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Everything posted by Gorgoroth

  1. Not the first time a player has mentioned reading Dland, and tbh I reckon it would be hard for them not to, but they also have to accept that this place, especially in a game day thread or just after a loss is pure emotion. And like any one in any public arena they will not have 100% support and love, I mean people still bag players who may not have had a good game in the GF. We are humans, doing human things... and lets face it, we are not the best of species 😁
  2. I belong to the Stupid Question Society thank you very much!
  3. But are your numb hands because Oliver is being traded to Tasmania?
  4. Cmon, Tell me this wouldn't get the crowd pumping!!!
  5. Half time is when I hit mute and walk away, same with any of those major sporting events. Very rare I’ll watch one cos to be honest 90% of the population listen to boring horrible music 😄 land id rather shove skewers into my ears than listen to it. Now if you wanted to get the crowd pumped get Hellripper out to play. That would fire the crowd up!
  6. We are in a real life children's story here folks. It's painful but we will win in the end.
  7. Cheers! Always good to know some people out there know who they are 😂
  8. I mean I'm a fan of my name... cos I'm a fan of the band :P
  9. Absolutely agree, we need to ensure we have a good amount of young talent in these next two drafts for when the Tassie team gobble up all them top 10 picks.
  10. Same for me, always happy for our players to re-sign if they are contributing or have the potential to do so.
  11. Yeah been brewing for a few years, bit of fun, also grow some of our own hops. I'll do a red ale/IPA and name it clarrie :)
  12. Didn't bother clicking on the link or watching the horrible show, but glad to hear it's the same nonsense drivel. I have names.on my whiteboard too... I mean to they are the names of the beers I've brewed and have talked but if I brew one and name it Clayton he is obviously coming to me by their logic.
  13. This is going to be a fun thread that's bought back after every good or bad game for the next 5 years...
  14. Give them time, this internet thing is still new to some... :P
  15. I welcome the news, if he can get through a pre season and his body holds up I’m sure he can play good football for us. The 2 years ontop of what he had I would assume takes him to free agency.
  16. My bad, I thought he was 30. Not sure where I got that number but I thought I heard it said he was.
  17. At his age he should come pretty cheap too
  18. Gorgoroth


    Aiyuk has requested a trade. I honestly think thjs is to force the niners hand one way or another, but they have a record of signing their players later into the pre season. I cant see them letting him go.
  19. If we don't make the 8 and I am far from confident, yes the WC game was putrid but it was the 0 goals in the last vs Lions that hurts even more. We had that game in our control and brown stained the bed.
  20. Whilst I don't think it deserves a week, I am happy as it makes the Bont one step closer to winning the Brownlow and I dropped money on that pre season 🤣
  21. Jones set up a lot of very good GWS plays. If you watched the game he was great and well deserved. And as another mentioned he ended with 18 and a goal, 2 goal assists, 7 score involvements. And vs a much better opponents than Kolt did. Not taking anything from Kolt, but Jones deserved the nod.
  22. Sure being on the ground at the end would have been great but as a teammate knowing I came off for 5 mins so he could run around. No problem. As others have stated Harmes offered a fake twinge. The AFL wouldn't have cared.
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