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Dustin Martin - total [censored]


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55 minutes ago, ManDee said:


I quoted stuie's post immediately preceding yours to put it in the correct context. You blab on about your bias's and you question others who have provided some evidence, when questioned you say you work in construction as if that excuses you from providing any proof. 

Based on your posts on this matter I think you may have issues regarding what is and isn't acceptable. And yes I understand we all have bias's.

Evidence....9 seconds of what exactly...that u-tube clip carries so much weight.

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20 hours ago, stuie said:

Not trying to paint you into any corners mate, and that wasn't directed at you individually, was all general comments.

What I'm saying is, the "preventative measures" need to be aimed at the perpetrator, not the victim. I used the example of people telling women to avoid walking by themselves or being alone at night, when the actual problem lies with the people doing these acts. I don't believe we should just accept these things will happen and focus on ways to avoid them, I think we should be targeting the cause.

Ok, fwiw measures mentioned such as RSA (or even substance abuse), are aimed at the perpetrator. Make no mistake. And if you want to target the cause, then you must agree with me somewhat on preventative measures just mentioned! We're virtually talking the same cause.

Anyway, it shouldn't be long now..we should know something soon. 

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1 hour ago, H_T said:

As I stated, I thought good on Barrassi for intervening. He did what he thought was right in helping. 

Had he not, who knows. 

I feel strongly and have the same attitude as you. But I also acknowledge the safety issue in todays world of drugged up to the eyeball resistance. And it's not making excuses as some here would have you believe. I have stated Martin deserves to be punished for his actions, and he deservedly will get what is coming.

Some like myself are just looking at preventative measures - RSA (responsible serving alcohol), mates looking after mates, seeking management, seeking assistance with like minded people. Approaching or confronting someone (by self) well under the influence (who knows if its also drug related) could be a recipe for disaster in todays world. Of course it maybe difficult for the latter two in the moment of time - like Barrassi who couldn't just sit by and watch what was unfolding; I just think it's worth pursuing in todays culture of unknown substances.

Some here amazingly and wrongly put that in the basket of defending Martin somehow - couldn't be further from the truth.


I was not having a go at you H_T.    All the preventative measures should be implemented but usually it is spur of the moment.   Do I don't I... oops too late 

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"Things are going from bad to worse for Richmond midfielder Dustin Martin with the Herald Sun releasing a report suggesting that the star midfielder is facing criminal charges for an incident at the Mr Miyagi restaurant last Saturday night."


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Full story:

DUSTIN Martin is facing potential criminal charges over his threats to stab a young woman with a chopstick in a Chapel St restaurant.

The Herald Sun understands that Richmond and AFL integrity investigators who today took a formal statement from the woman are now likely to recommend that the case be referred to the police, given the seriousness of the claims.

The woman is understood to have given the detailed statement to the AFL during a four-hour meeting at its Docklands HQ over the incident at the restaurant Mr Miyagi on Saturday night.

Sources close to the investigation have told the Herald Sun that further interviews are expected to be conducted today and tomorrow, before the league and club make a judgment on whether to keep the case in-house or whether it needs to be referred for a criminal probe.

But given the woman has been very explicit that Richmond star Martin threatened to stab her, it is believed it will most likely be referred to police.
Sources say the offence carries a maximum jail term of 10 years, though it is not expected Martin would get that if he was convicted.

In a vicious attack in front of dozens of diners, Martin is claimed to have raised a chopstick above the 30-year-old woman’s eye and threatened to stab her with it before slamming his open palm against a wall above her head.

The Tigers star had been drinking at all day music festival Stereosonic before heading to the venue with a friend.

He was seen drinking shots of sake before picking up chopsticks and disturbing other diners in the packed eaterie.

When he put the chopsticks in his mouth and pretended to be a walrus, the woman beckoned him over, told him diners knew who he was and that he should calm down.

Witnesses said Martin erupted with rage.

“Martin said: ‘Don’t tell me how to live my life, you’re gonna dob on me, are you?”’ according to one witness.

”He threatened ‘I’ll f------ kill you’,’’ one witness said.

Martin was eventually pulled away from the woman by his friend and the venue manager.

The victim complained to Richmond on Monday morning and in the afternoon Martin called her to apologise, saying he had “too much drink’’.

Richmond and the AFL have been probing the incident since.



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17 hours ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

While I'm not really surprised around 14,000 people have voted on a website, I'm absolutely gobsmacked that 619 people voted "Not sure". Why on earth would you bother to participate if you're not sure?


17 hours ago, McQueen said:

Why then give the option?


not sure

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On 12/8/2015 at 8:21 AM, ManDee said:

Stuie is a pain in the 4rse most of the time. This time I think he is right. Violence against women is a major issue and Dustin Martin must be educated and penalised. All violence is bad but don't try to diminish the violence against women problem by saying there is violence against men too.

