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  1. Quite honestly I wish they would SFA and just play. They didn't look particularly angry on the weekend.
    34 points
  2. Can I suggest a change to the thread title to read "Demon Fans Angry At Yet Another Puff Piece".
    12 points
  3. I reckon we've seen every emotion other than anger from this group over the last few years. Viney and May possibly aside, the only thing you ever see from our players is either jokes and smiles or head down sad sacks who come back a day later full of promises again. We get it, they have to say stuff, articles have to be written etc, but these words just ring so so empty to Dees fans.
    10 points
  4. Mate of mine is a Richmond supporter. He was telling me that even after they won the flag in 2017, he and Tigers supporters in general would still eat their own and go to games not quite knowing which Richmond would turn up. Even when they were 40 points up, they always had a "feeling" they would choke and lose. When they lost to Collingwood in the 2018 Prelim, even after two amazing seasons the supporter group was "same old Richmond". He said it wasn't until they won the second flag in 2019 that he now goes into every game with a sense of excitement, knowing which side will turn up, and knowing they'll probably win. He also said it still feels weird to feel like that after 30ish years of utter crap. But it feels good. Richmond supporters have "turned the corner" and the club is no dominant. I told him that it's a feeling I've never had except for maybe patches in the Daniher era; whenever someone asks me how Melbourne will go, my response is always "I have absolutely no idea". Maclure's comments at face value may be simplistic but he makes a point: culture helps establishes an identity. If you don't know or can't even predict an outcome, then the identity is lacking. We still don't know what this club or team really stands for. We merely "exist". I'm optimistic for the season but anyone that can't acknowledge how lacking we are in the cultural department is delusional. Culture isn't immediately identifiable nor easily defined or articulated. But when it exists and when it's strong, you just know it's there. With Melbourne it's always just a shrug of the shoulder. We have a long way to go to turning the corner like Richmond.
    9 points
  5. How about this Sue? The players are aware we have a problem winning games we are expected to win. Our performances last year in Cairns were unacceptable. With a finals position on the line against two sides below us on the ladder, we simply choked. Some fans have accused us of 'drinking our own bath water'. Based on those performances in crucial games, they are correct. We let ourselves down but most importantly, we disappointed our fans . . . again. And for that, I say, on behalf of the players, we're sorry. You, the fans, supporters and members are the lifeblood of the club and provide us with a lifestyle most people can only dream about. And we abused your trust, support and love. For that, on behalf of the players, I apologise. In 2021 we undertake to play a more accountable and disciplined style of game. This means further developing our individual strengths and minimising the influence our weaknesses have on the outcome of each game. For example, Jack Viney is committed to playing Aussie Rules each weekend, I'm gradually improving my goal kicking and hope to thread at least one per game this year and Maysie's target is to keep all the gorillas to two goals or less in each game he plays. All the players will be held accountable, both internally and externally, for their on field performances. To that end, Jack, Stephen and I will front the media each week, and on behalf of the players, answer for our performances as truthfully as possible.
    7 points
  6. "Winning is everything! the only ones that remember you if you dont win are the Dog and your wife" The Sunday times quoting Damon Hill "There are no secrets to success,Dont waste time looking for them. Success is the result of hard work, perfection of skills,learning from failure and loyalty to those whom you work and persistance" Colin Powell 1937 U.S Military leader Venturing to Casey Fields today one was greeted by the bright blue skys, a slight easterly wind permeated the pleasant Wednesday morning. The drone of a school athletics carnival next door with its cacophany of sounds emanating from cheering, starter bells, chants and shouts of obvious victory gave way to what has become the constancy of MFC Training music which was being played at the Botanic like Casey Fields oval. Far from the sounds of the 70s and eighties last week I was treated to the techno world of synthesisers and repetitious drum beats. You know the stuff I'm talking about, the lyrics which said without a break just sound like one long drawn out indecipherable drone for example WentothepartyhadsomebacardiwentothedoctorsaidIhaveaheadachehesaidthataintnoheaditsyourleginsteadwowowoho,wowoho,iskippeditinstaedbutshouldagonetobed Possibly one of the worst songs EVER Recorded. Training report, Hnmm well I got there a little later than had planned and my opening quotes relate somewhat to the feeling that for MFC to be succesful a few things need to be ingrained and part of an ongoing culture of excellence. 1 Notable Abcenses Steve May and I'm not sure Max was there either? 