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About Willmoy1947

  • Birthday 07/09/1947

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  • Favourite Player(s)
    Robbie Flower, Neal Lewis and Max

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  • Location
    Smithfield, Cairns
  • Interests
    Truth, Justice and world peace

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  1. Who was the other ruck up at Sydney before he retired at the end of the Season? Were we sounded out first to pick up some of Grundy's tab?
  2. Is it true that Fox Sport were sent a please explain by the AFL regarding their harassment of Max Gawn by entering his private space during last Sunday's Game, and also comments detrimental to the spirit of the game during their broadcast.
  3. Cornes position is to replace Bode with Clarry with whatever it takes. He has tried it before with Kossie. I think its disgusting and explains why he's on the mad hatters picnic show every week.
  4. If i had to judge a player upping his performance during the course of the season, i would not hesitate to say that in the last three weeks Oliver has increased his work rate quite obviously. All i hope for is that he keeps at that rate for the rest of the year. Hopefully he will be supported by us for doing just that. Also i don't think that the media should be allowed to cavort around, unimpeded, doing their job, myrrs. Their job is to report on football Decent people did it for years, and to let them get away with muck raking is not my style. I move on.
  5. Morris is a good mate of Cornes. . They have done shows together and obviously talk the talk. Watching Port have their brave Coach dismantled like he was, you can only imagine what has been going on between the two of them. Then they would have started on Bode, who is another hero of the Club. I cannot understand how a bloke in Cornes shoes could put his allegiance to the media cesspool above his old Club Port Adelaide.
  6. Well it wouldn't have been their Coach. He looked in despair half way through the third qtr.
  7. The quicker we build our fastest on ball contingent this weekend the better' It will be fine and fast. I am ambivalent about Max back this week and i think our intensity is the answer. FROM NOW ON.
  8. Yep,,he's a bottler, isn't he. Just when you thought hello they are going to let us win this easily. Two free kicks and a fifty later..... Number 12 is barely indistinguishable as well.
  9. I think there is something there in what you say, ,and i also cannot begin to understand one of our more successful career players as this man has seen to grace us with. Players are what they are, and his good qualities far outweigh other things. Everything is on display.
  10. Dunno Bin i reckon he's been running injured. Or are you saying it happens in a pack mark situation or a player who plays in front, one on one?
  11. The commentators cannot hide their envy...poor sods In the next breath they will be st canning him for something else.
  12. Just want to say how important it was that Max was out and i don't know why?
  13. That will be at year's end the most unanswered question of the year. And it should go to the AFL Commission.
  14. Don't fiddle with perfection and May is BACK baby.
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