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POSTGAME: Rd 01 vs Western Bulldogs

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Just now, In Harmes Way said:

Shout out to Howes who I thought looked really comfortable and composed in game 2. He, Marty Hore and Judd McVee showed really solid support to the three tall defenders and I agree with the earlier poster who highlighted the benefit of this being that this provides the grounds for Salo to move into the midfield.

I’m only a quarter into my replay but McVee has started this year so well. It’s hard to remember he’s still only a second year player. We are onto a massive winner with Judd. 

I like what I’ve seen from Howes so far too.

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15 hours ago, Dee Zephyr said:

Langdon might not stand out like his 21-22 seasons but I believe he’s started ok this year. He was clean today.
He’s still running more than everyone, he’s linking up well, just with less fanfare. He’s still very important to us. 

I also heard Bevo say that he didn’t think any of the wingers for both teams had a big impact in the game today which I agree with. I also agree with all you said re Langers. 

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5 minutes ago, titan_uranus said:

23 in each of 2021 and 2022, and 24 in 2023

Of course!  I discounted our annual bye, but of course we were still in the eight even though we didn't play.

72 it is.  That's even more impressive.

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14 hours ago, Skuit said:

A glorious afternoon at the MCG by all accounts. I think our president should come out and encourage more of our fans to come along and make some noise. 

It is was pretty loud which was great but I was also at the Collingwood match & the level of noise (especially in the early part of the game) is at a whole new level. You can see how the umps get sucked in . I believe that even though the Swans absolutely crushed them ..I’m pretty sure the Pies won the free kick count . 

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27 minutes ago, DEE fence said:

BBB demonstrated exceptional positioning today, that just meant the dogs couldn't play off or through him. It might be twighlight for BBB but his presence brought Chandler into the game (who also worked bloody hard)

The crumb goal Chandler got was a case in point, the kick to brown wasn’t great and Khamis was a chance to mark it but BBB with his reach was able to spoil it to the front where Chandler was waiting.

That’s the sort of stuff that’s been missing and it gives the small forwards a chance to do their job. I know the Schache point has been done to death but my biggest disappointment isn’t that he’s not Tom Hawkins or that he doesn’t kick 8 week on week but that he doesn’t compete and bring it to ground at the front of the pack where his teammates can do their bit. 

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Saw TMac sitting on the "G" for about 5 minutes after the game just soaking it all in. It was nice. He's been such a great servant to the Club and I think he thought, as did many of us, he may have played his last game at the top level and to get a go again was really important for him.

I hope he and BBB have great years in what will probably be their last.

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15 hours ago, DemonWheels said:

Billings was brilliant.

How good is it to be super confident a player will hit a target by foot, or failing that at least not butcher it straight to an oppo player.

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1 hour ago, Brownie said:

Me too @leave it to deever

I wondered if both Tmac and BBB would be fit and fast enough. Such a bonus to see them play so well.

Seeing Clarry getting back to his best and being happy and acknowledged by our supporters.

Fast and creative ball movement

A more open forward line and lowered eyes / team first kicking

Watching Kozzys effort and skill through the midfield

Variation in kick outs

Our captain adjusting his ruck work and dominating

Windsor's lightening speed

Our fitness and hard running

Our fantastic demon army honouring Gus

So many great things to recognise in that game

Cheers Brownie.

I was wondering about JV.

He started in his usual fashion but seemed quiet for him in the second.

Was he playing a tagging role?

A very satisfying win with the added bonus of Bbb, Tmac and Oliver playing very good ones.

Oliver was equal bog with May for me.

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1 hour ago, titan_uranus said:

I’m only a quarter into my replay but McVee has started this year so well. It’s hard to remember he’s still only a second year player. We are onto a massive winner with Judd. 

I like what I’ve seen from Howes so far too.

With Tommo, Disco and Bowie out, we have plenty of depth too.

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15 hours ago, Chook said:

I think someone said he had his worst game ever. His first 6 weeks or so for Melbourne before we accepted he's an intercept defender not key defender were pretty bad.

At the risk of being overly argumentative, we traded him in BECAUSE he was an intercepting defender - the role he played at the crows (one of the few playing that role at the time - now every team needs one).

Goody deserves a lot more credit for his tactical innovations.

He didn't invent the all team defensive zone or the use of the zone off, third man intercepting defender.

But he did perfect the model - and now most clubs, the successful ones, have copied him. And for good reason.

Goody was happy (if that's the word) to trade out hoges if it meant he could bring in may.

The combination of may and Lever is the foundation of our defensive sytem. And it's hard to imagine we would have been so successful if not for bringing both to the club.

Yesterday was the perfect example of the wisdom of Goody focusing on building out from defence.

I actually thought the dogs defence looked much better than the last few years.

They have brought Liam Jones in to play the intercepting marking role, and he is a star.

And it looked like their zone defence was in better shape.

But they are behind the 8 ball. Naughton played at chb in his first 2 seasons, but then went forward.

And they have loaded up on forwards since - JUH, lobb and Darcy.

Which is fine, except their biggest weakness is their defence.

We went the opposite way.

Yesterday we were more attacking and aggressive and had a significantly different method.

With one exception - our defensive system remained much the same (with some tweaks - may for instance got into a lot of really attacking positions).

Edited by binman
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9 hours ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

Sounded like he was calling the trotts, and I don’t mean that negatively. Purely commentated the play, unlike BT, Darcy and Brayshaw’s tripe. 

Indeed, hoping this wild new approach might catch on. 

