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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Sheitful choice again. I’d like to see the cash go to an Aussie band every year. Its a uniquely Australian game and the GF showcases our culture only to be fkd up by the touring clapped out acts these Admin dorks choose. Should be a hot Australian act and a legendary act. Sniffers/ Chisels on the same ticket would be killer. Kate Peri FFS what a bland, lame, washed, middle of the road slapper. Next they’ll dig up Madonna. Shame- and it will be a failure- guaranteed.
  2. I was about to dispute this but then I read that Taylor Swift has an IQ of 160.
  3. That's great Redleg. You should check out the new TV series MASH. I think you'd really like it.
  4. A resounding yes!! Especially at a reading of the will. If your extended family are scumbags you'll understand .
  5. HSC in the late 80's? The book never really took off after that first sentence from memory.
  6. Gambling itself will return to private syndicates( SPs in the old days) It makes no sense to support corporates when a private betting syndicate could return profits to itself. Real Estate Agents ( Door openers) should also be looking to learn an actual skill.They'll be gone in 5 years.Hooray. Can't say I'll miss TV-the longest amatuer night in history.
  7. Most people call it “ foot odour”.
  8. “ Naive Vinegar” is already available on the wine list. How does the chef “ invigorate” the pancakes? I dare not ask about rounding the Chorizo.
  9. No Stilton No Aged Cheddar No Foie gras No pickled walnut The list goes on. Its like a Monty Python sketch.
  10. AFL cheese platters are a disgrace.
  11. Danni Laidley has had her name dragged up as a possible replacement to help makeover the team.
  12. Heart and Soul, Gun, tough and important. Could play any line “ Elite” ball user. Wont be traded.
  13. I dont enjoy the game as much now. Umpiring is as unpredictable as Joe Bidens toileting and speech .
  14. Some good things coming out of this season.He is certainly one of them.
  15. He's got the expression of a Labrador that just ate a pair of Explorers (socks).
  16. Zorko is the poster boy for Slovenia. Stunted,Backwards and hostile.
  17. Hugh MCGluggage looks like an advertisement for glue sniffing.
  18. Daniher has perfected that out of bounds shank from the fifty arc over his career. You couldn't coach it.
  19. We look good tonight. Some good signs. AMW,The Duke, Tina.
  20. When I think of Charlie Cameron I think of a motorbike revving then I think of John Denver then I think of a plane crashing into a mountain then I feel better.
  21. you can throw from the cntre bounce if you want. go for it
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