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kev martin

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kev martin last won the day on May 28

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  1. They often turn up on mass at the Gosh's training. On special days they can be seen collecting awards for their work, other times they are part of the community campaigns, as guests observe the trackers. The numbers can vary from a handful, to the entire admin staff. Seems the club will work hard to be connected, given the non optimal situation of the physical separation of departments.
  2. I listened to the game. I was "informed" by professionals who call the game. I have opinions from that broadcast. Often people get the same input only to have differing interpretations. Dismiss me, but that is from your prejudice and not reality. You are pandering to the spectators who are doubters and fair weather supporters.
  3. From my journey through life, the stereotypical success is overrated. Greedy, acquiring, worshipped, you become weighed down and lose joy of the moment. The struggle creates neuroses. Be free of the outcome, or join the stoics, expect the worse hope for the best. Success tends to hide that there us something wrong, it doesn't promote self reflection or a reflection on life. I think that is why many in powerful societal roles get out of touch with the experiences of majority of us. Be childlike, with every experience being a new one, the result becomes irrelevant.
  4. 25 responses to my attack on the venters, most telling me, to let them be, to move on and not mention the criticism. Don't go at the crowd. As for "you" having an affliction, I do it for my own gratification. I want to read a balanced board, not one taken over by hubris. Being put down for offering some direction. Typical of the heads in the sand, don't talk about it people. Can't understand the superficial. Life is a deep dive into the amazing.
  5. But, the venters hit up straight away in the first. Not good reading for someone looking for game info.
  6. I think they do both. Behaviour, causes habits and then addiction.
  7. Why the personal attacks? I am not Confucius.
  8. I may be strange, it is only a footy game. Doesn't mean I am not passionate about MFC and AFL. I enjoy the game and have for decades. I am not so tribal or divisive, and can find my life not being turned upside down because of a loss. I enjoy a win and take a loss in a sportsmanship way. I get this from participating in competitions and not the media that thrives on us having divisions.
  9. I am not upset. Merely trying to change a few of the perspectives. Those wallowing could be happier with a change in their thoughts. I like the moments I live. To win or lose is not so important to me, the journey is my joy. Success is overated. If only the praise would be expressed more. The criticism always seem to be in greater numbers. Reading the venom is not much fun, and shows a lack of self understanding by the authors. You're the second person to say I shouldn't post. What is that about? Good luck group thinkers. A dissenting voice to the "realists" and "venters" should not heard!
  10. I understand it. Just don't get how it makes joy with that type of perspective. Focusing on the negative is a protective behaviour, so you don't do it again. Though you will all be back again for more of it. Sadistic or change the behaviour. Repeating the way is not in your best interest.
  11. Agree, but that seems to be were we are at. The leader aren't quire right.
  12. I am not a stand back person. Not stopping the vent, no chance you can change others, that is up to them. Merely bewildered by such an approach to being. Addit; the venting was there very early in the game, same happened last week.
  13. I am reading the demonland threads. Yes you are right, judging all the sourness and misery.
  14. Given last week we applauded the young ones for carrying us, I assume they didn't today. When our young brigade fire they will drag the oldies along with them. That is were I see our team at the moment. We rely on the youngsters.
  15. Here I am, and I am sure there are others. Doom and gloomers are up and going. In Goody I trust.
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