2 Ultra Rehab Group Ben Brown, Sam Weideman, Joel Smith, Adam Tomlinson all light duties 3 Rehab Group Christian Salem, Mitch Brown, (Jake Melksham seemed to do some main drills) 4 Drills, Skills and Maneuvers I think today was a light skills day I say that because players worked in groups of between 10-12 on things such as A Precision kicking to close targets and dish ofs B Blocking and run and carry over short distance C Close in handball to correct target Session ended with goal kicking practice and whilst there were some excellent shots on goal, quite a few horrible misses and some oout on the fulls! Positives Jack Viney, Gus, Kossie,Melksham for most part, Hibbo all joined in main group work as above. Clayton Oliver looks good to go Majak Daw's continued return and even though it appears unlikely , I would strongly consider him for round one, Just does all things well Negatives Not sure that Christian Salem is right to go for next week at this stage did some run throughs but not at full pace. Steve May , I think must be doubtful. Other observations Saw coach speaking at length with Ed Langdon and clearly demonstrating a proceedure he wanted ( but no idea about what) Intensity!! If it was a light skills session then I can understand that pressure and evolution of skills were the elements of today, but not sure if Intensity was of significance. Saw Clarry, Melky JV and Mitch Brown doing mini circle work over about 40 meters kicking to each other I'll leave with this thought. I think that we may see some debutants for round 1. I know we will welcome back some very good players but just a feeling I have. As iterated I would strongly consider Majak for round 1 in the forward line. Cheers PF
    7 points
  7. The hardest thing being a Melbourne supporter is going to games not knowing what side will turn up. We are either on or we are off and the gap between the two are a mile apart. Every club has bad games, the good clubs don't go from looking like a top 4 team one week to a bottom 4 team the next, their good and bad aren't that far apart. This isn't just the Bulldogs and Richmond games this year, this is basically been a massive issue for our club for an extended period of time. We have turned the personal over players/coaches/administration/conditioning/medical, we have seen periods of a little light that we can be a successful club but this is short lived. Jackson had us on the right path with assistance of Roos the future looked bright and now we seem lost again. It can be turned just takes the right people at the top, look at Richmond was a powerful club in the 70's, it was us and them the laughing stock of AFL, one club is still being laughed at the other will be in contention for their 4th flag in 5 years.
    7 points
  8. So just for fun I thought I'd watch the Hawthorn final again because it's great fun to watch but I also wanted to see how we played and see how "soft" we were back then. I tell ya what, we were anything but soft, and this is only a couple of years ago with MANY of the key players that night still playing. When we tackled, we tackled HARD. We went at EVERY contest with courage and ferocity. We may not have been clean but when we weren't the players heads didn't slump they got on with it and went for the second effort (great example of that was in the middle Weids spilled a mark and followed up with a big tackle). Another really interesting thing about it was Spargo was very important, his tackles stuck really well, and he worked hard to get into dangerous positions. I wouldn't say our forward line was functioning incredible that night but we spread well to create space and goals either over the back or within 25-30m of goal, there was a clear connection of where the forward were expecting the kicks were going to be. We got some luck with the Hawks being more with their efficiency going forward whether that was kicks for goal or the final kick inside 50 but we had periods where we did the same. The bottom line is that effort is rewarded, and I honestly feel like the effort hasn't been there in the last 12-18 months (on the field). Get that back and we play finals.
    7 points
  9. Something that during and after games (particularly losses) consistently is the attitude of the players. I can handle losing if I look at the players and think, “they genuinely had a dip, leaving everything out there” I don’t feel like I’ve seen that enough in the last two seasons. Attitude is nothing to do with how well you kick, handball, mark, and ruck-tap. It’s all down to putting your body into contests, working harder than your direct opponent, being in two on one situations and breaking even, supporting your players with shepherds, tapping the ball on instead of trying to mark it etc. These are team acts that rarely get a clear statistic but they inspire teammates, they’re also things that coaches can tell players to do but it’s down to them out on the field.
    7 points
  10. Oh wow. So they'll be angrier than after 2019 when they didn't fire a shot. Which was angrier than after 2018 when they grabbed their ankles for WCE. In turn angrier than after 2017 when they let Collingwood give them a lesson in pride and spirit. Angier than after 2016 when they gave Carlton a taste of what it must be like to play on the winning side of 186. Can a man be that angry and not have his head burst? That small mountain you see behind me is made of all the grains of salt I took this latest mission statement with. Don't [censored]ing tell us. Shut up and play. The scoreboard will tell us how "angry" you are.
    6 points
  11. Not much about what actions are coming on, after being angry. What are they going to do with that energy? Are they stronger, faster, more skilled, stronger willed, or ready to play when under pressure? Leave it to the coaches plan and buy in! Is there a different game plan being worked on? Is it an inclusive anger, are they all angry, or just the leadership? Are they in it together or just the core group? Some are more equal than others at the MFC. Is it only anger that we didn't make finals. Why aren't they angry about our weak mental state and years of substandard culture. Angry about our Cairns games! What about our not playing four quarters every week (fade outs), lack of pressure on opponents, our unforced errors, or of the inside 50 conversion rate. Will they be smarter and more accountable to each other? Who are they angry at, each other? What are they going to do with that energy? Lots of question need to be answered by this group. Has anything changed? I think we will know by about round 5 if it is fugazi.
