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The AFL is now controlling the appointment of the President (Chairman) and members of the Board as well as the appointment and hand picking of the coach.

As members I think we can forget about voting. It looks as though it has been taken out of our hands.

Is this what members really want? No say?

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The AFL is now controlling the appointment of the President (Chairman) and members of the Board as well as the appointment and hand picking of the coach.

As members I think we can forget about voting. It looks as though it has been taken out of our hands.

Is this what members really want? No say?

There are no regular elections of the entire Board anyway...

Members have every right to organise a call an election - but the AFL is not relocating us here, they are not merging us - they are trying to organise a Board of Demons that is industry standard and attempt to get us a very good FD head and one of Roos, Williams, or Eade as coach.

I am comfortable with this scenario.

Edited by rpfc
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No. But our alternative is to fold. If the AFL don't back us we are screwed, we have 33k membership, no one showing up to games, a horrible last 6 years, fines, a poor list, no president or coach, a FD that resembles a bowl of spaghetti.

We need the AFL, I don't like it but its a fact.

The best thing to happen to us lately is PJ who came because the AFL got him for us.

If left to our own we will probably be 10mil in debt by end of next year and had another two coaches.

We have proven our incompetence in our governance of our club, we need all the money the AFL can give us.

Sad, but true.

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The AFL is now controlling the appointment of the President (Chairman) and members of the Board as well as the appointment and hand picking of the coach.

As members I think we can forget about voting. It looks as though it has been taken out of our hands.

Is this what members really want? No say?

Well just about every Board we have had for the past many years have "stuffed" things up. We do not appear to have any alternative at this stage. Something drastic had to be done. Do you have a better idea ?? Please not one that has been tried and failed in our past... Our Club was a basket case and quickly going down the gurgler.. At least now I (at least) can see signs of a possible recovery.. I do not want to go back to the past.. It's about time someone took the MFC by the throat and shook it !! .. :)

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The AFL is now controlling the appointment of the President (Chairman) and members of the Board as well as the appointment and hand picking of the coach.

As members I think we can forget about voting. It looks as though it has been taken out of our hands.

Is this what members really want? No say?

It's worring to be honest. I always thought it was a very reactionary call for some who were very keen on an AFL 'takeover' - their best interest and Melbourne members best interest aren't mutually inclusive. Thank Christ this isn't the mid nineties!

However, (and I post this with the qualifier that my continuing optimism over our predicament has often proven to be totally wrong) I think it's a case of the AFL wanting to ensure accountability and a return on investment given the large amount of money they've just handed over to us.

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I think right now the most capable body to save the club is the AFL itself, so I am happy with this situation. We need them


were in such a 10 year mess, its the only way out

everybody had a say and has had a chance to fix it and has FAILED

there should be no whinging about this

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Again, read in the newspaper so it must be right, can we just wait and see what eventuates, the Club needs assistance, the AFL cannot afford to get the membership offside, so it will be advisory from them, like they advise every club, witht the NRL taking a stand, do you think the AFL didn't say to the Saints to stand Milne down

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The AFL is now controlling the appointment of the President (Chairman) and members of the Board as well as the appointment and hand picking of the coach.

As members I think we can forget about voting. It looks as though it has been taken out of our hands.

Is this what members really want? No say?

That's not exactly true H_T according to what I read. Pretty sure AD said we can have a vote but if it doesn't go the way the AFL wants PJ will most likely leave and we'll lose the money the league is providing to get us out of this mess. If the AFL are going to put $3mill into the club they want to know it's in good hands.

So we can vote in whoever we want but the choice will be to either vote in the AFL's ticket or vote the club out of existence.

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We are under administration because as members we failed to elect a competent board to oversee a successful business.

Just like shareholders we either now listen to the AFL and hopefully climb out of this mess or we fight them and probably don't.

I think Kennett's protest at not being the man for the job independent of the AFL highlights that we wouldn't make it on our own. I'd gladly vote for an independent board but they'd have to show me 3 things:

Money - we are facing a 3 million dollar black hole over the next 24 months

A competent CEO

A plan for the footy department including Coach, footy ops manager and list management

So far that's what PJ and the AFL have planned for us.

