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Rodney (Balls) Grinter

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Rodney (Balls) Grinter last won the day on December 24 2022

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  1. Yeah, I kinda get that too. It would be nice, but perhaps unrealistic to expect JvR's development to be linear, when KPPs usually take many years to mature. And I am still also somewhat juries out on if Petty is a key forward. He played a few dominant games last season, but also alot when he didn't have much of an impact. I do suspect that he's the type of player that might take a number of weeks to find form as a forward, so let's wait and see. Until then, we just need these players to provide adequate output that enables our game plan for multiple other players like Fritsch, Kozzie and others like perhaps Disco and Chandler to come in and kick their bags when the opportunity arises.
  2. Gee, that ****** we've found at CHF is a gun. IMHO no team in the AFL has a flawless list or * power in every position. It's about making what you've got work.
  3. This Facebook post from Everything Hawks that I just saw made me smile with satisfaction: "Can’t stop, won’t stop 💛🤎 It may have just been North Melbourne, but boy does it feel better being a winner come Monday 🔥🤝" Guys in the video clip is going off in celebration as well. https://fb.watch/rDnkmy_Y29/?mibextid=Nif5oz
  4. And Kozzie also got a week for the Adelaide thing for less than Greens act. Green jumped, his shoulder made high contact with medium impact - that's about the logic that got applied to Kozzie. Additionally, Green can hardly use the Charlie Cameron (I'm an angle that's never offended before) [censored]. See ya later Toby. BTW, I like Green, but after seeing Kozzie go for what he did, I've got zero sympathy for other clubs loosing players to the tribunal for high contact... I just wish they'd hit that scum Maynard with an 8 week retrospective ban a few games out from finals.
  5. Ingo was a gun. A few others we picked up from other clubs in that era went all right as well: Peter Rohde Marcus Seecamp
  6. Can one of our sponsors please pay for Jason Taylor to have a holiday in Ireland over the Australian summer?
  7. How good is it to see a No.39 in the Red and Blue out on the G again!!!
  8. That's not how the tribunal saw it though, they said he elected to bump didn't they? And sorry, but I see an elbo raise, a conscious effort to bump or anything. It happens in a split second. He didn't line him up and follow through like Plugger. In reality, I don't really think he did either. He was contesting the ball, was a split second late ...and he jumped. The AFL needs a new rule - no jumping. Like others I'm so frustrated at the lack of consistency from with the AFL. They seem to grade impact level on consequence (i.e. is the player concussed or not) for everyone else but us. The guy got straig back up imeediatley and wasn't anywhere near needing a concussion test, let alone being subbed out (or knocked out cold for 5mins per Gus). Kossie is a huge loss to our side. We have him Rd 0 in the tropics and we might have even won that game.
  9. Yep and if Kossie had taken the ball, kicked it up feild and we goal, it's probably play on and considered a football act.
  10. ...I'll add that Fox Footy's reporting on this incident has been as disgraceful as the tribunal's handling of it. They have been gunning for Kossie to be suspended from the start and the suckers at the AFL have been more than happy to play along. Just look at the below sensationalist headline for a recent example: ‘I’m scared of training with him’; Demons superstar defends Pickett after another ban https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/teams/melbourne-demons/im-scared-of-training-with-him-demons-superstar-defends-pickett-after-another-ban/news-story/b26f75a9c6d0204e9117ce44627119f9 Pretty clear from reading that Trac is scared of getting caught from the awsome chasing and tackling defensive pressure that Kossie applies rather than being physically scared for his wellbeing.
  11. So f###ing angry at this suspension. Look at it in real time and it's nothing like the Maynard thug thing. He converges from the side and glances him. The action never had the same potential to do injury as Maynard did, because he wasn't charging straight at him from the polar opposite direction. Our defence was totally valid, he never lined him up, didnt elect to bump the player, the time he has his arm tucked in for a split second and flys across the front of him, barely brushing him. It was low impact and wasn't a bump - please change the thread title accordingly to "Kossy glance on Soligo". From the reporting I've heard of it, the contemptuous way the AFL tribunal dismissed our case against is a disgrace. I bring back the example of Chol from a few weeks back where a 6'10" 95kg giant planted his knee with the monentuum and full weight of his body, right into the back of his opponents head at the point where the spine meets the scull, which is apparently ok, because it wasn't a 'bump'. These people are a joke and I'm sick of our team and our players being their play things and scape goats.
  12. Lol. Love your work Andy. Part of me just wants to jump in that DeLorean and dial up till the part on GF day at The MCG, where we are 40 points up and pulling away from our opponent - but then it's all about 'The Journey' Do expect Brisbane will be hard to beat as they are essentially playing for their season at this point, but I'm encourged by what I've seen from us so far this season and think some of our players have got more gears to change up too. Looking for us to keep winning and building in the first half of the season, keeping a fit list well managed and then perfect our game and make our run in earnest in the run home.
  13. Trac: "He doesn't like Collingwood, do you?" - Gold.
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