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  1. A timely reminder from one of our own…
    16 points
  2. He actually said Melbourne’s training is brutal and it’s at a level he hasn’t seen from other teams and he countered it with that it would be difficult to sustain that level of intensity throughout the year. He wasn’t wrong we dipped for a period mid year and started to build strongly after the Brisbane win, anyone who doesn’t think we were into it up to our necks before Petty and Melk went down is trying to rewrite history. Lucks involved and you make your own, but from August onwards despite what he says now in hindsight Kane Cornes had us as favourites, Cam Mooney had us as the team to beat, Brenton Sanderson had us as grand finalists and most pundits had the Pies second half of the season pointing to alarming heading into September Could of, would of, should of I know but IMO the window ain’t close to being closed
    10 points
  3. The only year it wasn’t rigged was 2021.
    9 points
  4. I didn’t mind Watt for Campbell. Watt looked good for me and it’s been a long year for Campbell. Plan might’ve been to use Pearce forward more too. Ivey for Wilson was very strange. Paxy a late out, I would’ve bought Wilson back in and sent Ivey forward. But no good options there given we likely didn’t have any runners as emergencies. Need Paxy, Aimee Mackin, Colvin and Gay back next week if possible with hopefully just Watt out injured. Gall, Ivey, Fitzsimon (unlucky) make way. Can Sheriff play 3rd wing and Banno go deep forward and get them out the back?? Bannan is ineffectual on the wing and high half forward, needs to be able to do her out the back runs. FB: Gillard Colvin HB: Goldy Birch Gay C; Mackin Heath McNamara HF: Paxy Harris Mithen FF: Zanks Hore Foll: Pearce Purcell Hanks Int: Chappy Banno Sherriff A. Mack West
    6 points
  5. Clint, wish you all the best and now go and beat it and get back to good health. Kudos on your brave choice to warn and help others. Thats True Demon spirit.
    6 points
  6. We were a whole lot closer to the mark than a semi final exit would suggest in my view, we probably SHOULD have won both finals, but didn't handle the big moments all that well and missed some big chances. also one of our better players getting knocked out early in a final by an action that was at best, ridiculous doesn't help anything. i know it's a controversial view but i think it speaks directly to the integrity of the AFL competition that they forgot about Brayden Maynards duty of care to Gus conveniently because he's an important player to Collingwood during a finals series. I would be very very confident that would have been a suspension if it was a St Kilda player and it was during the season
    6 points
  7. Luckily one day we’ll all be dead and not have to worry about it any longer.
    6 points
  8. Not the only factor, but we got smashed in the ruck until the last qrt which created a lot of their dominance. Pearce really struggled against a more athletic high jumping ruck. Pearce is a fantastic ruck but didn't match up well tonight. Our dominance in the 2nd came when Zanker was rucking. It was a shame to lose Rhi Watt, but dropping Cambell for Watt was a stupid selection in my opinion. No shade on Watt, but she is low on match experience and Cambell has been terrific this season.
    5 points
  9. It’s all ok We’ve got the million dollars baby suck on that lions
    5 points
  10. I have no problem whatsoever barracking for Lib. I daresay most Dees supporters would be the same.
    5 points
  11. Good god that umpiring was horrible
    5 points
  12. The Brayden Maynard act of thuggery with no consequences proved the AFL is purposely "soft" on the bigger Clubs in the AFL. Anyway, I have already had my rant about it previously and I am not going to get emotional about it anymore. Let's hope the Melbourne Demons win the 2024 AFL Premiership. That would be the ultimate act of vengeance!
    5 points
  13. Never said this about an AFLW footballer but Davidson is an absolute [censored].
    4 points
  14. you are an impossible poster
    4 points
  15. Just saw Brodie Gundy's comments. Here is the link to it: https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/afl-2023-brodie-grundy-trade-melbourne-to-sydney-max-gawn-collingwood-contract-salary-leaves-club-after-a-year/news-story/37ba08c1b2ba2db26acb2936921b71fa A class act from Brodie Grundy. It's a shame things didn't work out at the Demons. It had so much potential during the Pre-Season. But it just wasn't to be. I wish him all the best at the Swans (except against us).
    4 points
  16. I agree Us against Everyone Else. We won’t get any Sympathy next year We need to shut out the noise and get the job done
    4 points
  17. AFL generates and has a lot of money where there is money there is self interest, manipulation, self enrichment and all the usual sins associated with greed. Salary cap manipulation, favoring clubs that have lots of supporters, throwing bones the the bottom clubs occasionally. its just business
    4 points
  18. we love our club. the club is the only reason i continue to follow.
    4 points
  19. Hanks is being held at every stoppage. The fix is in
    3 points
  20. We miss Paxy’s input badly.
    3 points
  21. 3 points
  22. Tackled completely without the ball too
    3 points
  23. this is the most physical game of aflw i've seen
    3 points
  24. We need to shut her down. She's dominating
    3 points
  25. But they’ll pay a throw against us 😡
    3 points
  26. Tayla the only one showing some intent. Need a quarter time rocket.
    3 points
  27. Shhhheit one of my most favourite Dees of all time, courageous and skillful. All the best GREAT MAN!!
    3 points
  28. yep, we're sending him off to tel aviv then kiev next,to speed up negotiations
    3 points
  29. Honest, thoughtful, respectful, grateful and intelligent is Brody. I’m completely SHOCKED the sensationalist, mindless, muck-raking media even considered publishing those thoughts.
