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Skuit last won the day on December 31 2023

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  1. I love these supporter-driven revolutions. Viva la MFC! Of course there is nothing remotely similar in the wording and tactics of those challenging at the aforementioned clubs and ours: https://hawksforchange.org/ https://deemocracy.com/ https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/focus-on-footy-withdraws-bid-to-overthrow-richmond-board/news-story/c452c66030e7215a36388c503d09031e https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/board-challenge-gets-collingwood-s-members-list-without-emails-and-phone-numbers-20210907-p58pof.html Meanwhile, Carlton hasn't gone close to a flag in more than two decades, and let's all agree that Essendon hasn't been best served by member revolt and external consultants. Richmond withstood the ructions and picked up three flags, while the Pies have been the only club to have bucked the recent trend as to stability and found some success. But yes, let's burn the house down.
  2. It warms my cockles to hear that Geoff Freeman has been hanging out with Lindsay Fox and Eddie McGuire in Europe and is now ready to step back in to save our club from outside influences. I'm sure it has nothing to do with state/federal politics or AON and Zurich, or any other related matter other than what is best for us fans and those poor blokes like Lleyton Oliver running out on the field.
  3. Langdon is my preferred choice at #5 (on top of other traits, I like the 'deliberacy' of his passing in some, but not all of his videos), which means the MFC should probably jump off right now. I am most definitely not a qualified scout.
  4. Looks quite wind-blown. I wonder how many bats he has killed over the years.
  5. Hey WWSW: can you please clarify what the the historicity of the move is according to the Hun?
  6. Clayton Oliver and Marty Hore are half-heartedly kicking a deflated football around the dusty streets of Gunbower. Marty: Hey Clarry, it's been great visiting one of your many home towns, thanks again for the invo, but maybe we should head into to city for a decent bite to eat? Clarry: Nah, I don't want to go back to Melbourne. The local does a steak sammy with the lot and eggs from Trac's good friends at the @theaustralianeggcouncil. The pair are suddenly distracted by some strange heavy breathing from a nearby bush.
  7. You don't want to stick around and discuss the club you love? I would recommend avoiding the game-day threads, but elsewhere you can share your passion for your favourite players, game-day tactics, who you think should be selected each week, potential trades and recruits, and many other wonderful topics on the sport of football.
  8. Done. Cheers. But seriously. Now you're doing what you're accusing me of doing - pointing elsewhere to avoid the topic. You had a complaint about the club published in the Age. You connected it to your promotional social media. A perceived conflict of interest in the MFC review process is peripheral to those facts. I'm ambivalent as to an external review, but have had many complaints about the club over the years. I have never reached out the media about them though, and connected it to my promotional socials. You took this action and need to own it. It's fair that some might take exception to your approach. Again, take a look at what this thread is about: your letter being published in the Age. You can argue your case for an independent review in the many other related threads on the topic.
  9. You believe the media providing backgrounding, transparency and fact-checking is a cancer on society? I haven’t attempted to spin the narrative to avoid addressing the topic at hand. I’m discussing a different topic: your involvement with and approach to the matter. It’s there in the thread title. You’re the one who made this story about you, and connected it your promotional social media accounts. You’re not some whistleblower who is irrelevant to the subject of an open letter concerning our club being published in the Age. Despite how you wish to frame it, I think you’ll find most supporters already agree with the MFC conducting an independent review, but some may take issue with you bringing additional negative attention to the club for what seems like self-serving purposes. My bigger concern is that your actions have coincided with a period of significant white-anting by those who have political and personal agendas, with the media being used a primary tool. That includes outsiders being paid to post to this site. So, when a major national newspaper publishes a random fan’s letter – which you yourself have acknowledged is quite extraordinary – it naturally raises suspicions.
