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DeeZone last won the day on January 18

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    Clarry, Max, Tracc, JV, Riv, Gus, Fritsch , Langdon ,Kozzie

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  1. True NC he did represent us in the Grand Final sprint last year which was a bit surprising.😁
  2. Yes he did dees189227 he said that he loved the club and that he didn’t want to be anywhere else. I remember early in the year that he told WCW at training that he loved it here and no way he will get homesick.
  3. Don’t forget Kade Chandler also V quick over 20m, Kynan Brown also looks quickish judging from that run down against Roo’s and racking up 24 tackles last WE, but only a kid.
  4. Resilience is important CF they expect the barbs, taunts and belittling from their opponents opposition supporters, etc not so much from their supposed supporters.
  5. First off a big thanks for your Attendance WCW and great feedback it is very informative, reassuring and a bit concerning as well. I love that you have excellent interaction with players and FD, etc, it is nice to get that type of information in your reports. We all want our team and FD to do well and be happy in their environment some just can’t hide their anger or hurt when things go pear shaped. Love that Clayton stories are fabricated nonsense. Looking forward to the videos.👍💕
  6. Congratulations Koltyn Tholstrup and MFC, love what Lamb has done over the last couple of weeks - Daniel Disco Turner, Harry Swingman Harrison, Caleb Jet Windsor and now Koltyn Kolt Tholstrup. That is such great news, I really rate this kid, actually all of them but this one in particular. Just need to re-sign The Judd McVee long term and get Mr Ed Langdon on board. Do your stuff Tim Lamb.
  7. According to his stats he’s played 197 games DD.
  8. Tom Sparrow’s kicking and positioning was sublime in the Granny kicked 1 and helped set up 4. He was on fire but was playing high half forward. Tom’s best mate was JJ and they shared a house together, the changes may have unsettled him, I am a huge Sparrow fan but statistically he has dropped right off. Hope he gets it all back together.
  9. And Angus Brayshaw who nearly won one if I remember correctly.😁
  10. Thanks Deespicable great read, 2020 was a real mess and a lot of kids missed their opportunities in Victoria that’s for sure. Agree Jake Bowey and Benny Brown were significant in our run to Premiership success. I haven’t given up on Bailey Laurie but he needs to transfer his VFL form to AFL in 2025 or he will be a bust for us. I am enjoying this series.
  11. Big thanks WCW & Sis greatly appreciated. Wonder what is happening with Jed Adams? Hope Rick isn’t to bad and that Goody comes good soon.
  12. Thanks Demonland just a couple of corrections 1 - Game is Saturday night 2 - Tholstrup is out due to concussion protocols. 😁😁😁
  13. Another great signing red and blue forever, getting the ducks lined up for our next run at it.
  14. I would put Christian Salem in cotton wool for the rest of the year to try and get him through the preseason and a better 2025. Very sad when a player nears the end of their career, he has been so good for us.
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