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Scott Watters Sacked!


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Haha I might not hit the bullseye everytime, but I always hit the target!

Caros arrows are lucky to hit Hutchys gut!!

How would one miss ?? :rolleyes:

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Ive had a soft spot for the Aints over the years. Some good mates are staunch followers , one or two ex animal cage types !! ^_^ A mate used to share with Robbie Muir's g'f.. pheww !! he used to be i n Cheer sqd,,,had inside run to many in club,.Could tell some stories..lol

We used to sit on the retaining wall on the mound behind the nth end of Linton ave and watch the kids nick the balls.. Lucrative times for some..lol

Used to go when Dees out of town or on different day. many fine memories ...many blurry.

I say this just to lay a foundation that I have a little bit more than a passing curiosity to this mob. They now reside down the road, around the corner from where I used to live in Seaford and now on the bike path the mrs and I use.

I reckon without fear of losing either testicles i can say they are the most eclectic , eccentric and buffoon run mob this side of Bourke. A bit like the Castle meets AFL in terms of how some things are approached. As CFB suggest they've had a bit of a sojourn in recent years but it all seems to be going back to normal as we read.

There are orgs with clicks, and there is the StKilda footy club who wrote the book. Nino Culotta should have really aimed his pen at this mob when writing "They're a Weird Mob !!"

I poke fun but in reality its terribly sad as there are people who remain thick with the club through good and bad , administration after administration and invariably they are the ones who have to orchestrate recoveries, often unsung.

many may suggest Brereton wide of the mark.. I reckon hes pretty close.

Go Dees

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Scott Watters is the Saints version of Neeld. Lost the players............................and most of the club management. Several senior players would have reluctantly played 1 more season under him but no more than that. Tail wagged the dog over at Seaford, BIGTIME !

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Scott Watters is the Saints version of Neeld. Lost the players......

Not sure that that's the case (though not saying it isn't either). Watters isn't the only one to leave and I doubt that Laidley etc. would have left if Watters was the only problem - given that Watters must have been close to being pushed in any case. Brereten is pointing the finger at Pelchin, and you'd have to wonder whether or not that's not more where the fault lies.

Watters had a very good record at Subiaco, and OK, it's "only" the WAFL, but he'd certainly done as well as Basset at Norwood in terms of success. Watters was also appointed from within at Subiaco, so he must have been a known commodity. Hard to see that you'd be winning premierships and getting contract extensions if you didn't know how to get on with players (and club admin for that matter).

One of the interesting parallels with Neeld and Watters is that they were both sacked from clubs with disfunctional admin and footy dept. From the Board and CEO etc. down, if it's not working, hard for coaches, especially first-time coaches, to get the support they need or have the structures around them that will help, not hinder.

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One of the interesting parallels with Neeld and Watters is that they were both sacked from clubs with disfunctional admin and footy dept.

Nail...head.. In our case it was the needed course...In their instance ...who the f*#@ knows !! Theyre strange...thats all I can put it down to

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Well handled?

Milne case: St Kilda coterie members and (allegedly) officials lean on St Kilda Police to cover up ('not proceed with investigation') serious allegations in a case deemed credible and reopened for investigation 7 years later.

Schoolgirl: St Kilda officials and coterie members circulate demeaning videos and jokes about the girl, publicly '[censored]-shame' her, make absurd threats to claim damages, and in the process basically keep the issue in the media for much longer than would otherwise have happened, by which time an apparently somewhat unhinged teenage girl has become a publicity addict with an axe to grind. Meanwhile, players and, incredibly, player manager Ricky Nixon, have managed to get themselves further entangled in a pathetic and sordid drug and sex web.

Meanwhile, they also blew the re-signing of Ross Lyon by making him wait and wait for even a solid contract extension offer, their relocation to Seaford has been a shambles (an expensive shambles) every step of the way. They also sacked Grant Thomas in a year (2006) he took the team to finals despite several top players being injured (and, indeed, if not for the rampaging might of Nathon Carroll, Brock Mclean and Cameron Bruce they would have continue past the first elimination final), a process done with considerable, enduring acrimony. The next year Butters was also overthrown and much of the board departed, again, in acrimony.

