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Tolstoys Nudge

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Tolstoys Nudge last won the day on January 26 2023

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  • Birthday 04/04/1984

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  1. 2nd now 😂 .. but couldn’t agree more tbh
  2. So looking at the squad.. I’ve got vibes on it being Fullarton in for Woey (managed I can only guess means load mgmt & needing full VFL game time?!) Why? That part I’m still grappling with.. jsut feeling that they didn’t like look of Petty in Ruck or want to see if Fullarton can play up fwd whilst giving JVR a rest OR wanting to have JVR up forward MORE and thus JVR Becomes 2nd ruck and Fullarton gets the bulk load.. although his 5 hit-out VFL effort doesn’t scream PLAY ME but around ground he was solid.. Personally I’d bring in Jeffo and keep JVR ruck, but it’s risky & this plays a role.. just think playing TF feels like the change based on ext interchange named!
  3. I think Draper and Darcy are quite close, Darcy useless outside stoppage — Jackson slightly better around ground but tbh I think it’s all about combatting them as separate entities! Like Binman said, Petty for Darcy & JVR for Jackson.. but.. big MAX will be there.. I can feel it 😛
  4. Trading for DH we’d be offering picks with Petty for sure — but can’t see it happening, although him as a Def would be PERFECT for them.. we’d have to add a 2nd for sure.. But player for player trades seem almost dead and buried!
  5. Got filled with anticipation as I read this yest on insider trading & was hoping (feeling) we were one of the clubs mentioned, he’d be on of the absolute most ideal candidates I can think of in terms of adding to finish-off our side.. attributes are EXACTLY what we need! He’d offer value for money if we don’t overpay (bearing in mind most clubs are forced too in this day and age to remove from existing club but being vic boy helps this) and so when I saw our names mentioned for him and also Cumming — who when on the highly watchable ‘Gettable’ was mentioned, I had exact same thought and hope.. so to see both again shows me our club are ALWAYS on-point in him we target.. exciting stuff!
  6. Well said Dazzle.. couldn’t agree more on all fronts to be honest!!!
  7. Why we give this dill (Kane) any genuine thought when it comes to clearly antagonistic comments is certifiably insane! Clarrie is the highest rated player in the COMP based on 2020-2023 Ratings points — Shoosh Kane & stop talking purely for headline clicks! I know Hutchy would be the one encouraging it but honestly.. ENOUGH!!!
  8. Anyone else find it highly comical when @binman reads out @Binmans PA post in third person on the pod 🤣 😂😂
  9. And to anyone whom HAS said “I was wrong” in their fear-laden premature resignation, kudos to you! For the Andy’s of the world whereby it is purely out of what he defines as ‘MFCSS’ — Fear not, we’re not only in good shape, we’ve this year & last, built an extra 3-4yrs on our window in the youth we are now seeing come through, even with Mac Andrew robbed form us in the process.. JT, Selwyn, Goody, and a slightly extent Pert, are as good as it goods! Our kids — recently described by George as being insufficient — are ‘ALRIGHT’ and then some.. with Jeffo, Verrell, Adams & co to still come! Not to mention, with a pre-season, we have Wheelo Ratings best player (2022)& second best rated player (2021) & 5th best rated player (2023 despite inj) to return in all his glory - hallelujah - in 2025 or who knows maybe even late 2024 in Clarrie 🔥🔥🔥 OH.. and the 6th best (2021,2022) & 4th best (2023) in Trac to return next year.. just sayin 🤷🏻‍♂️
  10. I thought it was epically brilliant & on-point — I wish it’d been a callback on SEN so they’d capsule it and Binman would win caller of the year! After being smashed about alongside ANYONE else whom was remotely positive about the club following Freo/Pies games — and not coming back to rub ppl’s nose in it cus it defeats the purpose, I thought it was the PERFECT ramble to encapsulate the essence of the entire issue. Imagine we had Trac right now? We’d be a top 4 lock & ready to be PRIMED for finals run. Which is what Binman and a select few more have been saying the entire time, only to be ridiculed and dismissed as being loons.. unfortunately the DL masses are preconditioned to be MFCSS-like Debbie downers and the footy data just didn’t align, or the messaging of the club all year long — It’s clear since R1 what plan was and it’s been absolutely brilliantly executed in terms of what is controlled versus what cannot possibly be. We’re in GREAT hands, and anyone who says otherwise has one of: - a certified footy IQ issue - A sheep mentality issue - Or as in most cases, an issue with not wanting to be hurt, like they have been so often previously and build a wall of negativity as a veil. @binman — you know, I know, what the synopsis is & why the forest-for-the-trees viewpoint or perspective is an overtly positive one. Well done on a diatribe that was backed up by data, and for doing it with class amigo 🙌🙌🙌
  11. I also think Tmac is the obvious ruckman fitness wise as it just CANT be JVR, but seems as though it’ll be Petty/Turner combo as TMac likely needed for 2m-Peter or Jones.. Petty back would be only way TMac plays ruck — I’d prefer this based on how fwd line looked LW.
  12. Ruck is undoubtedly an interesting one and I think Fullarton should’ve played but I also think we’re running on top of the ground now and are choc-full of confidence, I think if we convert remotely well and are close late we will run over them & win by 17pts. Rivers & Windsor show take 2, JVR bag!
  13. Many on X saying same thing ie Grundy and Pruess when they signed — why would he etc but I guess Witts is 31 & plays a highly-physical brand, so maybe he knows or thinks Witts is closing in on the end? But, if he’s playing 2nd fiddle in 12m time and Witts is still going strong, clubs will absolutely keep having a crack, that’s for sure! But he’s that good he could overtake Witts by then himself, more to the point I imagine & why he’s re-sign and back himself!
  14. Such insight.. do elaborate Jeremy? Clearly you feel the lost-Max era isn’t as massive of a moment as I do, but the ruck-merry-go-round is reported on regularly by multiple media & is a massive talking point, and I for one think it’s our biggest list issue at present — Hoping big WV makes it isn’t a strategy! Going out and getting a ruckman, IS! Especially in this thread — maybe don’t read it if you find it so offensive. Trigger-points and all that. Give opinions a rest? They’re off-limits too are they? God it really is peeps like you and Dazzle that make this place what it is.. Such insights & positive vibes 🙌
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