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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. These are excuses. We had gaps that needed to be filled. To say there was no one available when there are 17 other clubs out there is a cop out Hawks, Bombers and Swans were each able to grab a bunch of players from other clubs and turn them into very solid players. Some cost them a fair amount, many came cheap. We watched.
  2. Come on, man! - we we went all chips in on Grundy "We see 4 flags ahead of us" was what he was told! Had we thrown $600-700k plus on a key forward instead of a non-forward ruck, we migh've got more bites. We were sitting in the window, after all. Top clubs get what they want if they go hard enough... Geelong, Bris, Coll, Richmond have recruited key forwards - there are a number of key forwards who mightve been tempted with the Grundy money. Many re-signed at their clubs between 2021-24, but our tunnel vision of trying to turn rucks and key backs into forwards has missed the point - Dunstan, Billings, Grundy, Hunter, Fullerton, Schache, McAdam, Majak Daw, Marty Hore have all not succeeded and came from other clubs. I know, I know, "We have to have depth players!" In short, our recruitment to fix needs has been bitterly inadequate. We've drafted some good long term players, Windsor, McVee, JvR, but trading has been poor since 2021.
  3. Even this year the flag is there for the taking. Up to 10 teams could finish top 4 atm, and the unpredictable results indicate anyone can win it if they finish off H&A well. We've had our chances and failed miserably, eg. WCE in Perth We've failed to address key areas of need since 2021. Key forward/s, mids that can kick well, ruck depth. That's on Lamb, but also on the FD as a whole, especially Goody. After 2021 many outside the club expected a dynasty and several flags with the list we had. What a waste!
  4. Agreed. A good name, but also excellent advice
  5. Still a poor kick and slow to move the ball on at times. On a terrible day he did well
  6. There are only a few non tradables at our club. Clarry isn't one of them ATM. But he's worth more to us than what we'd get for a trade, so we get a good summer into him, try and keep focused and back to his best in 2025.
  7. He's not near physically ready for drafting 😉
  8. Has Kalani committed to us above GCS? Source? Hopefully the rumours of interest in Waterman are true. Petty goes back, JVR, Disco, Jeffo and Waterman as KPFs
  9. I thought JvR was. Must've watched a different game
  10. Yes, I watched the second half of the vfl game. The conditions didn't suit Jefferson at all, the ground was barely playable, but he's had a decent previous month. I don't believe selecting him will fix us, nor that blooding him is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Of course, we don't know the inner workings of selection committee, but he must be close. In fact someone on here quoted Choco as saying he's close. Picket Fence spoke with Jeffo at the G a couple of weeks ago and his spirits were very high. There's 5 games to go before finals. Our chances of playing beyond that are borderline at best. Top 4 is now a pipedream. Jefferson's time is soon, I hope they give him a go.
  11. I'm sure any offer will be poultry
  12. Surely it's about time to give Jeffo a shot for the last run of games home? No change means more of the same, which clearly isn't our future hope
  13. Not sure if serious Did you watch the game? It's round 19, not 3
  14. So much for the 'dynasty'. Fancy wooing Grundy by claiming we see 4 flags ahead. Guzzled our own bathwater
  15. How was that not blocking against Walter's
  16. We knew that would be the case from the start. Had to beat two teams today
  17. JvR our only forward today. In contrast, hard to find a Freo forward who hasn't had impact
  18. Turner falls over with no more than a tickle
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