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The AFL is now controlling the appointment of the President (Chairman) and members of the Board as well as the appointment and hand picking of the coach.

As members I think we can forget about voting. It looks as though it has been taken out of our hands.

Is this what members really want? No say?

Members have no idea. remember the push here for Kennett and Schwartz to go on the board? Both terrible ideas for lots of reasons but willing members are ready to vote them in.

I'm fine with being run by the AFL. I know I cannot do the job, I don't know anyone who can do the job and the current group sure as hell cannot either. WE need a benevolent benefactor. It is pathetic, but it is also our position and railing against it is counterproductive. Unless you can do it better.

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No. But our alternative is to fold. If the AFL don't back us we are screwed, we have 33k membership, no one showing up to games, a horrible last 6 years, fines, a poor list, no president or coach, a FD that resembles a bowl of spaghetti.

We need the AFL, I don't like it but its a fact.

The best thing to happen to us lately is PJ who came because the AFL got him for us.

If left to our own we will probably be 10mil in debt by end of next year and had another two coaches.

We have proven our incompetence in our governance of our club, we need all the money the AFL can give us.

Sad, but true.

Hey Gorg, there's nothing wrong with a bowl of spaghetti, as long as the quality of the ingredients are first class and the chef cooking it has decent pedigree.

Personally I think we have the basis of a decent FD, subject to a few significant changes here or there. I just think it was led by a pretty poor Chef.

In the interim we have Craig who is ranked No.6 on the rankings of present/past coaches' wining % in regular home & away games who could have been a chance at the job, at least prior to some existing ones ruling themselves out. This ranking also includes the likes of Malthouse/Lyon, those who definitely won't be available but are still coaching.

Craig has a marginally better record than Williams, Worsfold & Eade. And a fair way ahead of Ratten/B Scott and well ahead of Hardwick, Voss and Knights.

Craig might be our caretaker coach, but don't let that title deceive you, his record entitles him to be taken much more seriously. Give him & the boys enough time to settle (say 4 to 5 weeks) under his experienced eye, decent support around them from the rest of the FD, a few key players coming back in from injury and I'm betting we're likely to see something amazingly different to the dish served up in the last 18 months and a renewed enthusiasm/outlook from many.

I'm looking forward to sampling the new menu. For our club's future and all our sakes I can only hope it's as good as the spaghetti marinara I'm hoeing into right now down at Pier 35. Delicious!

Edited by Rusty Nails
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1. We still get a vote, I'm pretty sure it would occur at the AGM unless there is a spill and enough people petition for an EGM

2. What would the members know anyway? I'm a member and have a vote as are my family and none of us would know the difference between Freeman or Kelaher or whoever anyway. The candidates who people might know (like Schwarz or Kennet for instance) are likely to get votes through name recognition and not for any reasons of good governance.

I think the AFL's heart is in the right area here, they are actually trying to help us not kill us and if their board does try to merge or relocate us the members will have the vote on that anyway.

Edited by Dr. Gonzo
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1. We still get a vote, I'm pretty sure it would occur at the AGM unless there is a spill and enough people petition for an EGM

2. What would the members know anyway? I'm a member and have a vote as are my family and none of us would know the difference between Freeman or Kelaher or whoever anyway. The candidates who people might know (like Schwarz or Kennet for instance) are likely to get votes through name recognition and not for any reasons of good governance.

I think the AFL's heart is in the right area here, they are actually trying to help us not kill us and if their board does try to merge or relocate us the members will have the vote on that anyway.

Agreed, I think we should all take a leaf out of the players book and stop reading the newspapers, and listening to Barrett's or Stevens latest bit of scuttlebutt "we can exclusively reveal"

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I'm in two minds about this. I don't really like it, but as others have said, what's the alternative?? To be fair Andy D said we will get a vote, but its basically going to be with a gun to our heads, elect these guys or PJ goes and so does the cash.

