when to go. Carlton’s main tall threats seem to be McKay and Owies with Betts at their feet dangerous. Betts is getting to the age where his legs are not moving as they did but he still has the experience and tricks to cause a headache. Rivers to mind him? That would give Rivers a chance to run off him on the rebound. We have them covered here. Petracca was down a bit on his usual standards. Seems harsh, I know, but he has set himself such high standards. I hope he recovers from the last second corky and can take his place next week. Oliver was excellent in the second half as was Jordon in the first. I would like to get Sparrow’s grunt onto the ground but not sure it will be this week. Cripps looks shot… that is bit like poking a stick at a sleeping tiger, I know. He will most likely come out and rip us a new one. Max! Max! Where are you???? Pittonet and Sweet rotating in the ruck against Max and Jackson. I will back our duo to win out but we need to find a way to at least break even in the center bounces. At the start of a quarter we line up with Petracca and Pickett with Oliver standing 10 m defensive side and it aint working…. Find another plan or two guys. Now for the forwards……. The good; we kicked a winning score last week. The bad; the fact that between them Brown and TMac only kicked 7, I wanted more The ugly; Fritsch got off the week suspension and still took a week’s holiday TMac starred and I can see the structure between Brown and TMac beginning to work. I had the impression that our forward line was very crowded last week and I would like to see the ball come in a bit faster and with a bit more space at the talls feet. I think our smalls lacked the space in which to work. Could be a short night for the selectors if Petracca comes up. Anyone sore? Want a rest? Want to visit dad in NZ? The new Swan feather stuffed cushions on the Bathwater Express look good. When I ordered this fine vehicle I dropped off a few options. Had all the driver assists removed along with the mufflers. Want to make sure people hear us coming and we turn a few heads. I also had the brakes removed I like the dangerous edge that gives us. Besides, when has a bandwagon ever had the need to slow down. All Aboard!!! My prediction last week sort of worked out… I said 8 goals and the margin was 9 points…. Only one number out. Dees by a lot this week. 8 goal margin… believe me…. 8 goals.
    6 points
  18. Hardwicks comments are ridiculous. He makes out there was no other solution but violence. It’s called walking away.
    6 points
  19. lotsa speculation without any actual acknowledgement of change process football departments in clubs tend to operate by consensus decisions not the whims of individuals one thing i have noticed in the last year is that goodwin seems to be primarily a bench-based coach rather than sitting in the box - and has been so since midway through last year correlates nicely with our run of form since the port adelaide shellacking i think? he has always been said to have a great relationship with the players; their support for him has been unanimous since day dot, and he seems to be very much a 'relationship and communication' based coach
    6 points
  20. In fairness I think this gets blown a bit out of proportion. And not single you out at all mate, but have seen a bit of commentary around this. He's currently going at 75% disposal efficiency. Right now he's ahead of Petracca, Oliver and Brayshaw who are all going at 58%, 69% and 69%. Doing alright is Jimmy.
    6 points
  21. Stop advocating for violence or having examples were it is justified. The other person doesn't cause you to do it. You do it, it is in your control, no matter what the circumstances. There are always better ways to handle the situation. There is emotional, social and physical scaring to you the victim and the bystanders, it should be avoided.at all costs. Control those primitive urges, nothing good comes of it. Violence against others, both strangers and domestic is an epidemic in society. Go get help, so your feelings aren't acted out in an inappropriate way.
    6 points
  22. JJ is a ‘quiet achiever’. Good skills, great work rate, and I expect follows the coaches instructions to the letter. A great role player in a team that puts high priority on this attribute. I love the way he is travelling!
    6 points
  23. As Darcy said on radio this morning, Janis Joplin really deservedly won the nomination
    6 points
  24. Well deserved and gees what a difference for a young player to come in and be able to play alongside a mature established midfield, rather than coming in and having to carry an entire team on your shoulders like so many of our kids have had to do when we were trash.
    6 points
  25. I just love the way he does the basics well. He tracks guys hips to stay on them to tackle. He gets down low and hard to pick the ball up. He gives quick accurate handballs to team mates in better position. And he runs, runs and then runs some more. He was a strange draft pick at the time because he had so little exposure at the elite junior level and about the only stand out trait was he had some penetration in his kicking - which hasn't really been a huge feature in his game at AFL level so far. But either the recruiters picked up on some finer details or maybe they just really liked the kid.
    6 points
  26. the question is premature after only 8 rounds let's revisit it around round 15 or so
    6 points
  27. Reminds me of Junior. Tough bugger. Big fan.
    6 points
  28. Just announced JJ Round 8 Rising ⭐️ Star. Well done James.
    5 points
  29. The title should be "Goody's ONLY big change of 2021" since you've credited him for playing ANB, and not much else.
    5 points
  30. The only players who might need resting are the young players who have found themselves playing every game just as Jordon, Pickett, Jackson and Rivers. Even then though it’s only a strong *might*. I would expect a senior player to be able to play the whole season without being rested for games. There are other ways the club can manage workload, such as light weeks on the track, or even a few days break mid-week. I wouldn’t want to see us putting weaker teams on the field.
