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    John Tilbrook

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  1. BUT the medical team is handling our list well. When did we have a list with so few injuries? Gawny will play.. Name Injury Expected Return Max Gawn Ankle Test Lachie Hunter Calf 1 week Charlie Spargo Achilles Season Christian Petracca Spleen Indefinite
  2. Yeah to Bowey - He stays.... I would have Sparrow sub and def Disco in the 22.. Just sayin.
  3. My God, they ramble on so much BS. Think they are trying to get ratings up...
  4. stick with Bowser. He is a needed player
  5. The word is that Gawny is not feeling the effects of the chipped bone. Just hope caution is the word they use when considering him for this game.
  6. Oh great, when does it come to fruition.? The year 2025 has to see changes in assistants at least.
  7. Good try but def no BBB please. He is cooked.
  8. You forgot to give a vote for - Meg Macdonald, she played an awesome game.
  9. I would politely drop Petty (inj) and bring in Fullerton. I would give Sparrow one last chance... Poor guy is having a downer right now. BUT still adds value. Heck he had 15 possessions last week and an AF score of 79.
  10. agree with most but thought you were tough on Fritsch. As for Woey he only played about 20 mins of the game.
  11. Please No as much as I love BBB service he is cooked.. Jeffo over BBB please.
  12. Of course and I apologise for not saying that. On another note: Billings must be devastated at being dropped against his old side considering he played every game till now this season.
  13. Regrettably, BBB is in that twosome as well my friend.
  14. Yes, I want to see more experience behind the wheel. Coaches need to do more and take accountability as well.
  15. OUT: BBB should never get another game. Lever (concussion) Woey. IN: Tomlinson JVR Langdon Somehow or other Fullerton needs to be also blooded... dunno how but when I can't even give a vote for that pathetic effort I am in a quandry.
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