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  1. 4th in our goal kicking, 3rd for tackles, 1st for tackles i50
  2. I think that should read “Sam MacClure hasn’t given up hope of Clayton Oliver securing trade to Geelong” - typo from the AW social media team
  3. Understand, but we can’t go back in time and sell 2021 Clarry, if we want to sell we’re selling 2024 Clarry - there’s no guarantee he’s worth more next year. If the penny hasn’t dropped by now will it ever? Best case is he stays and sorts his [censored] out but that’s not the likely case..
  4. I think this is harsh. By the sounds of it he’s had issues all the way through but up until 2022 it seems like he was managing pretty well (as shown by 4 B&Fs, 2 coaches, flag etc). The breakup and the hammy seem to have derailed him to the point where it’s not the same trade off anymore, ability v drama may be tolerable if the ability is elite but if the output is getting lower and the drama is getting higher then there comes a point where it’s not worth it. Contract was too long in hindsight but I can only imagine the meltdowns on here if he’d asked for a trade because we only offered him 4 or 5 years instead.
  5. Clarry is leaving ”The bootstudder has to go!” Actually Clarry is staying ”As I said the bootstudder has to go!” Maybe some people just have something against the bootstudder?
  6. My turn to apologise then YB, no offence intended
  7. You missed the sarcasm there fella
  8. Don’t be silly, everyone on here knows exactly what’s happening and why it confirms their existing views about whether it’s Pert or Goody or both that need to be sacked immediately
  9. Stafford and McQualter both out so far means 2 spots to fill at least.
  10. Absolutely no way anyone other than about 5 people know definitively what’s going on. Lies, damn lies and Sam McClure tweets are all we have to go on. Someone might want to spread the word it’s all Pert so they don’t get offside with the player. Someone else might want to suggest the footy dept are all in it together so it looks like a group decision. Someone might want to suggest it’s driven by the playing group, someone else might want to suggest it’s Trac pushing it and someone else again might want to rebut that so they don’t look like the bad guy. No one is telling the complete truth while something like this goes on, and probably not even after it’s done.
  11. But it’s not that easy is it, you’re saying the club has been too lenient but there’s plenty on here saying the club needs to be more lenient and keep him - club can’t win here except make the best of a bad situation they didn’t create. As good as he’s been he needs to sort his own life out and the club can only do so much. If he can’t get a handle on it living at Max’s place what more can they do?
  12. So why would we expect 2025 to improve his value if he hasn’t changed his ways or lived up to what he said he’d do? More likely that next year just tanks his value more - club seems to be thinking it’s time to cut losses and move on
  13. We did. He got warned last year at trade time and agreed to certain things to make it work, we kept him on that basis and it sounds like he hasn’t held up his end.
  14. I was worried he’d actually confirmed he wants a trade to Geelong but it’s just McClure doing McClure things again. Pretty sure we’ve already traded Trac for McKay in McClure’s head haven’t we?
  15. Not a bad point, it’s not unreasonable to think that Clarry’s issues and whether other clubs are willing to take them on could be CEO to CEO level discussions.
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