    6 points
  12. same article very year...
    6 points
  13. Perhaps start with feeling ashamed - when the chips were down, the Demons failed to deliver. It was in their own hands and they stuffed it up. They should be angry with their attitude and application. Hold each other to account for once. Then get over it and play like you want to be there.
    6 points
  14. Gawn talks so much BS I miss the Viney days. If they think our backline is top 4 they are deadset kidding themselves. Not to mention how delusional they must’ve been in the lead up to the Cairns games. There’s little hope that they’ve found the discipline required to nail down skills, team work and intensity at the contest. Choc might’ve helped a little with the skills but Yze will have to be a genius to sort out the team work
    6 points
  15. They are just working up to it. Anger management takes time.
    6 points
  16. He is right. We are soft as butter. Watching the practice game you could see the doggies trying to physically hurt our players and did not care if it was a practice game. The older players set the tone. They were hard at it and wanted to cause damage with their tackles. Something really needs to change at this club because if we have another [censored] year players will leave and it’ll only get worse and will they survive this time around since covid has happened and people just don’t have the money to help out again... This is all up to the players though. If they want to play hard then do it. If they want to change the culture then do it. All I can do is buy my membership and support them game day.
    6 points
  17. Some people seem to be laying the ground work for a 'pre-season, injury based excuse' in case we don't do well in 2021. And at first glance the injury list doesn't look good. But on closer inspection: 7 of our best/better players are 'Test'. . 4 of those: J. Smith, Salem, Oliver and May have completed all the pre-season. The other 3: Brayshaw, Hibberd and Melksham have many pre-seasons under their belt so match practice may be an issue for just the first few games but not a reason to derail the season. Brayshaw last week played and is playing in the VFL this week. Those 7 players and Viney are highly experienced and have played together for years so if they don't know and practiced each others games or know the overall game plan by now we are in a world of hurt. Picket, Weidemen and B. Brown have missed the second half of the preseason. Picket will take some time to get into the season and we will miss Weidemen and Brown for quite a while. The others are depth players who probably wouldn't get a game unless there were multiple injuries in their role. So, imv the injury list size and some players not practicing together in this preason are not a reason to start thinking of excuses for the year. Some perspective is required.
    6 points
  18. Why do people get so angry at these type of articles? It was captains day the other day, so they sit around and talk non-stop to journo's and get their photo's taken. The journo's then go off and write puff pieces about every club, not just ours. Most of the questions will be directed in a way that they know they can grab a headline or 2, and it seems like quiet a few on here have fallen for that hook line and sinker. Journalism/media these days is all about who can yell the loudest or make the most outlandish claims (McClure, Cornes etc.) or who can generate a headline that generates enough clicks.
    5 points
  19. He is one of the harshest critics of Carlton. We need to not be so precious when we get scrutanised by the media. We either take it on as constructive feedback or put it in the Fugazi category. Personally i think we need to take this stuff on board. We have very little respect from other teams let alone the media. Our insipid performances are the reason we have a target on our back. Stop being a flaky side that puts in 100% effort for 100% of game and opinions will slowly change. Why do we need to keep ego's in check? Is it possible some of our team are happy getting big sums of money and just happy being AFL footballers where pretty girls just throw themselves at them? They seem happy to just run around and get a kick at times to me. Over last few years i can't think of one game we have lost where we have busted our guts for 4 quarters. We have a long way to go to reach Finals, let alone winning a GF. We simply do not work as hard as other teams for as long. It is a shame, we have the talent.
    5 points
  20. Do you think saying fact at the end of an opinion changes it into a fact? Statement.
    5 points
  21. 100% with you Doc. In a competition full of talent, the difference between winning and losing often boils down to the 1%ers. How often do we chase hard and tackle hard, or even sheppard for the sake of the ball user. It is this blind intensity we saw snippets of throughout the 2018 campaign but something we could never truly ingrain into the club's culture.
    4 points
  22. Will it still be a fact when we beat them?
    4 points
  23. as long as there are learnings to be gained.
    4 points
  24. Freo will be no pushover despite their recent injuries. A midfield boasting Fyfe, Mundy, Cerra, Serong, Brayshaw, 2 superstars and 3 who had fantastic seasons last year and will improve. I reckon it’s a stronger midfield than ours. The betting odds in this game are way off in my opinion. Our form at The G in 2019 was poor.
    4 points
  25. If we gave him the 3rd year we'd still have this thread but it would be about how everyone takes us for fools, we pay overs for players and we are a retirement home blah blah.
