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drdrake last won the day on January 10 2014

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About drdrake

  • Birthday 09/04/1974

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  1. Interesting couple of weeks, add in Hinkley if they miss finals.
  2. I wonder if the Dogs will act on Beverage, usually when the first coach goes the next one isn't to far behind
  3. 100%, you can't ruck your best tall forward and best tall defender from yesterday. Fullarton just needs to compete, how knows maybe our mids can read the ball better off the opposition ruckman hands. You watch Clarry will dominate.
  4. So the mooted changes are to go back to the initial bidding system. NGA is a farce has been since its inception. North getting the NT, is this the start of a relocation process or at least a hybrid arrangement for north. The AFLs pockets won't be deeper enough to cover AFLW, GCS, GWS, Tassie and a NT side
  5. 4 umpires is a joke, you don't need 4 umpires. I understand 3 as the game is so fast. 1 controlling umpires 1 35 to 50m each side of the ball.
  6. We had 4 players miss clutch goals in the last, Sparrows was hard but to kick it out on the full was terrible, Langdon, Clarry and Fritsch all missed from the same spot 35m out basically in front in the last. Would love for JVR to play forward and not Forward ruck. Seemed every time we needed him forward he was either on the bench or in the ruck. Positive like others have mentioned collectively our your boys played the best they have for the club. They will get a lot of opportunities to show us their ability over the next 2 months.
  7. Same same, jordon harmes especially harmes were just as bad last year and the year before
  8. The club doesn't throw away its depth, the depth leaves for other opportunities. If we look back 12 months Jordan, Harmes and Grundy sitting at Casey, they had chances to cement spots but couldn't. To me it's nothing to do with fringe players, Viney, Oliver, Petty, Salem, Fritsch, Langdon, Billings have been terrible, May is stuffed playing on smaller running forwards looks slow, Tmac is limited, B Brown is cooked, no Brayshaw, no Melksham. Petty had a big price last year, would be lucky to get a third round pick for him. We are slow both ball movement slow and leg speed slow or we just don't work hard enough to defend. The one trade we need to consider is 2 first round picks for Oliver, we can't keep going with the same midfield group and Petracca is our must keep, Oliver is the only other one that has any trade value. Get your 2 first round picks, go after Yeo as free agent to fill the gap for a couple of years.
  9. Issue is simple, we can't hit targets no point having Wayne Carey forward of the ball if you can't kick it to him. There will be an out number in our forward line teams make sure of that, if we can't kick the ball to our players advantage the outnumber will just eat it up. We drafted contested bulls, suited the game at the time and won a flag, now the game has moved on and you need to control the footy. We cover when May and Lever are intercepting a lot of footy but when that doesn't happen we struggle.
  10. All clubs push forwards up the ground, the difference is they are working harder to get back, but more importantly the team is able to control the footy for long enough to allow them to get back. We win the footy, our players start running forward and we turn it over, they then have to work harder to get back to defend. You are wasting so much energy and effort due to skill errors and eventually you can't work hard up and back. The other side our opposition know we are bad by foot sit back wait for the error and really hurt us, they are full of run as they waiting for our mistake
  11. We have the same issues when we play poorly, our ability to keep and control the football. Many of us have been banging on for years on how bad our team is at hitting targets. The game has changed it is all about turnovers now, Richmond brought the frontal pressure get the ball moving forward at all cost, we then brought that pressure around the contest, numbers contested footy, now you have those elements plus the turnover footy, you miss targets you get scored against. It seems once we do turn over the footy our mids just don't work hard defensively.
  12. There is no doubt that the AFL had a direction to umpires to let play go on till the ball came out, less free kicks, less stopages. The clubs and players had no idea of this change. It had to happen, we are protecting players who get tackled which had to happen but this allows players to stand more in tackles as they can't be thrown to the ground. You need to reward a good tackle and hopefully this will do that.
  13. Bowey by far, just need to get him doing more.
  14. I thought he was ok last night. Would love for Fullarton to come in so JVR can actually play a whole game up forward. From being at the game, seems to start either deep forward or on the bench, about 8 min mark goes into the ruck, does 8 odd minutes in the ruck heads off the ground then gets back on for the last 5 odd minutes each qtr as a forward. Never plays our deepest forward, that seems to be Fritsch, which didn't work last night
  15. There is no question the umpires have been told to let the game go and as long as the ball is moving the AFL is happy. The incorrect disposal rule doesn't exist, get tackled drop it play on, get tackled try to dispose of it and you get pinged. The common sense in the deliberate oob doesn't exist, pay a free kick get the ball moving. Tackle someone spin them 360 as long as the ball comes out play on. Minimise stopages make the game faster for TV. Umpires just have so much going on, add this clear AFL instructions and they just have no chance
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