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Hellaintabadplacetobe last won the day on January 28 2021

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About Hellaintabadplacetobe

  • Birthday 25/03/1969

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    Flower, Trac, May

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Redleg (4/10)



  1. You could add Curnows touched goal by May with replay confirming it just as the ball was being bounced. Pretty sure our last 3 games against Blues we've been dudded by goal reviews Anyway probably lost in the injury thread lol
  2. It really is heart warming and heart breaking. Love the man He is actually at many home games and every now and then they show him on the big screen.
  3. And Danger got off only weeks ago for the same tackle
  4. Judd McVee could possibly be the most underrated player in the comp. Composure of the kid is unbelievable.
  5. That pass was on his left foot. Up there with one of the best kicks I've seen all year.
  6. Really surprised Tmac got 1 vote. Thought he was excellent yesterday maybe 3rd best behind Riv n Roo
  7. Just prior to 3/4 time he grabbed the ball out of the ruck and kicked straight into a WC player and reached for his foot seconds later. Jogged off not long later but clearly struggling. I expect if it was close he might have stayed on but game was well over, so worth resting him
  8. They are actually very close mates.
  9. Nibblers was a free every day of the week. The problem is, it will only get paid once a month, if that, whilst very similar plays will be a throw in.
  10. I couldn't be prouder of the boys. I gave us no chance. That's the best footy we've played all year bar the last quarter.
  11. Confirmed by lab as 70m by Brad Johnson post game review who was ropable and has been banging on about these for a month or more. Staggering.
  12. Agreed. When Brisbane were at their Lowest point in years. They are a completely different team in the past 5 weeks and will finish top 4 in my opinion.
  13. Even if we play our best performance of the year, we are miles off the current Lions form. Look at our list v theirs. We simply have way too many inexperienced players and a forwardline that is simply no match for their backline.
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