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Tolstoys Nudge

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Tolstoys Nudge last won the day on January 26 2023

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About Tolstoys Nudge

  • Birthday 04/04/1984

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    Windsor, Kossie

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  1. Not even CLOSE.. we’re WAY ahead this year and have had far more still do full km’s just less contact which is an totally diff thing. We’re absolutely FLYING atm and have over 80% of players done 80% of the pre-season easily by some reports. LY we had way more that did far less, Clarry was miles off, Melksham, Petty, McAdam did barely runnthru’s only.. May was barely moving!
  2. How’s the tackle from Harvey.. sheeeeeesh!!!
  3. Dbl sharp bit good side — McAdam for 2nd Sharp perhaps
  4. Langdon plays wing irrespective of ANYTHING else mark that down the HFF was a one-off thing due to being away. Won’t happen again!
  5. Sure does via supp period but it’s not full year I think 6mths is right.
  6. Yep I’d say that’s 💯
  7. Culley? Or could he Noah Gibbins-H actually
  8. I love the Goody lauding of Viney — knowing what his group needed etc I think speaks volumes.
  9. After hearing Andrew Russell on SEN this morning, I couldn’t be more pumped — he spoke about how the correlation between players doing >80% and <60% and having those number in favour was to club finishing high on ladder and “being in a position to contend” & that it’s basically a direct correlation “IRRESPECTIVE of talent” — Given talent we have, to escape Jan with a largely fit list (touch wood) and the re-bonding Jack speaks of combined with all the other factors I’ve referred to in terms of playing list, I’m telling you right now - as it stands - we are PRIMED to attack this year!!!
  10. Didn't see this -- absolutely spot-on, was only as the perceived price IF we did ant the saga to end there and then was insanely good and would've (from cats perspective) potentially even had us paying some salary etc so now that he is fit and firing the likelihood of him being available at the low price is even less moving fwd. The hope was that we were 'done' with the drama and wanted to get another pick in LY Draft knowing we loved its depth etc, it was a cheeky 'lets see' and my frustration was that morins in media tried to sell it as being viable option for us which is idiotic and farcical but that is what they do... Clarry to Cats is well and truly dead in water atm, just like a Trac trade request is.. More to play out obviously but I cannot see us being in sellers market at end-of-year barring a disaster and even then it'd be a limited chance at best. Trac scuttlebutt came about from (allegedly - this is only what I have heard from ppl who know parties involved as well as my own battles on X msngr with Morris himself, it is only a version not fact obv) Bella's profession & knowing ppl in the US sports arena where its all about branding & trade requests aren't a big deal etc amplified by the hurt of the Trac inj etc the nature of how serious it wound up being etc pushed things to be said and explored that likely otherwise never would have, but things are in a diff spot right now & it'd have to be a really significant further breakdown for things to redevelop back into that mindset so whilst it is always a chance for any player, I like to blv its a situation that is buried for good! Morris was getting his info from that side, mgmt etc and kept pushing the narrative based on that info. Otherwise we'd likely never heard much of it at all! Looking fwd to a fruitful 2025 where all this dissipates into anecdotal sidenotes only and the whole saga can be out behind us!
  11. Thats cus they've moved on from Clarry to Rowell mate, spot-on. Clubs know the chance to get Clarry was LY -- Once we knocked it on its head they'd of moved onto next target fairly fast, he was only appealing due to perceived 'bargain' price if we did deem it bets to move him on, thankfully we didn't!
  12. Again, 2021 vibes and I am SUPER glad that we are being underrated I think it sits with out group much better than being rated-highly -- PPL look at the ladder and start their analysis there its just lazy but true, opposed to looking at actual record, difficulty of draw, ease of new draw, injuries etc so as a Punter I plan to take full advantage wherever possible.
  13. Post this year, Kossie will be worth much more than 11+14!!! It largely depends on what clubs can GIVE & as a result Freo would struggle to get anywhere near what we'd be asking bringing WC into it but again I think its a matter of Kos telling relatives he'd love to come home when in reality he is happy!
  14. Mentha hype seems real too as sidenote but George can’t get on list let’s be honest and I’m not gonna prey for a inj to one of our list to get him there that’s for sure!!! Mid-season draft but there’s many in frame for that, chance was cat b rookie but seems that got knocked on head so as talented as he is it’ll likely have to be next year unless club somehow pulls rabbit out of the proverbial
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