Far from being well-managed, the St Kilda football club has lurched from one conflict and media storm to another for the last 8 years, held together only by what would appear to have been two top coaches (Thomas and Lyon) and the strength of the core group of elite players which are now retiring or leaving, with few apparent replacements.

They have failed to build a solid financial base or to mobilise an active supporter group in the last ten years, despite being one of the most successful teams on the field with several of the highest profile names in the game - St Kilda's membership numbers have barely been ahead of Melbourne's for the last five years.

I deeply worry about St Kilda's situation if they also now have to deal with a very long period of being uncompetitive. Their best ten players, with the exception of Jack Steven, are either on the edge of retirement or already out the door.

Put another way - they turned out a pretty dismal year in 2013 despite more than half their Best-22 being at least 27 years old.

Right now, they are in a worse on-field situation that the Demon's season of 2007. And there's nothing going on off-field to suggest it will be responded to effectively.

I agree, for the most part. I disagree on one point. The Saints have genuine champion leaders still at their club. We had nothing in 2007. Neitz is the closest we had.

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Scott Watters is the Saints version of Neeld. Lost the players............................and most of the club management. Several senior players would have reluctantly played 1 more season under him but no more than that. Tail wagged the dog over at Seaford, BIGTIME !

Does malthouse really teach 'my way or the highway' to his assistants or is this what Neeld and Watters figured out themselves doesnt work?

next aints coach............ R Harvey 3 Votes

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Does malthouse really teach 'my way or the highway' to his assistants or is this what Neeld and Watters figured out themselves doesnt work?

next aints coach............ R Harvey 3 Votes

Malthouse is an old grizzly bear with as the saying goes "has street cred" To their detriment some of his students seem to think it has rubbed off on them in a trifle shortcutting the near 30 years plus experience the old bear has. Callow imitators have been exposed with unseemly haste. Edited by america de cali
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Not sure that that's the case (though not saying it isn't either). Watters isn't the only one to leave and I doubt that Laidley etc. would have left if Watters was the only problem - given that Watters must have been close to being pushed in any case. Brereten is pointing the finger at Pelchin, and you'd have to wonder whether or not that's not more where the fault lies.

Watters had a very good record at Subiaco, and OK, it's "only" the WAFL, but he'd certainly done as well as Basset at Norwood in terms of success. Watters was also appointed from within at Subiaco, so he must have been a known commodity. Hard to see that you'd be winning premierships and getting contract extensions if you didn't know how to get on with players (and club admin for that matter).

One of the interesting parallels with Neeld and Watters is that they were both sacked from clubs with disfunctional admin and footy dept. From the Board and CEO etc. down, if it's not working, hard for coaches, especially first-time coaches, to get the support they need or have the structures around them that will help, not hinder.

Without knowing what went on inside the club. Watters was good at subiaco, very successful and that is with a semi professional players. Yes its waffle level, but your dealing with guys that only commit part-time, have real jobs. IMHO if you were bad at people management you would lose such a club dry quickly, yet he was extremely successful.

I say the problem is in management, which often comes out at the end of a successful period as success hides a lot of problems.

As for be a Malthouse prodigy, waters came through a very different way to Neeld. but he seemed far more confident and certain in the direction the club was going, unlike need, which was evident int he interview not long before he was sacked!

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It was very interesting hearing Mark Fine speak tonight on SEN.

He obviously had solid inside info as to what was unfolding.

His outcome of proceedings is a lot more rosy than mine.

They are in a world of hurt.

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I'll post it as a rumour but I have it from an elite source that an American businessman was willing to sponsor the Saints, for around the value of $10 million dollars over 7 years.

It was told to me that I think Eric Bana or whoever the Saints bloke is set it up, however it was on the proviso that Watters was no longer coach.

Seemed the money won out, and quite frankly St Kilda had to make the decision.

I heard this one. Don't you love these rumours. Also heard that the dwarfs at the mad monday were there as replica Watters', hence why they got set on fire.