Stuie chooses to argue and is often selective but he is not always wrong.


On 12/8/2015 at 8:25 AM, ManDee said:

Song, Stuie has an ability to get under ones skin, thanks for sharing the info and for also saying that Dustin Martin was in the wrong. I wish we had a dislike button, Stuie would be world champion.


1 hour ago, Bombay Airconditioning said:

Which of my posts? And Stu, come out from under ManDees's desk.



For the record, Stuie and I disagree on many things and are not in each other pockets (or worse) as you imply . see above, 

I may have overstepped the mark in suggesting that you may have issues regarding what is and isn't acceptable, but I do think you carry baggage that may colour your views, as we all do.

Bombay Airconditioning replied to McQueen's topic in Melbourne Demons

The incentive is money plus the knowledge they can bend the father over as much as they want with full backing of the law.


You may well have good reason to hold your views but that is a distraction from Dustin Martin threatening to stab someone in the face, which I think most agree is totally unacceptable and should be punished. There are many side issues here all worthy of discussion.

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1 hour ago, ManDee said:





For the record, Stuie and I disagree on many things and are not in each other pockets (or worse) as you imply . see above, 

I may have overstepped the mark in suggesting that you may have issues regarding what is and isn't acceptable, but I do think you carry baggage that may colour your views, as we all do.

Bombay Airconditioning replied to McQueen's topic in Melbourne Demons

The incentive is money plus the knowledge they can bend the father over as much as they want with full backing of the law.


You may well have good reason to hold your views but that is a distraction from Dustin Martin threatening to stab someone in the face, which I think most agree is totally unacceptable and should be punished. There are many side issues here all worthy of discussion.


Fair call.

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6 hours ago, mauriesy said:

Ultimately it's Martin's responsibility. But there could have been some procedures in place that might have prevented it.

'Responsible Serving of Alcohol' is a farce if someone is allowed to keep drinking in any establishment when they are clearly drunk. That's what RSA is meant for.

There you go again. Who said martin was drunk? You don't explicitly say he was drunk but you make a statement and then make a general statement which tries to inference the  situation that you do not not for sure IS the situation.

best you stop that really.

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17 minutes ago, jnrmac said:

Who said martin was drunk?

The Age, December 8: "Richmond's Dustin Martin threatened to stab a fellow restaurant patron with a chopstick after she told the drunken Tiger to stop acting offensively at a Chapel Street eatery on Saturday night, according to a club source. Martin was sitting at the bar with a friend and, it is understood, was drunk, loud and offensive."

Foxsports, December 8: "KEVIN Bartlett believes the club should ban star midfielder Dustin Martin for 12 months after his drunken outburst in a Chapel Street restaurant.

AFL.com.au: "Dustin Martin 'deeply embarrassed' after drunken night and chopstick threat ... "Regrettably, I was intoxicated and that in itself is completely unacceptable," Martin said.

I think it's perfectly reasonable to draw the conclusion that "Martin was drunk".

If Martin wasn't drunk, it's even worse for him because he therefore threatened her in full awareness of what he was doing.

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30 minutes ago, jnrmac said:

There you go again. Who said martin was drunk? You don't explicitly say he was drunk but you make a statement and then make a general statement which tries to inference the  situation that you do not not for sure IS the situation.

best you stop that really.

Ummmmm Martin himself. Best you just stop totally.

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This thread is already really long and I haven't had time to add my thoughts, but since stuie seems to be taking everyone on all on his own, I thought that I'd just say that I have agreed with every word of his that I've read so far.  

Short summary of my views which I'm too tired to really debate:

  • Martin is out of control and anything less than a sacking is getting off lightly
  • It is in absolutely no way, shape or form the woman's fault for provoking him or such
  • You're contributing to our culture of excusing violence if you think it is in any way, shape or form her fault
  • If you think she should have gone to the police and kept her mouth shut in public, you're woefully naive about how much interest the police would have in this kind of matter
  • If you started a post with "he shouldn't have done it, but...", you've said all I needed to hear and I read no further
  • All violence is bad and is a problem, but male (domestic) violence against women is issue #1 at present.  That isn't devaluing the issues others face or mean others don't need/deserve support, but this is the most prevalent issue and therefore the most urgent issue
Edited by Nasher
Grammar issues x3. Did I mention I was tired?
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11 minutes ago, Nasher said:

This thread is already really long and I haven't had time to add my thoughts, but since stuie seems to be taking everyone on all on his own, I thought that I'd just say that I have agreed with every word of his that I've read so far.  