    5 points
  31. I think the signs are we won’t have a drop off Great defensive set-up and system We’ve overcome challenges in pretty much every game We aren't actually playing particularly well. I reckon we have another gear to go. Not overly reliant on key players. If the oppo shut down one another player can step up Great depth to cover injuries We are fit. Very good fourth quarter team Injuries can derail any team but that aside I don’t believe we will fall away
    5 points
  32. We do have a hard draw towards the end of the season, so there will be some drop off. That's why we need to keep banking these early wins.
    5 points
  33. If I recall, in that run they played all the (as it turned out) bottom teams, then they got some injuries. They more or less ran out of gas. Then they got a flat tire. Their jumpers didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole their car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts. It wasn't their fault!
    5 points
  34. Just had a quick read, and think some people want to make changes for the sake of making changes. On some of the points, Gawn is playing more defensive at the moment, helping the back 6 until Petty gets going, or when more cover is required. melksham IS under pressure and will either be dropped this week or needs a big game to hold his spot. TMac won’t go to a wing - he is dominating forward, no need to move him from there. Brayshaw is doing very well, playing his role and is a major reason our defense is so good. He could of course get more touches and for some people be more aggressive, but, don’t get it wrong, a major part of his role is structure. Not to get people too worried, as it isn’t major, but I have heard that Jackson may be out this weekend and the next with a possible short term injury. If that is the case, the Weed is in to play fwd/ruck. Maybe I should have started with this statement ???
    5 points
  35. Are you OK? Seem to be carrying some hate. That distress won't help your family, friends or yourself. Get some communication and life skills, perhaps counselling or anger management. Violence perpetuates violence, and your victim is probably acting the same way anyway, (I was going to say " now that smoking has been banned").Takes an intellectual/emotional leap to change. Some men wear the pain as a badge of merit and pride. Can't change others only yourself.
    5 points
  36. On a serious note, love the many comments comments about 'walking away' is better, this is different to the vibe that existed even just 20 years ago. I must admit I am far from calm, when someone physically touches a friend or partner in an unwanted manner, and was in a fight when a guy slapped a gf to the head for pushing his arm away, but freely admit there was a better solution than boxing on, to be had. It is also a thin line between standing up for someone helpless, and a man getting involved in a fight because he feels like his honour was slighted because someone touched his girl. In effect removing the right for a women to exercise her own agency (and also not be treated like property).
    5 points
  37. developing quickly into everything i wanted dom tyson to be - tall, inside / outside mid who tackles with intent and (more often than not) hits targets has hit the scoreboard on a couple of occasions this year; future burns bright for the kid
    5 points
  38. A conservative approach is being taken with Viney that I'm not sure would have occurred in seasons past. In my view, this is both a sound approach and something that being in the strong ladder/win-loss position we are in affords.
    5 points
  39. Why? The woman would handle it much better without a male "having to stand up". The men should leave it alone. Then thank the women for her calmness and skill. Blokes should keep out of it. It is not a competition for the female. It is an unwarranted advance by a male. Our society is stamping out this toxic male behaviour in the workplace. Hoping all that social pressure reforms the public spaces as well. Hashing, me too movement, is making small steps. Males who can't communicate without anger should go get training.
    5 points
  40. Maybe men should stop behaving like absolute uneducated pigs to women and to one another. Problem solved.
    5 points
  41. Why don't we just win all the games from here till next year, and play the best team each week to win that week?
    5 points
  42. The older types on here will remember when a bloke by the name of Andrew Obst came over to join the Dees. Can't recall exactly who said it, but clearly remember one of the team staff claiming that he would be a "mild sensation". This young fella has a bit of Andrew Obst about him. Not necessarily his game style, but his worth to the team.
    5 points
  43. No where near close to resting players. But, 8-0 means that a slight niggle vs say Adelaide etc might turn into a week injury. Back 1/3 of the season if you have top 2 locked up then sure.
    5 points
  44. When you are 8-0 and have 2 rising star nominations in the first 8 weeks. #lifeisgood
    5 points
  45. Love that he’s got the recognition. Great little bit of development by the club I reckon - this is his third season on the list, but he just simmers away in the background until he’s ready, and makes an immediate impact when he forces his way in. Really enjoyed his year so far and looking forward to seeing how far he can take it.
    5 points
  46. Grats young fella. Has had a great start to his career and shows how valuable a reasonably long apprenticeship in the 2's is. Surprised me how good he has been tbh. I have never bagged him (iirc) but didnt have a great deal of confidence that he would play as well as he has. I have been consuming my share of humble pie this year i must say.
    5 points
  47. Rule 1 Dont Condemn till you know the full story Rule 2 Dont attend nightclubs that may or may not draw heat Rule 3 Always defend honour of women Rule 4 See rule 1
    5 points
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