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About 640MD

  • Birthday 01/04/1913

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    Alves, Tulip, and The Ox,

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  1. Always good to see. ( insert blues, pies, essendcum, jeelong) lose st the start of the round
  2. Just my opinion this is a very hard game for the umpires to rule on. very close checking . Hope they both lose
  3. Nah that was a free kick incorrect contact with his arm across the front. well that’s what I saw
  4. Have the umpires changed the holding the ball rubbish again ???
  5. Neither side kicked enough goals for the quarter. I hope they both lose.
  6. Love your work WCW. And on the strength of these quotes. I believe you and the players involved, I think I will have another glass of wine. Just to celebrate CO himself staying strong. I still might think we are better off playing for 2025. Go Dee’s
  7. You have to be pleased with Caleb Windsor signing, Skillful, balanced, fast, accurate kick, does not panic. Like tulip, a reason to go and watch.
  8. Disappointed Was hoping we might win but really was looking to the team "turning up" ready to play, That did not happen, Team selection or players Just do not know.
  9. Winners are grinners, and we can all vent. a couple of wins and we think we are great again, thoughts of the finals and winning a game, no way, not without Max or a facsimile, and I think it would not be great in any case. out in straight sets three years in a row. Play for 2025 . Plan for 2025 recruit for the future etc. Leave JvR forward just get the ball there better. Viney forward might help but then the centre is stuffed. we have some older players that need resetting. But we have some youngsters that with a bit more time could be AA. There might be other gems, but we have duds as well. Why get rid of some players only to put other NQR in the club. Some not getting a game some not worthy or not next year. oh well another week another game but another wasted year and personally speaking. the club wasted 57 years, I don’t have that long to wait anymore. It would be nice . one more,
  10. Cannot understand how we are so close do not deserve to be anywhere near except they are trying
  11. It only matters. “As long as we win tomma”
  12. Come on hawks. First two goals !
  13. Those players will be well and truely stuffed after that game. I used to hate those conditions water every where and the opposite side trains in them. So handles it do much better
  14. So was that Kentfield having the push and shove. Yes good strong assertive stuff
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