    4 points
  26. I think soft describes Rd23 2017 pretty well. How can a team turn up with a finals spot on the line, against an opponent with only pride to play for, and not lay a tackle? Nothing to do with skill, game plan or injuries and everything to do with mindset. Proper teams would never let it happen. The whole 2019 season was soft. We were absolutely pathetic from top to bottom. You can;t tell me it was just injuries and bad coaching (although these were factors, no question). We felt sorry for ourselves so put the cue in the rack. Soft as butter.
    4 points
  27. Saw Majak, Deakyn and Kozzie hanging around together at the practice game. They looked like a tight little group. Congrats Majak and Deakyn. Saw Oscar too, watching his old mates. Told us Carlton had signed him up. Looked pretty relieved and happy. Good luck, Oscar.
    4 points
  28. 3 best 22 players injured for round 1. Viney back for round 2 that leave two injured players. no excuses demons. These blokes have played together enough. Time for regular finals
    4 points
  29. Nice one Tarax - one from Stormin’ Norman Schwarzkopf, that seems appropriate: “If you want to know the difference between being involved and being committed, think of a bacon and egg breakfast: the chicken is involved, but the pig is committed!”
    4 points
  30. Disagree - I have heard him stick the boots into the Dees for years. He makes these big statements but really has no idea what he's talking about. I'm not saying everything is fine with our culture but I won't take notice of what Maclure thinks as I see him as a Dinosaur of a different era. If you listen to him talk about any team (not just Melbourne) he wheels out the same narratives when things are going poorly for a team - he doesn't do the research or keep up with the changes, just shoots his mouth off and that's enough to start a chain of articles. Do people seriously think that Max Gawn isn't "doing it"? Do you think the senior players aren't getting together and talking about it? Gimme a break. The AFL is a very competitive industry where 9 teams lose every weekend - we're in the preseason with half our first choice team not playing against a nearly full strength team that will be in contention this year.
    4 points
  31. Great piece. I’m inspired.
    3 points
  32. Run both way lads.... Run both ways.
    3 points
  33. You’re in charge Max Make sure the Players feel the same way. You are in the Chair
    3 points
  34. A thread where lots of people use words to say that words don't matter.
    3 points
  35. I hope that our whole team plays on the edge of angry. How many times have we seen midgets bullying Max by hitting him all day. How about get angry and fight back Max? Or maybe team mates protecting our own? The only one i seen that really stands up for others on our team atm is May...and probably one of the few to give advice or a much needed bake to a team mate too. Insipid performances are the opposite of playing angry, or even being slightly angry from previous failures. The proof comes when the real stuff starts. Are we actually going to get angry and uncompromising to play against, or just continue to go through the highs and lows and just expect it all comes together at some stage. Every game is a war to be won. If i see insipid performances or drinking of bathwater which leads to more insipid performances i will vomit. Our team needs to turn up on a regular basis, have their head in the game, get involved in the game and stop putting in substandard performances. Am sure we are all sick to death of it!
    3 points
  36. We‘re definitely going to lose now.
    3 points
  37. Yeah thats great that Freo have good players out and they will still beat us. There is still a lot of work to do "between the ears" of our players.
    3 points
  38. It is just bending over and blowing smoke. Part of the Melbourne pre season ritual.
    3 points
  39. Im not sure whats going on with Mitch Brown. He looks OK and is moving freely and IMO I would play him if fit as I believe he runs to the right spots and provides a moving target. His 2 Brownlow votes late last hyear just exemplified what he can do.
    3 points
  40. Thanks for the contribution. Good to know a minor error and a genuine request for clarification has provided such amusement.
    3 points
  41. He didn’t play in that era. He played in a successful era. once a Player leaves, they fade. Barassi did it to us I honestly feel that some supporters do not want sustained success, we have achieved nothing in 56 years. 56 Grand Finals on OUR Home Ground have gone to our opponents with not one Norm Smith Medal. The words of Sellers have a lot of merit. he did it, including Back to Back
    3 points
  42. Being passionate about winning isn't the issue. If poor performances occur as a one-off you can excuse it but when it's a repeated pattern of behaviour (and I'm not talking about the practice match) then there is an issue. Take the well told story of Ablett Jnr - thought he was doing everything he needed to do to be the best he could be. Was given some home truths by his peers who told him he wasn't doing enough, pushing himself enough, preparing well enough - took it on board and became the best player in the comp. Not everyone will be the best in the comp but everyone needs to push themselves to be the best they can be and the team as a whole needs to work to being the best team (ie working together as a group and working for each other). I don't see that in our team, the 1%ers etc If they did that there's no reason they couldn't be consistent top 4 finishers and from there who knows? As it is they can't even make finals except for one season. Finals should be a given, not the goal.
    3 points
  43. This is spot on. We're a club full of excuses. So many seasons and "must win" games that we just don't even turn up for. That ruthless winning culture was there for a short time in 2018, collapsed in a prelim and hasn't been seen since.
    3 points
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