    3 points
  30. I don’t think our hand is very good. I wouldn’t give ND1 for ND7, ND 13, FND15. So just take the best couple of kids you think can help us extend/expand our window.
    3 points
  31. Sliding doors. “In the year of live trading being introduced to draft night, the Demons tried to be the first club to make a major move and called Port Adelaide while the Power were on the clock for their second pick, No.12 overall, after they had grabbed local forward Connor Rozee with No.5. The Demons were armed with a future first-round pick to make a deal happen (that landed as No.3 the following season when they took Luke Jackson), but the conversation didn't last long. As the Power picked up the phone, their recruiting team had punched Butters' name into the online draft system. Melbourne hopes of moving up the board to get Butters and their willingness to part with their following season's top pick – were based purely on Butters being available “
    3 points
  32. Me too. Sure hoping to end up on the top of the ladder. Hoping - and hoping for a home grand final (hoping to be there!) I travelled to Queensland for the Grand final last year. What a great experience! My son is an avid supporter too and we want a Premiership at home. No pressure, girls!😐
    3 points
  33. https://www.afl.com.au/news/1059770/plugging-the-leake-tassies-mr-fix-it-james-leake-rockets-into-draft-calculations
    3 points
  34. Shoulder surgery obviously limited Butters’ exposure. Interesting to read at the end another 2 cautionary tales of picking for size and potential over football ability (Hately and Collier-Dawkins).
    3 points
  35. I would love to know what write ups on Zak Butters where like post draft for him not to be a top 5 draft pick and if it compares to Windsor or a player like Leake . edited (cal twoomeys final phantom draft of 2018) 😂
    3 points
  36. Have you finally got sick of not saying it?
    3 points
  37. 4 premierships. Though your point clearly stands well enough on that. Plus there is some bonus credit for beating Hawthorn in consecutive Grand finals. I reckon even Sam Mitchell has that on his bucket list. So, here's a fun 'would you rather'; Would you rather the 84/85 double premiership or the 1993 'baby bombers' evolving to the 2000 'greatest'? I wonder who our conceptual Hird-Mercuri-Misiti-Fletcher-Wallis core that would play in both be? And on that note - I would never have thought that there were only five players from the supposedly very youg 1993 side who were still around for the 2000 win. I'm running with the thought; 2021 premiership players on our list now who would realistically be young enough to also contest a 2028 premiership; True youngsters are Petty, Spargo, Sparrow, Pickett, Rivers and Bowey. Then of the mature players Petracca, Oliver, Brayshaw and Lever are all contracted to at least the end of 2028, so count them in. Fritsch with his brain-and-skill based play should last that long, too. 11 players realistically in the window for both a 2021 and 2028 premiership! Noice. 🦄
    3 points
  38. In fairness, chook, not just injuries but combination / clusters of injuries Petty Melksham Frittata Brown McDonald could not have been worse and we only failed by a couple of shots in both finals.
    3 points
  39. ‘Us vs the world’ is an overly emotional motivation strategy, that worked better with previous generations. These days it seems like coaches take a ‘growth mindset’ mentality, and don’t try and make everything feel so dramatic. They recognise that people get burnt out by feeling like the world is against them - as it begins to become a self fulfilling prophecy. I think the ‘us vs the world’ mentality is a huge part of the problem for the Bulldogs under Beveridge. There can be less opportunity to find joy in the process.
    3 points
  40. It's probably a little odd for a 40yo to have a 'favourite' player. But Tayla is my favourite. The handful of conversations she's had with my kids and I over the boundary line have shown her to be a terrific person. Loves her team mates. Excited about footy. Genuinely Appreciates the fans. Very giving of her time.
    3 points
  41. I reckon occasionally Tayla goes into a mode where she throws her body around even more than usual, but agree she's very controlled and usually plays with a sort of calm aggression. There are several more hot-headed players on our team and certainly a few more interested in the niggle than she's ever been. Speaking of hard at it, enjoyed this interview with Goldie. She talks about the switch between codes, moving to Australia this season, and the Jim Stynes connection. It's very obvious how Sinead's experiences at Dublin, failing many times then achieving success, made her a great asset for our team in taking the next step. Probably an underrated aspect of her contribution, aside from what we (and she, as it turns out!) describe as the "chaos" she brings on the field.
    3 points
  42. Not only rigged, but definitely a nepotic boys club with zero transparency or accountability
    3 points
  43. The Cripps suspension followed by a AFL pardon and the Cripps Brownlow medal set the tone of hypocracy and corruption in 2023. The disgraceful behaviour of the AFL ignoring the welfare of Brayshaw and rigging the tribunal so Maynard could play in the finals was the last straw for me. Remember what MRO goon Michael Christian(pies player) blurted. He basically threatened to resign if Maynard was suspended. Christian would have sent May straight to the tribunal and got 4-6 weeks if he had knocked out either of the Daicos bro's. The AFL is definitely rigged not to mention all the money going in and out the rear door of GW$ Swans and Suns. Is the AFL ever audited or is it the same as the church and treated differently to the rest. How much did Gil McLacklan pay himself every year? 5 million maybe more? Do the clubs have a say or are they too frightened to speak up. CEO's are just employees. Grossly overrated office clerks.
    3 points
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