Short summary of my views which I'm too tired to really debate:

  • Martin is out of control and anything less than a sacking is getting off lightly
  • It is in absolutely no way, shape or form the woman's fault for provoking him or such
  • You're contributing to our culture of excusing violence if you think it is in any way, shape or form her fault
  • If you think she should have gone to the police and kept her mouth shut in public, you're woefully naive about how much interest the police would have in this kind of matter
  • If you started a post with "he shouldn't have done it, but...", you've said all I needed to hear and I read no further
  • All violence is bad and is a problem, but male (domestic) violence against women is issue #1 at present.  That isn't devaluing the issues others face or mean others don't need/deserve support, but this is the most prevalent issue and therefore the most urgent issue

And we will be served platitudes, and crocodile tears from all with the power to actually dish out a punishment, because martin is a high profile AFL player.


There is a reason why the major players take so long to come out and say something, and that is because they need to find the right way to "spin" the incident/punishment, like he is being nailed to the wall by them, while he walks away with a puny ban/fine.


I'm even more sickened by the reports that people are afraid to report him, because of his "connections" Low life scum then, obviously?



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51 minutes ago, Nasher said:

This thread is already really long and I haven't had time to add my thoughts, but since stuie seems to be taking everyone on all on his own, I thought that I'd just say that I have agreed with every word of his that I've read so far.  

Short summary of my views which I'm too tired to really debate:

  • Martin is out of control and anything less than a sacking is getting off lightly
  • It is in absolutely no way, shape or form the woman's fault for provoking him or such
  • You're contributing to our culture of excusing violence if you think it is in any way, shape or form her fault
  • If you think she should have gone to the police and kept her mouth shut in public, you're woefully naive about how much interest the police would have in this kind of matter
  • If you started a post with "he shouldn't have done it, but...", you've said all I needed to hear and I read no further
  • All violence is bad and is a problem, but male (domestic) violence against women is issue #1 at present.  That isn't devaluing the issues others face or mean others don't need/deserve support, but this is the most prevalent issue and therefore the most urgent issue

I would agree completely if not for Stuie's habit of claiming someone is saying something when so often they have made it clear that is not the case

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Got to say, I agree with the basis of what Stuie has posted here. Maybe not how he has said it. He might let his emotion and personal experience run wild at times, but he's bang on the mark here.

Whilst obviously not being there for the incident, it appears that Martin must own total responsibility for what happened. Too many footballers have got off lightly for bad behaviour in the past. I'm somewhat happy that the police have taken it out of the hands of the AFL and RFC, they see it as too hot a potato and are more concerned with perception than effective action.

As a human, I'm concerned with what happens to both the woman involved and what happens to Martin. Both deserve support. Think of the worst possible long term outrcome for both individuals and ask youself if that is acceptable. As a witness to domestic violence against women by men, I'd say the woman should be given as much help and support as possible. My experience is that women (and children) usually come off the poorer in these situations. 

Edited by Moonshadow
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14 minutes ago, Sir Why You Little said:

Been referred to the Police so being a footballer shouldn't matter now...

I wonder how any AFL / RFC suspension or fine will be influenced by the cops investigation? 

They will have to wait now, surely?

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1 minute ago, McQueen said:

I wonder how any AFL / RFC suspension or fine will be influenced by the cops investigation? 

They will have to wait now, surely?

If this goes to court he "could" get a max of 10 years. 

It won't go that far. But he is now in serious trouble  

as a person who has no sight in one eye i have absolutely no sympathy for this caveman. 

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4 minutes ago, McQueen said:

I wonder how any AFL / RFC suspension or fine will be influenced by the cops investigation? 

They will have to wait now, surely?

i wonder

that will be a pity if they do. after all he has admitted guilt. they should get on with it and deliver the "work-place" punishment asap

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5 minutes ago, McQueen said:

I wonder how any AFL / RFC suspension or fine will be influenced by the cops investigation? 

They will have to wait now, surely?

There are precedents (not necessarily in AFL) for persons being suspended / stood down pending investigations.

1 minute ago, Sir Why You Little said:

If this goes to court he "could" get a max of 10 years. 

It won't go that far. But he is now in serious trouble  

as a person who has no sight in one eye i have absolutely no sympathy for this caveman. 

Couldn't agree more.  Threatening blinding someone is about the worst type of GBH one can imagine.   Sort of stuff medieval armies melted out to the vanquished.  And maybe ISIS.

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The AFL can act on the basis of 'bringing the game into disrepute' or whatever they call stepping outside the AFL code of behaviour.

If there is a criminal act involved it rightly should be handled by police. 

It should not prevent the AFL from standing up for its (hiccup) principles.

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