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Without knowing what went on inside the club. Watters was good at subiaco, very successful and that is with a semi professional players. Yes its waffle level, but your dealing with guys that only commit part-time, have real jobs. IMHO if you were bad at people management you would lose such a club dry quickly, yet he was extremely successful.

I say the problem is in management, which often comes out at the end of a successful period as success hides a lot of problems.

As for be a Malthouse prodigy, waters came through a very different way to Neeld. but he seemed far more confident and certain in the direction the club was going, unlike need, which was evident int he interview not long before he was sacked!

Actually, I disagree on this. Both came out to the media and seemed to think their lists were in better shape than they were. Then, following multiple loses, they each changed their tunes and started to discuss rebuilding. In our case, it was a rebuild of a rebuild, but for the Saints, they simply had champion players coming to the end of their tenure and needed to start replenishing their list with talented youth.

Another parallel between the two coaches, is that in 2012, they both tried to implement significantly defensive and Malthouse-esque game plans. St Kilda were more successful at it, but I always suspected this came from having a coach like Ross Lyon prior, rather than Watters' ability to communicate it to them and then have them successfully implement it. St Kilda were used to hard defensive running. We weren't. That's why we were complete failures in 2012 and St Kilda were only moderate failures. From an outsiders perspective, this is the right decision.

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Scott Watters is the Saints version of Neeld. Lost the players............................and most of the club management. Several senior players would have reluctantly played 1 more season under him but no more than that. Tail wagged the dog over at Seaford, BIGTIME !

Apart from the Alan Jeans and Ross Lyon years, it has always been thus at Fizroy St, Linton St and the linen place they now train at.

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Mark Fine told an interesting story on SEN about Ahmed Saad. After being dropped Sandy he had a poor game and suffered a quad injury forcing him to be placed on the 'No Training' list.

Later in the week, Saad was busted by ASADA.

Naturally, Saad missed the St. Kilda squad of 25 players to go to the Brisbane game and the CEO publicly announced Saad would not be playing.

However, when the CEO took the Thursday and Friday off, Watters included Saad without his knowledge or that of his assistants or the players who were livid when it came to light.

A lot of stories like this about the coach.

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Their club is such a shambles.

How embarrassing would it be to follow the Saints....

TBH , I get no pleasure from seeing the Saints spiral down the gurgler,as with the Dogs.

I would prefer to see Collingwood, Geelong or Hawthorn descend into rabble than see the Saints go through this.

Their delay of the rebuild was critically stupid.

Their board is full of more degenerate losers than ours or even Richmonds, which is a feat.

Always at board level, they get spivvy bayside tossers with 2 buck companies and a merc and think they have done well.

Linfox should privatise the joint.

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Interesting one on Watters.

Some people are adept at managing their teams under their supervision some are good at managing upwards and some can do both.

But Watters clearly cant do either. But the problem does not solely rest with Watters.

His dismissal was handled incompetently and there appears to have been a number of departures in the coaching ranks because of Watters. The StK Board over the past 2 years has certainly taken to the depths

However, the dwarf incident just highlights a malignant element amongst senior players that also needs to be addressed. And its not the first example of the playing group reflecting such appalling behaviour.

We may have one club that has actually drifted behind MFC in the survival stakes.

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There always needs to be a basket case club.

St Kilda has taken our place as such as Roos comes to helm at the MFC.

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Mark Fine told an interesting story on SEN about Ahmed Saad. After being dropped Sandy he had a poor game and suffered a quad injury forcing him to be placed on the 'No Training' list.

Later in the week, Saad was busted by ASADA.

Naturally, Saad missed the St. Kilda squad of 25 players to go to the Brisbane game and the CEO publicly announced Saad would not be playing.

However, when the CEO took the Thursday and Friday off, Watters included Saad without his knowledge or that of his assistants or the players who were livid when it came to light.

A lot of stories like this about the coach.

Quite. It seems like there are always stories doing the rounds about coaches when they get sacked and sometimes, one or two of them might even turn out to be true.

What intrigues me though is that the CEO was off duty in mid season. He didn't trot off to Wimbledon to catch some tennis by any chance?

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