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Everything posted by mauriesy

  1. I prefer players who can think quick rather than just run quick.
  2. I don't think he's asleep at the wheel. More like racing down the freeway at 120kmh, dodging all the slow traffic to get to the pot of gold first.
  3. No wonder the bomber crashed, it's only got three engines.
  4. Wouldn't you be better to wait until after the match to see the outcome? Making a statement ("Goodwin has no clue"), from a personal opinion about the decision, is illogical.
  5. I'm not surprised he got a fine. What I am surprised about is that he's been the only one in the last 12 months. Rules seem to come and go. The AFL makes a point of enforcing rules sporadically and harshly, and then lets them drift off again. Holding the ball decisions have gone back to a negligible level after a supposed rule change. The ball-up rules. Dissent penalties are now non-existent, early on you'd get one for just waving your arms or rolling your eyes. The "umpire-sucker" feigned handball after a mark and "stand" has re-appeared, and umpires are awarding a 50m penalty again, despite the so-called rules tweak last year (see Windsor penalty on Saturday). Push-in-the-back has a different interpretation every week. Fifty-metre penalties are now 70 metres. After the publicity, Staging will probably be next week's "rule of the week". Or forgotten entirely.
  6. I thought the whole football world was salivating at the prospect of having two AA ruckmen in the same team.
  7. You think? We've had every second supporter on here wanting to trade out half the team, put the rest on notice, sack Goodwin, sack all the assistants, and sack Roffey and the Board. There's been countless media articles on the demise of the Dees, how we aren't tough enough, how Maynard got away with everything, how Petracca shouldn't have gone back on and forward line connection criticism x 1000 for three years. How much scrutiny do you want? It's currently just a huge pile on.
  8. They've all got their keyboard warrior medical degree.
  9. Sack the coach, sack the board, trade half the players, sack the fitness expert, sack the boot studder. That's right isn't it?
  10. Dr Peter Brukner, a professor of sports medicine at La Trobe University who has been a club doctor for Collingwood and Melbourne, defended the Demons’ decision to allow Petracca to return to the field after his initial assessment. “Initially these things may not seem too bad because you often get bruised ribs -- that’s something some people can play with,” Brukner said. “He [Petracca] would be pushing: ‘Let me see how I go’ sort of thing. As I said, sometimes it takes a little bit of time for the breathing difficulties and the bleeding to manifest itself. It’s probably not that unusual that he went back on. But I think they quickly realised he wasn’t right. Then he started to complain about feeling worse, and they quickly went into action.” Brukner, who was at the game and spoke with Melbourne’s club doctors in the dressing room afterwards, said the Demons had done well to send Petracca to hospital as quickly as they had. “You can miss these and ignore them and just say, ‘He is in pain.’ But I think they did very well to get him off to hospital as quickly as they did,” Brukner said. “He would have had a tube inserted into his lung to expand the lung, and sedation and painkillers because the fractured ribs are very painful. And then they would just be observing the spleen side of things to make sure he was not continuing to bleed, which, in rare cases, they have to take the spleen out if that’s the only way to stop the bleeding. Usually, the bleeding just settles down by itself. “You can imagine, there is a cut on the spleen … and it just stops bleeding after a while. It just depends how severe that laceration was. A horrible injury.” (The Age, 11 June)
  11. 1 each to Langdon, Gawn, McDonald and McVee for at least trying.
  12. Hawthorn couldn't even get 30,000 at Marvel. Pathetic for a "big club.
  13. He came in and stood about two metres closer than the mark. Probably trying to crib some space.
  14. I don't. They'll think winning is easy.
  15. Pleasing that he says tackling is part of the game he enjoys most.
  16. The last home and away game in 2021 was nail-biting. 😬
  17. So far the only drum that's beating is Eddie's.
  18. Against the Tigers, we won clearances 32-25, stoppage clearances 24-15 and contested possessions 136-119. In what way were we "smashed"?
  19. 6 Gawn 5 Lever 4 May 3 Rivers 2 Turner 1 Pickett
  20. Why in that graphic is Brisbane named first?
  21. Hermannsburg is also renowned as being the birthplace of Albert Namatjira.
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