I was in favour of the AFL taking over, as we are such a shambles, but this makes me uneasy. I didn't expect that the takeover would be extended to the board, but then they are a complete farce. Just seems we are a wholly AFL owned subsidiary now. I guess I'll take it over folding, but my real question is how do we come back from here?? Can we??

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1. We still get a vote, I'm pretty sure it would occur at the AGM unless there is a spill and enough people petition for an EGM

2. What would the members know anyway? I'm a member and have a vote as are my family and none of us would know the difference between Freeman or Kelaher or whoever anyway. The candidates who people might know (like Schwarz or Kennet for instance) are likely to get votes through name recognition and not for any reasons of good governance.

I think the AFL's heart is in the right area here, they are actually trying to help us not kill us and if their board does try to merge or relocate us the members will have the vote on that anyway.

My thoughts precisely.
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I am in no doubt that this is the last chance for the MFC. The AFL are putting all the right people in the right places to ensure we succeed. The only thing they don't have full control over is the attitudes and the mindset of the players.

If in 3 years time, or whenever it is that the new TV rights are up, and given the assistance/direction that the AFL are offering/providing, and the players are still playing the way they are and have been, then it will be shut up shop time.

The best part about the AFL being involved is that they will assist with funds, and ensuring we get the right people. The bad thing about the AFL being involved is that there is no doubt a time limit, and if we haven't shown significant improvement by then, we will be known as Melbourne North.

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Must be more than the supposed 2-3 million some suggest for this kind of overseeing .

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Must be more than the supposed 2-3 million some suggest for this kind of overseeing .

I think it's more the lost revenue for other clubs who have home games against us that would be driving it as much as the $$$$$ we need. PJ said as much the other day when he said we were an 'impediment' on the competition.

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I'm in two minds about this. I don't really like it, but as others have said, what's the alternative?? To be fair Andy D said we will get a vote, but its basically going to be with a gun to our heads, elect these guys or PJ goes and so does the cash.

I was in favour of the AFL taking over, as we are such a shambles, but this makes me uneasy. I didn't expect that the takeover would be extended to the board, but then they are a complete farce. Just seems we are a wholly AFL owned subsidiary now. I guess I'll take it over folding, but my real question is how do we come back from here?? Can we??

Yes we can come back. It is still a member run club; the AFL will not be taking over our governance in perpetuity. It is a targeted response to our woeful off-field management (you can name your own timeframe as to how far this goes back) and once we are on the right track the AFL will get their beaks out. The AFL definitely have their own interests at heart but they coincide with ours at this point. I don't see them as some Mafiosi stand over gang trying to worm their way in and then never leaving like what Carlton tried to do to several clubs in the 80's and 90's. I have no doubt the AFL want us to be strong AND independent. The only issue for us until that time is that we will have a hard time speaking out against relevant issues that the clubs should have a say on but we are basically there at the moment with our reliance on the ASD or whatever they call it these days anyway. If we can become strong through their help we will become independent and able to have out say but until then we ahod just focus on getting our house in order.

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I'm usually a strong believer of the democratic process but I'll take the alternative at a time when the vultures are circling and there's been so much misinformation and speculation and the past, the present and the future. In those circumstances, an administration of the type that we have with Jackson running the show under the imprimatur of the AFL and our board sitting in the background rubber stamping the decisions that are being made. At least we know that we'll survive and we won't have to put up with challenges from main chancers like Kennett and his crew who are probably more interested in their egos than anything else.

At least this way, I'm more confident of us getting the best possible coach, retaining who we want and recruiting the best possible players at the end of the year.

In any event, it's been 11 years since we voted anybody in and look at where we are today?

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Better left to the AFL than the members.

Remember Joe Gutnick.

I know people who voted against Gutnick because - "I can't possibly vote against Robbie Flower" or "I'm voting for Robbie Flower".

Now Robbie was never on the ticket or going to be on the board.

Simple truth is people did not even know who they were voting for.

And look how well Szondy went.

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