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The Dogs are as talented as any team in the AFL, so it was a great win.

Ben Brown was very good in perfect conditions. I doubt Brown can be a premiership spearhead in 2024, but he did well and helped our forward line function well.

It was great to see Oliver play with so much endurance and power.

TMac played a solid game and is faster than Tomlinson and better at competing for the high ball.

Hore kicked a couple of lucky mongrels. I am still a bit of a sceptic. 

Chandler was great and is clearly ahead of Spargo and Laurie in my eyes because his faster and able to compete better in the air.

May is playing great footy.

Max was excellent in perfect conditions.

Billings was excellent and is really well suited to play the high half forward role in our system.

Windsor's dexterity and decision making is exceptional for a two game player. He will be a gun inside the square if he can get stronger.

Salem was good and is playing well, but it is having a knock on effect to Sparrow, who has been forced out of the midfield. I still think I would push Salem back (in place of Hore) and bring in another forward. The defence could be tested by speedy small forwards in less ideal marking conditions.

I thought is was a bad tactical error to start the game with Viney, Kossie and Salem in the centre square and Viney got outsized by Bont.

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So as per @WheeloRatings, they had more time in forward half than us every quarter. 

To me we looked to either win the clearance or were happy to apply enough post clearance pressure to their clearance to bring our interceptors into the game. 

I wouldn't be surprised if we try and either win a clean devastating clearance or simply be happy to defend in our own half and slingshot back in behind to emptier forward lines.

That is what often hamstrung us last year and last week. Having territorial dominance, but every player in your attacking half making scoring highly unlikely.

I hope we sit back a bit and use pressure around the ball and slingshot.

Be interesting to see if we attempt this most weeks.

Edited by Binmans PA
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18 hours ago, Demonsterative said:

surprisingly solid today. I had forgotten his defensive capabilities. 


Chandler was massive today. He may have kicked 3 goals, but it’s his defensive terrier like acts that make him impressive. He will have quiet days, but is always busy, defensive and a contributor. 


Great shout.

However, neither of these things surprised anyone who was paying attention. 

Two smart players. Chandler creates 2nd options and has a 10m dash in the 99.99th percentile. Some days the scrum finds the first option so he'll chalk low stats. Other days he'll outrun anyone. 

TMAC played a rolling positional switch with may and lever with great effect. He made JUH look like he needs a few more kgs. A backline with depth hedges all the bets on May and Lever, and is a balm to my Bowey burn. TMAC handled the first exit delivery we are used to from bowey competently, which was his Achilles (or malleolus, if you will). A strategy to use the wings and switch hard suited the day after they asserted control. 

Seeing at least 3 chains involving TMAC>BBB made me happy and hopefully quiets down the peanut gallery. I won't be surprised if either or both are dropped. The absolute units calling for a total reveal of every play and having a settled best 23 in round 0 would benefit some shh. 

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55 minutes ago, binman said:

Goody was happy (if that's the word) to trade out hoges if it meant he could bring in may.

The combination of may and Lever is the foundation of our defensive sytem. And it's hard to imagine we would have been so successful if not for bringing both to the club.

Yesterday was the perfect example of the wisdom of Goody focusing on building out from defence.

Nice bit of revisionism here.

In 2018 we had Frost and your love child OMac. We were the number 1 team for beings scored against when the ball went inside 50.

Blind Freddie knew we could never compete for a long period with those two as our key pillars.

As for Hogan, there are a multitude of reasons the club got rid of him, none of which can be discussed on here. Its fair to say that its taken until last year for him to grow up and become the payer we all knew he was capable of being

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1 hour ago, leave it to deever said:

Cheers Brownie.

I was wondering about JV.

He started in his usual fashion but seemed quiet for him in the second.

Was he playing a tagging role?

A very satisfying win with the added bonus of Bbb, Tmac and Oliver playing very good ones.

Oliver was equal bog with May for me.

I'm not sure. There's only so much I can see through Kayo.

Others may know.

Thought he still had his usual solid game.

Edited by Brownie
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16 hours ago, demon3165 said:

Forgot to say it was good to see Max moving around for the ball ups and jumping instead of being crashed into made a difference. 

They awarded him a blocking free early doors which seemed to send a message to the opposition

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19 hours ago, Dee-monic said:

Great to see our human dynamo back but May wasn't far behind.

Voting will be spread far and wide

each to their own perception 

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20 hours ago, leave it to deever said:

Stupid questions to Oliver on Kayo post game.


agree: The Press just want to hashtag old wounds and note: very little asked about his actual game day play.

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1 hour ago, binman said:

How good is it to be super confident a player will hit a target by foot, or failing that at least not butcher it straight to an oppo player.

he had one shank in the last that was a direct turnover and it stood out like a beacon such was its unusual nature

good user

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2 hours ago, rjay said:

Same old Goodwin...stuck in his ways, doesn't listen, no plan B, can't coach.

Oh, wait a minute.

We won.

Thant can't be right.

Fake news.

If only you could have posted that in 2022 or 2023, We would have all been much, much happier.

Better late than never I suppose.

Let’s see  if/ how long  the new found creativity and preparedness to change things up lasts.


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I did think that Jones was going to spoil our attacks he played really well.

i do like Windsor, one amazing play, took a mark but was blocked from playing on, 

handballed I think to Clarry, rolled around the opposite way and ran forward to receive back the ball and run into the clear for a kick into our F50. 
amazing speed understanding balance and awareness for a 2 game player. 

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