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About dpositive

  • Birthday 26/06/1951

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    Football Music Wine Squash Cycling and yes Skiing

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  1. agree wholeheartedly. Make them pay an appropriate compensation. If he and the Crows want this they pay, not him and his agent but MFC.
  2. I reckon Petty has checked out and is looking at that attractive offer from the Crows. He doesnt want to injure himself beyond those hes carrying and does enough to keep them interested. look at Trainor as a replacement. Our existing defence stocks are good Jobe Shanahan could be a roughie as aforward. but ill trust those who keep a close eye on these developing players.
  3. put Kentfeild in to run at the Bombers rucks for a quarter or until half time. hit em and bruise em, wear them out Then bring on fresh Fullarton or Verrall to jump over them and run them around. Or same plan with Fullarton and Verral half each as hard as possible for the half, come off spent.
  4. Did he plead the "Football Act" defence?
  5. forgot 2 (at least) backs include Tmac forwards include Chandler
  6. Id have Tomlinson in the defence to take ruck and run Maxs defensive lines. Fullarton to do ruck duties and maxs forward lines. Verral as sub to replace him. Fullarton and Verral to be physical, run into and over whoever is contesting ball ups as appropriate. Id try and leave JVR and Kozzie in forward line with few rotations into the centre. Our backs are pretty solid with May, McVee, Bowser, Lever. Did AMW play back? to match and hold the bombers forwards We've found a few with Kolt, Windsor. Rivers in the centre. Melks back to support JVR, Fritter, Disco forward to worry the bombers backs. Match em up appropriately ANB, Sparrow, Vines, Clarry do their thing rotating off bench and matching the bombers mids and of course Lingers on the wing just running forward and back and adding that normal outlet in defence or forward. There's plenty of options in the squad, we are about to see it. we can and should beat this mob.
  7. Very clever or should that be VERY CLEVER!
  8. Thanks Binman your detail and analysis is again far more enllightened and articulate than mine. i will have to rethink exactly what i meant as it was based on my observation on a few matches I attended and most games on TV. I still believe we have the squad capable of beating all other teams but we stick to our structures and patterns irrespective of opposition . It appears as if there are miss matchups and slow responses when an opposition player is dominating. You have provided actual responses while i cant recall exact examples, so seriously thanks for your comprehensive response. I always value your comments, you have again indicated why. I guess I am also driven by frustration with the umpiring which I believe is strongly negative to both our game plan and individual players. Again I dont have your comprehensive and detailed reference to examples and data so I will return to my optimism and hope it will be resolved when we get to the finals, have improved standard of equitable umpiring and Goody employs the variability with our players to achieve the ultimate .
  9. Agree with all of this. Would just add the May playing injured when Tomlinson could relieve him does display one aspect of Goodwin that I have always been critical of. He does seem to stick with his regular structure. I agree that there's nothing wrong with that coz it is a successful model. Its a team game and a squad game. with high attrition rates we need to have replacements for every player trained in the same structures and patterns. every one should be able to and I would say should be replaced by a similar player just to give them a rest while maintaining the muscle memory of the structure and strategies within the players and the collective. It is also necessary to have a plan B and C also rigorously applied to provide variation to confound oppositions that might structure against a fixed pattern.
  10. my comment was that we need to keep Kozzie forward. He provides more pressure and keeos 2 defenders occupied which releases a KPP to do their stuff and provide contests to release loose balls for Kpzzie to weave his magic and make space. Hes just wering himself out in the mid field.
  11. Perhaps at training they could get the forwards to do a lap of the ground or a 100 metre sprint, then line up for a shot at goal. not allowed off until they get 3 in a row,
  12. surely will depend on if the AFL and umpires want nus in . We are still entertaining, close games are more exciting to non invested fans, so might get the gig. I doubt we would get the commentators loving us if we got last minute wins like the pies last year but......
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