  10. Congratulations on at least being transparent as to your identity. The same question still applies to you though: are you being 'compensated' to launch a very public campaign against the club you claim to love, or is it just another self-serving exercise to promote your own content and media production aspirations? The reason some might be skeptical, is that others are obviously being paid to currently post on this forum or have connections to those who are, and your 'open letter' was accompanied by a video uploaded on a social media account which is solely focused on tourism and has never had anything remotely to do with football. In fact, I'm hard-pressed finding anything related to your support of the Demons across all your socials over the past decade and beyond, except for one 'repost' of our grand final victory. You do however reference West Ham United a lot, which seems odd compared to your total lack of public recognition given to the Dees until a week ago. I'll take your word for it though that you are - were - a member of the MFC, as I likewise have rarely ever stepped foot in our home city. I did however grow up in Aussie Rules territory in South Australia, supporting the Redlegs, which explains my connection to the red & blue, as frequently detailed right here on this fan site. Note to admins: RickyD has openly connected his Demonland profile to his petition to his Instagram page, so I'm not 'exposing' or asking anyone to reveal themselves. My question is why he has continued to go so hard after getting his fan letter 'surprisingly' published in the Age, which is already so ridiculous to begin with. Ricky has since humbly expressed his regret for bringing additional negative media attention to our club - defending his approach by counterbalancing it with what is in his opinion the best interests of the MFC - while at the same time courting the likes of Kane Cornes on Twitter and gleefully promoting the letter's publication. On that point Ricky: why do you have such a big and happy 'disarming' smile while complaining about our governance on film? Surely you must be as bitter and disenchanted and full of vitriol as the rest of us to take such drastic actions, rather than looking like someone who just had their cocktails comped on Koh Samui. You're bringing serious Brett Kirk vibes to that recording mate. I would love to compare your expressions to what might be expected of @Sir Why You Little filming a similar hostage video from Thailand. But some other quick questions while I'm here, which I'm sure you can answer in your adopted tone of voice: Why did you spell 'idolized' in the American fashion in your letter to Brad? Did you write it in its entirety yourself? I quickly cross-checked all your other blogs I could dig up and didn't come across another instance of you using a 'z' in place of an 's', only examples to the contrary. But I know you've been out of the country a lot though. Also, some of those on the record as having driven the recent board challenges at other clubs as highly paid strategic comms outsiders - and now being suspected of doing the same at the MFC - had very lofty positions at Tourism Australia, where you also worked, at the same time. Do you perhaps know of them or have any relationship?
  11. Oh. Maybe we in know each other? Do you go to Throb often?
  12. Koz for his once-in-a-lifetime spectacular. His lifetime.
  13. I once saw Eddie Betts jogging down the street in Darwin. I didn't immediately realise who it was, because he was running on uneven broken concrete next to the main road with all the exhaust fumes and you don't think about AFL players being so close to the equator anyway, but I gave him the old-mate nod and he gave back a knowing smile. My conclusion at the time, after I realised it was 'the' Eddie pounding the footpath, was that it definitely had something to do with Wade Derksen, but now when I think about it a bit more deeply it probably had something more to do with Pickett and Shai Bolten being mates. I was on a bicycle though, so who knows?
  14. Thanks for your balanced response Gonzo. Let's agree on some things to build some rapport: I also don't know Peter from a bar of soap, but he sounds pretty charming from most reports and his love of our club isn't remotely in question. The way the board has conducted itself is pretty shameful in a lot of respects in my mind. Self-serving and undemocratic. I salute 'Peter' in overturning some clauses, others we can argue about the club defending from a difference of political opinions. We also both agree the email list thing is pretty small-fry in the contemporary world. My position is the club had to at least make a show of challenging it, judging by some of the responses on here. Let's argue about that later or via DM. I personally don't have a position on anything as to our management etc., other than my concern that people are being paid a lot of money to disrupt our club, and our own supporters are jumping on board out of on-field frustration and not realising the greater damage that is being caused and not for the sake of our club. My bigger issue is people being paid to post on here, and some of our supporters and the Dland admins somehow not caring about that. The construction stuff was just speculation, as was made clear, but is the most immediate link that jumps out between us and Hawthorn and timelines. Like I said, give me a few days, and I could provide some links. My main question is why one individual would spend multiple-millions of dollars to gain an unpaid board position? Just ego? We probably have similar feelings about Diamond Joe. So yes, I think some people are being paid a lot of money to actively disrupt our club, and they are doing that through the media and direct [censored]-stirring with our players. I don't know if Peter is paying them, or they are bankrolling Peter. Either way, it's not cool anymore. I want it to [censored] end, but mostly I just don't want that [censored] on our own fan forum. I come here for an escape. I left Australia due to divisive politics and tactics, and now the exact same [censored] is happening at the heart of our club.
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